
Yeah, day late. Blah.

Well, this Christmas, as I said in a earlier post, I was sick, so I didn’t get to go for our Christmas. But my brother brought me what I had gotten. I didn’t ask for anything this Christmas, but apparently, as I was informed, it’s not really Christmas if you don’t get presents, which isn’t actually true. But I got mostly money from everyone on my dad and moms sides.

The best gift I did get this year, but a Dell DJ from my dad. Everyone that knows me knows how much I like music. And the Dell DJ was a perfect present. I didn’t even know this kind of thing was made, but it is great. The first thing I noticed about it was that is can hold over two-thousand songs. More then twice the amount my MP3 holds, and it has a neat way of dividing songs by artist, genre, album, and then you can even have them list everything together. Which is also awesome. Especially the dividing things by genre. I listen to a great deal of heavy metal, but I do listen to other types, but it’s much easier to just be able to click a button and have all the metal songs listed, but none of the others.

Down side, it’s a lot bigger then my MP3 and doesn’t have a little carrying thing that allows me to attach it to my arm band or anything. But I still love it. I’ll just have to make one for it.

I also got a cat puzzle from my dad. I told him I would have it done in no time, and I was right. My brother gave it to me Christmas night, but since I wasn’t feeling well, I was asleep, so I didn’t get it right away. I started working on it late last night. Technically, today, very early morning. And I finished it just a few hours before this post. So it took me about six hours to finish it.

But the best present, not really a present, but I count it as one. NO SNOW. And I hope there will be none for a far longer time still.