Winter Day-January-29-09

This post was so BIG, that I had to turn it into a page.

So much SNOW! Mom didn’t even go to work today. When mom first woke up, she was trying to decide if she should go to work or not; then the electric went our. So she decided that that was a single to stay home. I woke up at my usual seven and looked around, my room was pitch black. My room usually is, but the light on my fan and computer speakers usually give some light, but those weren’t even on. I went to tell mom that she had slept in, but that’s when she told me that she knew the electric had gone out. Times like that: I’m glad my alarm clock is not electronic.

I went back to bed, waking up an hour later to a bagging noise; mom was cleaning off the porch. We were going to my aunt Conni’s because the electric still hadn’t come on and it was getting cold. I got ready and was going to go out and help her, but she finished by time I was ready. We got what we needed then got into the car, which was frozen over, but mom had gotten as much ice off as possible. Mom’s and Butters (my brother. I call him Butter because when I call him brother, the way I say it, it comes out sounding like butter.) doors were the only ones that would open, so I had to climb in through my brothers side.

What the front yard looked like.


This is what the car looked like.


Mom started the car and tried to back out, but all the ice made it very hard. We finally got backed up, but got stuck again, so we had to pull forward; back where we started. We finally got backed out, and done the drive, just to get stuck in the middle of the road. When we finally got off the ice and to my Aunt Conni’s house, we got stuck at the end of her drive. We couldn’t get out this time, no matter how many times mom backed up, then went forward: we were stuck. Conni’s neighbor came to help C.J and me push the car but we still couldn’t get out, so we walked the rest of the way. I told mom, we should have walked in the first place, but we didn’t, so the car is still stuck. My papa is going to get it out for her later with his Bulldozer, but he has to clear his road off first, and it will take awhile because his drive is a lot longer then ours or Conni’s.

This is what the car looked like when it was stuck.


We stayed at Conni’s for about three hours, then C.J. and I walked down to my house to get some batteries and we found that the electric had come back on while we were gone. So we got the batteries and went back to Conni’s and then mom and I went back home. Butter stayed to play with C.J. and Chipmunk (my other cousin and C.J.’s half brother).

I have to admit, I don’t like the snow, but after having a whole can of Pepsi (and I have a very, very low tolerance for caffeine) at Conni’s, I found it bearable, and even a little fun. On tha walked to my house and back to Conni’s, I was laughing and jumping around like a child. I think I was really getting on C.J.’s nerves.

I even got some pictures of Conni’s cat and dog. I’ll have to make a whole page for their dog Cody. He loves to pose for the camera, I just couldn’t stop taking pictures of him. As soon as he sees the camera, he sits and tilts his head to the side and I swear, if dogs could smile, he’d be smiling the biggest smile a dog could. But here’s the best of Cody and the best of Daisy, because unlike Cody, she wouldn’t stand still.


This is the only picture I could get him to stay sitting. He knows how, but he wanted to stand on his hind legs. But it’s hard to get a picture of a dog when he’s bouncing around on his hind legs.


She looks so evil with the glowing eyes!

Well, while I was typing this, my papa came an got the car out. He ended up using the Backhoe instead of the Bulldozer. C.J. was right, I guess the Bulldozer is to big to use on the road.

Mom and I watched as they started to clear the snow, then papa started to clear around the car. C.J. tried to move the car, but still couldn’t get it out, so papa pushed on it with the Backhoe while Conni got in and started it. They finally got it moved. Mom had sent me down, because mom thought papa was going to flip it. I knew he wouldn’t. Papa has been working with these machines for over fifty years.

The car unstuck with Conni driving and my brother walking behind it.


When they knocked the ice off the tiers, it looked like glass.


Once papa was done clearing off Conni’s drive, he went down to mom’s and cleared hers. I followed after him, getting more pictures. I have very poor balance, but I ran-more like waddled ran, since there was so much snow-just to keep up with him and I was surprised when I didn’t fall. But then I got down to the house and when papa was done clearing snow, I waddled ran again, to get to the house because my fingers were starting to freeze, and I finally fell. I knew I was going to do it sooner or later. I hadn’t fallen even once that day, so I was due for some death defying clumsiness.

Cleaning Conni’s drive.


Cleaning mom’s drive.


Car back home and unstuck.


I got some pictures of the tree and bushes. I know Banana will like these. Their completely coated with ice. It’s like a field/forest of icy tress and bushes.


I broke off a twig and dropped it. It broke as soon as it hit the ground. That proves how frozen it really was.


After taking pictures of the twig, I got a picture of the road. You can see how thick the ice was.


Then I took some pictures of our mail box and the one next to ours. You can tell the difference when they’re cleaned off. When I knocked the ice off the giveaway box, it came out in one sheet. I took it and smashed it into the ground and it shattered into at least five different pieces.



The giveaway box was actually filled with snow. I thought that was kind of odd. I know the snow was blowing it all kinds of directions, but for it to actually get into the box…


Before I had gone inside, I was able to get a picture of a can that papa had ran over with the Backhoe.


The piles of snow papa made.


I walked over and kicked one, I didn’t know that most of it was ice. It HURT! Papa told me to go inside and get out of the cold. I told him I wasn’t dancing around like that because I was cold, but because I was stupid enough to kick ice so my foot hurt. I forgot how loud the Backhoe was when you stand right next to it.

I was able to get some pictures of what the snow looked like after papa had ran over it.

Some turned to slush.


Some caved into water and turned into water.


I took some pictures of papa’s Backhoe tier tracks. There’s a big difference in size between the front and back.


I got a picture of my Aunt Conni’s car. They hadn’t cleaned the snow off their’s yet.


After getting the car cleared off, mom picked up a piece of the ice that was shaped like a triangle, with a sharp point. She looks crazy, doesn’t she?


I also got a picture of Conni.


Then I got one of her running to get the broom.


And here’s a picture of ice that was pulled off the back of mom’s cars trunk. It was three snow layers thick and two ice. It was snow, ice, snow, ice, snow.


Hanging Ice. For the life of me, I can’t spell Icesicals. I know that’s not right. And apparently my dictionary doesn’t have it.


Micky likes it outside, even though he’s and inside cat. He tried to get out when the door was open; he loves snow, mostly because he can eat it. He obviously didn’t think it was cold.


Picture of mom’s house, surrounded by snow.


After all that cleaning, our porch still looks like a mess.


I had a pretty exciting day, I hope no one else had a day like this. It was exciting, but exhausting and sometimes a little annoying and frustrating.

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