FaceBook Again

Stupid FaceBook. I was so far in Vampire Wars and Farmville. I was level fifteen on both. Took me little over a week to get there, and then they went and disabled my account. I have no idea why. They didn’t give me a reason and I followed the rules to the letter. Well, I had to start a fresh one. Lucky, I never delete E-Mails, so I was able to get all the people in my friend list back. Unfortunately, I didn’t have E-Mails for all the groups and pages I’d joined. But, lucky there, a lot of my friends on there are in a lot of them, but there are a few I won’t be able to get back. Sucks.

It wouldn’t be so bad if they’d at least given me a reason. But just disabling me like that without one really pisses me off.


I always thought it was kind of stupid. But a friend of mine got me on it once, and I found it was actually kind of neat. And I say this mainly because of all the neat games you get to play. They even have groups to join for a show, or a band you like. Haha. You can even become a fan of pages for things like that as well. Of course, I found a group and page for Three Day’s Grace and House. Haha.

But recently, I found that it’s good for other things. I have a lot of family and friends that are on it, so it’s easy to keep up with what’s with them since I don’t see them to much. I learned something very important about Tristan on FaceBook. He favors the exclamation point a little more then he should… Haha.

My brother sighed up for it over the weekend as well. I had to show him how to work it, since he’s not as good with these kinds of onlines stuffs.