Banner-Day Twenty-Extra

Okay, here is the one for my birthday. I didn’t go all out like I would have, but, I won’t lie, I was not into making the banner today. Haha. Maybe I’ll make a better one later.

Birthday Cake

Banner-Day Nineteen

Okay. I meant to do this banner theme awhile ago. I had told Banana I would, but then I went and forgot. Well, I remembered, so, as the last banner before my birthday, I am doing one for House! My favorite fictional character, well, since Sherlock Holmes. XD House is the best show on TV right now. And what makes it so good, is it’s suspense, and part for me, is how much of an ass House is. It makes it interesting. You never know what he’s going to say next. And, I found something else out today.

Taken from Wiki.

Sherlock Holmes serves as an inspiration for the series.

Similarities between Gregory House and the famous fictional detective Sherlock Holmes, created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, appear throughout the series. Shore explained that he was always a Holmes fan, and found the character’s indifference to his clients unique. The resemblance is evident in House’s reliance on psychology, even where it might not seem obviously applicable, inductive reasoning, and his reluctance to accept cases he finds uninteresting. His investigatory method is to logically eliminate diagnoses as they are proved impossible; Holmes used a similar method. Both characters play instruments (House plays the piano, the guitar, and the harmonica; Holmes, the violin) and take drugs (House is addicted to Vicodin; Holmes uses cocaine recreationally). House’s relationship with Dr. James Wilson echoes that between Holmes and his confidant, Dr. John Watson. Robert Sean Leonard, who portrays Wilson, said that House and his character—whose name is very similar to Watson’s—were originally intended to work together much as Holmes and Watson do; in his view, House’s diagnostic team has assumed that aspect of the Watson role. Shore said that House’s name itself is meant as “a subtle homage” to Holmes. The number of House’s apartment, 221B, is a reference to Holmes’s street address.

Individual episodes of the series contain additional references to the Sherlock Holmes tales. The main patient in the pilot episode is named Rebecca Adler, after Irene Adler, a character in the first Holmes short story. In the season 2 finale, House is shot by a crazed gunman credited as “Moriarty”, the name of Holmes’s nemesis. In the season 4 episode “It’s a Wonderful Lie”, House receives a “second edition Conan Doyle” as a Christmas gift. In the season 5 episode “Joy to the World”, House, in an attempt to fool his team, uses a book by Joseph Bell, Conan Doyle’s inspiration for Sherlock Holmes. The volume had been given to him the previous Christmas by Wilson, who included the message “Greg, made me think of you”. Before acknowledging that he gave the book to House, Wilson tells two of the team members that its source was a patient, Irene Adler.

I was amazed! I didn’t even know that! It’s so funny that my favorite fictional character now, is the inspiration for House! That’s so cool! I guess Sherlock is still my first favorite, House just reminds me of him. XD

Here are the banners. (I made six, five are the colors of the each of the five seasons (six’s cover hasn’t been made yet, so I don’t know the color for it), and the last one is just an extra I made from the logo they show when the episodes theme music plays)

The first banner I made;

The second;
House Two

The third;
House Three

The fourth;
House Four

The fifth;
House Five

The sixth;
House Six

I’ll make another for season six once they decide on the color they’ll have for it.

Banner-Day Eighteen


Another one. Chat for Google. -_- I don’t have the link for this like I did with the others. I used part of the Google banner they already had made, then I made the rest.

Banner-Day Seventeen

Gah. I forgot to do yesterdays. I had mistake the day (mainly because mom was home because she wanted to take me to the doctors), so I thought today was only Sunday, not Monday, so I had thought I had already done my banner, the 30 Day’s of Night one. -_-

Well, here it is.


I took the Meebo thing they already had made for Meebo, like I did with Skype. This is another talk like thing. Like Skype. But you don’t have to download this. Meebo. You can actually use it with your E-Mail, or sign up with Meebo mail.

Banner-Day Sixteen

30 Day's of Night

I saw the movie 30 Day’s of Night a while ago, but I liked it so much, I got it on NetFlix to watch again. And since I couldn’t think of anything else, I made a banner for it.

Banner-Day Fifteen

The World of Melandrea

This banner I made for a new RPG I made a while ago, but am just now starting on it with Hannah. I had a bunch of stuff to work through first. My RPG’s always seem to do the worse, I think it might be the fact that I tend to be to technical, and things like that. So my RP’s tend to confuse everyone. Whoops! XD

Melandrea Banner

This was the original, before I made it bigger and changed the background.

Banner-Day Fourteen


Skype. For this banner, I just used their logo and shrunk it. It’s a software application that allows members to talk to each other in real time over the net. Fody-kun, an internet friend of mine (though, his internet name is Fistofdoom, Fody-kun is his nick I gave him a while back) got me on it. It’s a really great program. It’s free to use, and download. There’s not even much to actually download for it to work. They even have pop-ups to inform you when one of your contacts is online, or they go offline. Even for posts. Which helps me, since I don’t always remember to check up on things like this. Very forget full I am. XD

Wiki describes it much better then I can. Skype.

Here’s the link to Skype’s site. Skype.

Banner-Day Thirteen

Super Collapse 3

Just another banner for a game my dad got me. This one is called Super Collapse! Three. Kinda like Tetras, but you have to click on the blocks to make them disappear, instead of stacking them to make them disappear. This one is really fun. It took me five hours to finish the whole Quest, and only about seven to be Quick play, including all the puzzles and strategist games.

Banner-Day Twelve


The SAMe game! XD I don’t know why they call it that. But this is a game my dad put on my computer years ago. I still enjoy playing it. Never gets boring.

The Banner to me forever. I ever knew inverting colors in specific places what so difficult. I usually do large square portions, instead of little odd shaped portions. But, it was fun.

Banner-Day Eleven

I just ran into this picture when I was going through some really old ones I had made. So, I just made one with the title ‘color’.


I have run out of things to do! AH! Maybe tomorrow I’ll come up with more.