One Year

Well, I’ve been now posting on this blog for one year. HA! I’m just a few days behind Banana on starting my blog. Funny.

Mmm, my post representing my one year posting on this blog, and I can’t think of anything else to say… Haha.

New Years

Well, it’s officially two-thousand ten! Wow, this year went by quiet quickly. Quicker then the years usually do, or maybe I’m just noticing it more this year.

One year older, one year wiser. Eh, well, at least one year older. I don’t think time can really get wiser. Haha.


Yeah, day late. Blah.

Well, this Christmas, as I said in a earlier post, I was sick, so I didn’t get to go for our Christmas. But my brother brought me what I had gotten. I didn’t ask for anything this Christmas, but apparently, as I was informed, it’s not really Christmas if you don’t get presents, which isn’t actually true. But I got mostly money from everyone on my dad and moms sides.

The best gift I did get this year, but a Dell DJ from my dad. Everyone that knows me knows how much I like music. And the Dell DJ was a perfect present. I didn’t even know this kind of thing was made, but it is great. The first thing I noticed about it was that is can hold over two-thousand songs. More then twice the amount my MP3 holds, and it has a neat way of dividing songs by artist, genre, album, and then you can even have them list everything together. Which is also awesome. Especially the dividing things by genre. I listen to a great deal of heavy metal, but I do listen to other types, but it’s much easier to just be able to click a button and have all the metal songs listed, but none of the others.

Down side, it’s a lot bigger then my MP3 and doesn’t have a little carrying thing that allows me to attach it to my arm band or anything. But I still love it. I’ll just have to make one for it.

I also got a cat puzzle from my dad. I told him I would have it done in no time, and I was right. My brother gave it to me Christmas night, but since I wasn’t feeling well, I was asleep, so I didn’t get it right away. I started working on it late last night. Technically, today, very early morning. And I finished it just a few hours before this post. So it took me about six hours to finish it.

But the best present, not really a present, but I count it as one. NO SNOW. And I hope there will be none for a far longer time still.

Birthday Banner

Anamists Birthday Banner

Today is a friend of mines birthday. He likes blood, and things that lookd dead, so I made this banner. He just a year older then me.

A Day At The Academy

Well, today was tiring. We didn’t get a chance to do much running around when we arrived. Heid had been right on time and I think Papa had been a little later then usual. That would be Chipmunks fault. He never wants to get up in the morning. Even though he knows he’s suppose, he does it everyday, and his mother wakes him several times and gets on him when he doesn’t get up. Yesh. >.>

Today in History, Max and Butch horsed around a lot. I guess they weren’t into today’s lesson. It’s hard to listen when the table keeps lifting and moving around right beneath you.

At lunch time I was able to steal J and Butter’s name tags. Which was far easier then usual. I think they were to preoccupied looking through one of the World Record books Max had brought. My brother had remembered the Chess set. Which was good, since I hadn’t. So I played Max a game. J helped me, since I suck at Chess. I won. Butter thought that that meant I he would be better then Max, since he can beat me so easily. Well, Butter hadn’t known J had helped me. So when he played Max, he lost. He blamed it on me. XP

I played Max again, but since J wasn’t there to help me, I lost. I tell you, I have never laughed so much at one time in my life. Max is definitely more fun to play Chess with then my brother, who gloats if he wins. I would have been late to Speech, since Max and I were still playing. But our teacher was late, which made me on time. XD

We got to do our persuasion speech out in the big room in the church today. Tristan went first, and he wasn’t happy about that. Tristan, who usually does better then all of us, didn’t get his speech length. It was under three minutes, and he didn’t have enough pathos in it like the teacher wanted. I went next and my speech ran four minutes and something. Which is the longest speech I’ve done so far. I didn’t have my speech written up this time, so I did better, since I wasn’t constantly reading and could look around at my audience like I am suppose to. I got more points for that because of that.

Butter was next. He did good, but he, like Tristan, didn’t make his time. But he was closer then Tristan. Butter still used to many had gestures like he did in his other speeches. And he didn’t put enough into his speech. He didn’t put enough pathos. Austin was next. He got his speech over three minutes, just barley. He put enough pathos in his speech, but the volume of his voice wasn’t good. His voice was to low for us to hear well, and we were only sitting twenty feet from him.

Morgan was after Austin. (Butter and I both noticed that we were going in the same order we sat in. So I guess we didn’t have to pick numbers XD) Her speech was over eight minutes. Which was kinda bad, mainly because she kept repeating somethings that she had said, already, several times.

