
Alright, that little bit I had posted with the frog and the girl, well, that was, like I had said, the start of a story I had just fiddled with. And, well, here’s another thing I fiddled with that goes with that story. It’s a poem, sorta.

    Your hands tremble and shack
    Dark shadows, they grow, looming over you
    These fears that fill you, they are not fake
    Don’t scream, whatever you do

    The Attic doesn’t take well to strangers…

Okay, yeah, it was suppose to be serious. A little poem I put just before the chapter, kinda like a small description of what the chapter is about. Well, even though it’s suppose to be serious, when I finished and read it, I couldn’t stop laughing at the last line. Maybe it’s the fact it’s suppose to be serious, and my subconscious, for some reason, tells me that I should naturally laugh at it. Haha.

Sakura and Sakuya

I put them side by side. I thought it was kind of fun being able to do that, and pick the differences from them. There are even a few I made that someone else might not be able to notice. But I will, since they are my characters. Haha.


You can probably point out the differences between Sakuya and Sakura. Her outfit is slightly different, and, of course, her hair is longer. Since Sarkua’s picture came out to my liking, it was easy for this one to as well. So no remakes of Sakuya will be needed.


Name: Sakura
Gender: Female
Race: Fire Nymphes
Age: Seventeen
Birth Date: 5, 20
Astrological Sign: Aries
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dragon
Blood Type: AB+
Height: 5′ 3″

Still working on Sasuke’s. I’ve already redone it twice, because it didn’t come out right. I might give up, it’s so hard drawing a boy! Gr!


Duh, duh, duh. And the main character is-! Haha. I just had to do that.

Here’s Sakura!

I love how she came out. Two reasons why. One, I did a different hairstyle on her then I usually did. I liked the other, but after drawing it on her, I decided I didn’t like it on HER. As the heroine of the story, I wanted her to look prettier. Haha. Second thing, the colors. I loved mixing the colors. I made her hair a slight shade darker, and her hair longer, because this is suppose to be a picture of her when she is a year older. Pretty much all the pictures are. Though, in their profile, I just put how old they are at the start. Haha, confusing! But as usual, I fail. On hands, that is. I can never do them well, at least the fingers. They look deformed and crooked. Blah. But I still like how she came out. I don’t think I will be needing a second one of here.


Name: Sakura
Gender: Female
Race: Fire Nymphes
Age: Seventeen
Birth Date: 5, 20
Astrological Sign: Aries
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dragon
Blood Type: AB+
Height: 5′ 3″

There’s a chance I might do Sasuke next… But I dread doing pictures of boys… I can just draw a skirt on a girl if I’m having troubles with her legs or something. A boy, well, I think he would look a little odd in a skirt. But, I might try, at least.

Oh, but first, I’ll have to do Sakuya. It’s not like me to do Sakura’s picture without doing Sakuya’s next. I always do them either at the same time, or one right after the other. It feels right, since they are twins. Identical, or I can just take the same picture, and make the fixes it needs to look like Sakuya. So her’s will be easy!

Eureka Redo

Ha, I never do a picture perfect the first time, and am always redoing them. So, here’s the Eureka redo, with fixed hair and head. Now her head doesn’t look bigger on one side then it does the other. And I did her hair a bit better.


Eureka’s hair is longer. I decided I liked it better longer, then the original short way I had it. But, it’s not that much longer. Before, it just came to her shoulders, this time, it goes past her shoulders. I also changed her outfit. And, I don’t know how I was able to, but I made her look older in this picture. Though, that’s good, since I made her a year older then I was originally going to have her. I might redo her hair later, because it looks a little off to me. I like I made the top part of her hair fall to one side, more then the other, which makes her head look a little bigger on one side. Haha.


Name: Eureka
Gender: Female
Race: Water Nymphes
Age: Eighteen
Birth Date: 7, 14
Astrological Sign: Capricorn Capricorn
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Ox
Blood Type: B+
Height: 5′ 5″


Okay, I’m a daydreamer. And well, dreaming, or daydreaming is how I come up with my story ideas. Well, I was laying in bed last night and I couldn’t get to sleep, so I started to think about this story I’ve been thinking about a lot lately, and I just couldn’t think of a way to start it. I can’t start books well. I suck at it. I’m much better going once I’ve already gotten it started, and I’m even better at endings, but not starts. But, while I was thinking, I came up with this. And I thought it was really funny. Though, I thought it was just me, but I asked a friend, and he found it funny to.

    I stared at his green eyes. They were wide. Probably with fear, maybe something that I just couldn’t read. I didn’t know why I was doing this. Maybe it was just my curiosity; it had finally gotten the better of me.

    Everything about him was unique. The shade of his eyes, his ruff skin, his large mouth, long tongue, small hands, large feet, and even the way his legs curved up when he was hunched over, ready to jump. Everything was special about him. No other had one thing the same about him. And I had seen a lot that looked just like him. But I knew that there was nothing about them that was truly the same. There was just something about him that felt different. I had never felt this way about any of the others. As soon as I had held him, touched him, I knew something was different about him. Something that made him special, in more then just appearance. I was about to test that. With one little kiss. That’s all it would take. One little kiss, and maybe, just maybe, he would turn out to be my Prince Charming. Or, maybe someone better, or just as good. I leaned in ever so slightly. I was ready to find out. I wasn’t afraid to take such a leap. I never had been.

    “Croak!” I squealed as the frog jumped from my hands and hurried away from me. I laughed as I watch him retreat. Like I would have actually kissed him. That thing, covered in warts and who knows what else. No, I wouldn’t have actually kissed him. I didn’t want my Prince Charming that much. I was never going to let my mother read me another fairy tail as long as I lived. They gave me weird ideas.

I love this because it’s one of those things, that when you start reading it, you think it’s something else, but then something happens, or something is said, that you suddenly realize, it’s about something completely different then what you thought it was by how it started.<—Confusing much? Haha.

Redo Sonja

Well, I forgot one little thing when I made Sonja’s picture. I just remembered that I had told Banana I would redo all my characters hair colors. Because I had them, most of them, having weird hair colors. (watched/read to many Manga’s) So, after remembering that, I did a quick redo of the picture, and made her blond. I almost gave her black hair, but I didn’t like it as much. Black hair gave her to much of a dark look, and she’s suppose to be shy, and quiet. So having a dark look with that kind of personality didn’t work with me.

Blond Sonja.

Sonja; Sonia; Sonya

I think this is my best picture of one of my characters so far. Didn’t take me long, but that was mainly because I had part of it already done from before, but had stopped on it. The skirt took me most of the time. But I decided since I haven’t done a character picture in awhile, I would finish this one. I might post one of my others, but I might redo them first, since they didn’t come out as well as this one.


Name: Sonja (or Sonia, Sonya, haven’t decided which spelling) Nagato (adopted last name)
Gender: Female
Race: (I haven’t made a name yet)
Age: Sixteen
Birth Date: 2, 29
Astrological Sign: PiscesPisces
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rabbit
Blood Type: A-
Height: 5′

There was more to this profile, but I didn’t feel like feeling it all out tonight. Most of it had to do with her physical appearance, and since I made a picture, it’s not needed as much. But I’ll do the personality part later.

Phazer Cover

I decided I was going to spell Phazer with a Z instead of an S like I was before.

Here’s the cover I made. I should have done this sooner, but I was lazy with it.

Once again, I might redo it and make another. I do it to all my covers. Except The Nymphes cover, that one never had a second. The first worked just fine.