Funny Sign

William, a friend of mine, gave me this link. It is REALLY funny!


Out of all the things to worry about!

Another NaNoWriMo Participant

I found that a friend of mine, and a member of my forum, William, is also doing NaNoWriMo. He said he’s actually been doing it for two, well, actually, I guess this would be his third year. But the first year, he was taking collage writing courses, and he didn’t have enough time. And the second year he said he was sick for most of that month. So he hopes that this year he’ll be able to at least start, and hopefully finish. He’s a really good writer, so I know he’ll do really well.

Banner-Day Fifteen

The World of Melandrea

This banner I made for a new RPG I made a while ago, but am just now starting on it with Hannah. I had a bunch of stuff to work through first. My RPG’s always seem to do the worse, I think it might be the fact that I tend to be to technical, and things like that. So my RP’s tend to confuse everyone. Whoops! XD

Melandrea Banner

This was the original, before I made it bigger and changed the background.

Conversation With Member

A really funny conversation I had with a member of my forum.

I’m Nao-Tan/Chan/Hime.

27 Oct 09, 09:04 PM
anubuss: waiting lol
27 Oct 09, 09:06 PM
Nao-Tan/Chan/Hime: Waiting lol?
27 Oct 09, 09:06 PM
Nao-Tan/Chan/Hime: Is lol a RPG I have not heard of?
27 Oct 09, 09:07 PM
Nao-Tan/Chan/Hime: O_o
27 Oct 09, 09:07 PM
Nao-Tan/Chan/Hime: lol
27 Oct 09, 09:07 PM
Nao-Tan/Chan/Hime: It would be weird if someone actually named and RPG lol!
27 Oct 09, 09:07 PM
Nao-Tan/Chan/Hime: Unless it was the short version of it.
27 Oct 09, 09:08 PM
anubuss: No waiting as in waiting on wol and randime laugh out loud
27 Oct 09, 09:09 PM
anubuss: not trying to start it again
27 Oct 09, 09:09 PM
anubuss: hence lol
27 Oct 09, 09:10 PM
Nao-Tan/Chan/Hime: lol. I know what LOL means. I meant as if it meant something for an RPG. Like….
27 Oct 09, 09:10 PM
Nao-Tan/Chan/Hime: Luke’s Oval Legend!
27 Oct 09, 09:10 PM
Nao-Tan/Chan/Hime: lol
27 Oct 09, 09:10 PM
Nao-Tan/Chan/Hime: XD
27 Oct 09, 09:10 PM
Nao-Tan/Chan/Hime: I just came up with that on the spot! So funny.

And from then on out, I continued to shout, ‘LUKE’S OVAL LEGEND’, every now and then. XD Cracked me up.

Banner-Day Three

Cheater Alert!

Ikki Tousen Banner

>.> This is a banner I made for an RPG Hannah and I are doing. -_- But I cheated. I made this one last week. But I was busy today, and wasn’t able to make one. I didn’t even remember that I was suppose to make one. Until it go really late, and I was thinking about sleeping. XD But, even thought I cheated, I’m still on time!

Banner/Affiliation Remake

Well, right after making the above post, I ended up fiddling with making another banner. XD lol.

RPG States

Took me about a minute. lol.


Well, I recently started running my own forum and I learned of Affiliation. Since then, I’ve been going crazy with making Banners. I even started making headers and other forum images. There actually really fun to make. I even made buttons for my forum.

RPG States

>.> There fun, but I suck. But I get better the more I make. Soon, I’ll be able to make a much better Affiliation.