Change Font and Size

Some of my favorite fonts.

This is Ransom! BOO!
This is Curlz! BOO!
This is Blackadder ITC! BOO!
This is Algerian! BOO!

Inequality font size=”(size you want here (most the time, zero works the best, or one))” face=”(font you want here)” inequality signs (text goes here) inequality signs /font inequality signs

You can pick any font you want, but always make sure that the size is right, or else, things might get a little wacky.

HTML For The Blog

Well, my normal HTML codes wouldn’t work for this blog. (I don’t know why, I guess they just wanted something more complex XP)

Well, if anyone that doesn’t know how, but wants to either color, or center your text, here’s the codes. (took be about fifteen minutes to figure what I was doing wrong, after going through several versions of the centering and coloring codes)


Code: Inequality p style=”text-align:(either left, right, or center);” inequality signs (text goes here) inequality signs /p inequality signs


(Hex’s for the colors above, in the same order)

Code: Inequality sign span style=”color:(Hex color here);” inequality signs (text goes here) inequality signs /span inequality signs

(I had to use the word for >’s because when I put them in, they would disappear in the text)

If you want Hex colors but don’t know any, you can here check Wiki’s list, or you can use this Hex generator.

The generator is guaranteed to have more of a variety then Wiki.

P.S. More will come.


Purpose Sentence: The purpose of this speech is to talk about HTML

I. Introduction
A. What is HTML?
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML is more used for web language then most others.
1. What can I do with HTML?
Using HTML, you can create a structure for documents by using headings, paragraphs, lists, etc. As well as links, quotes, and other items. It allows images and objects to be embedded and can be used to create interactive forums. It can also be written in the form Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to define the appearance and layout of text and other material from the HTML.
B. Pros and Cons of HTML
There really aren’t any cons. Unless you don’t know how to use or setup HTML. That can be a pretty big con. Without HTML, your site will be just a blank page with text. It will be as if someone had written something down in a notepad document and signed it HTML. That will cause it to hope with a web browser. Some webpage’s, if they don’t have HTML, can confuse the people that view it. Especially if you were to set up the CSS, but leave the HTML layout out. It would cause things to run together and sometimes, some words won’t show. Without HTML, it would be just a plan text document on the web.
II. Body
A. Creating a webpage
1. Basic webpage layout
HTML is much like writing a speech. In the layout, you must have the HTML tags to begin, kind of like an introduction. Then you have the body, which will contain everything you wish to display on your webpage. The first thing you will place within the body would be your header. Then, you will close off the HTML tag, as your conclusion. That’s all there is to making a webpage.
B. Designing a webpage
1. Basic HTML designs
Designing a webpage is a little more difficult. First, you would decide what you wanted your page to be for. Most used webpage’s are used for businesses. But other webpage’s, ones mainly used for fun, are forums. In forums, the CSS is more widely used. In the CSS, you will already have the basic layout of a webpage already in, all you would need to do in the CSS is add codes for forums, posting, and registration for members. A forum is easier to create then a forum for business.
C. Decorating a webpage
1. Basic font and sizes styles
To decorate your webpage once you have finished setting it up is pretty easy. First, you would decide on fonts. Some fonts are not really good with webpage’s. It really depends on the size. If you wish to use a certain font, it would be best to check the size, to make sure the font is easily read with a small size, or if you would need a larger size to read it. Times New Roman, Helvetica, Comic Sans, Courier, Verdana, and Georgia, are the most used fonts. They are easy to read small or large.
2. Basic font colors
After you choose your size and font, color is next. On webpage’s, if you don’t set a color, it will automatically colors your words black. But for each different part, you can color them anything you want. You can even choose to color each letter differently. You can use hex colors, or simply type the name in. On some webpage’s, typing in the word of the color will only work if it is one word. Like blue. But navy blue, might not work.
3. Pictures
Another thing to decorate your webpage, is pictures. Pictures can be placed within the body. Certain sites host links for pictures, but only the direct link will work. The size of a picture will effect the way you webpage works. If it is to big, the page will stretch, and load slowly. It’s better to crop pictures you find that are to big.
III. Conclusion
In conclusion, I would like to add, that to use HTML, you should know how to, and you should know where everything goes. Putting a code in the wrong place could cause quiet a few problems.

Seven-hundred words exactly. It’s the biggest speech I have written for speech class so far.