There are actually three things I wanted to say, but I couldn’t while she was giving her speech, and I didn’t get a chance to after she was done.

First, she had talked about all the different kinds of ways to abort a baby, but what she didn’t say, was that there are certain times for each. You can’t just use any. Each way is made for certain periods of the pregnancy. Which is very important to say, because some of them can be harmful for the mother if used at the wrong time. (I only know this is because I read about it in my biology book. I don’t know why they had that in biology.)

The second thing was, she had said that some abortions are done because of the babies health. She said she didn’t understand why they would abort the baby because of that. Which, in that moment, I thought Morgan was being very stupid. Some babies can have such complication as being born without a brain, or other internal organs. And sometimes they can even be born deformed, which will do great harm to the baby if it is born. In cases like that, it would case no pain for the baby if it is aborted then, then for the pain it would have if being born with such problems. And they would just end up killing it then anyways. Which will be more painful.

And third, she said that she didn’t understand why men couldn’t find ways of persevering life, when they got a man on the moon. Well, she was being stupid there to, because there is. There is a way to place the baby that is inside of one woman, into another. But the baby must still be young in the mother.

Most of her speech was talking about how she felt about abortion. It’s like she didn’t look anything up on the subject except for the different types of abortion. Which left out a great deal of the logos in the speech. That probably didn’t bother anyone else, but I always prefer more logos then pathos in anything I listen to or read.

After speech, I ended up chasing Tristan again. I don’t remember why. I got him into the History class room, and then Max came in and asked if I need help. Tristan ran into the small room that led to the literature room, but I got him before he could. I got him out of there, then Max grabbed his other arm and we took him the other way around to the literature room, where we stuffed him into the closet. I told Max that this would have been easier to do on J then trying to stick him in a trashcan like last time. So Max and I decided to go get J and try it. Of course Tristan wanted to help, and I guess so we wouldn’t stick him in the closet again, he kept saying, ‘I’m on you side.’ I guess he really was afraid we do it!

Well, we got J. He was near the entrance. I told him that we wanted him, but he would have to set his bag-pack down and other things. He did. He was all to agreeably.

I took him by the arm so he couldn’t run away, and led him to the literature room, Max grabbed his arm when we got closer to the door, and Tristan took his other arm while I went and opened the closet door. Once we got into the room, Tristan, Max, and I had J’s arms, but Butter had come to his help. As Butter pulled on his legs, Austin came in and decided he would help his brother. As did Sam, the traitor. So we had J in mid air, three pulling his arms, three pulling his legs. Then Tessa, Tristan’s little sister, came in and pulled on J’s middle. I don’t know who she was helping. I assume the others, since Tristan was with us. She always helps whoever is on the opposite side as Tristan.

Well, we had to quickly get ready, because Julie was there, so no one won tug-a-J (get it?).

When we got to Julie’s, I helped her make dinner while she fed the baby. And since mom had stayed home today, she ended up picking us up from Julie’s.

Next week I’m going to teach Max how to play Backgammon. And if we have time, we’ll play Stritego!

Birthday Cake, Cards, and Songs

Cake This is the ice cream cake mom got me today for my birthday. She had asked me before getting it, afraid my taste buds were still wacked from being sick. But no, this time the ice cream tasted the way it should, rather then like water.

Today, I was sang the happy birthday song four times.

Grandma woke me up in the morning to sing happy birthday to me. (which is never a good thing when I’ve just woken up, let alone actually WOKE me up) But, I bared.

Banana sang it, well, technically typed it to me. And, I got a birthday card from her as well. (as well as the stupid insurance company. BLAH!)

Josh E-Mail it to me.

And Hannah typed it to me in my forum CBox.

Oh, and my brother sang it to me when he got home. I guess that’s actually five. Though, the way my brother sang it to me, he got smacked with a sprite bottle that was in my room. Which, I might add, was still more then half full.

All that flu medicine that mom’s been giving me has really been working. While it’s in me, I feel great. My head still hurts and I still get dizzy if I move around to much, but other then that, I feel good. But once it wears off, blah. So I try and sleep for the times I’m not on the medicine. So I can avoid the not feeling well altogether.

Though, with being sick, my dad couldn’t take me out today like he wanted to, so if I’m well enough this Saturday, we’ll do what we were going to do today.

Still working on banner. I slept in today, so I didn’t do it earlier like I usually do.

Happy Birthday

I write this exactly at midnight! It’s my birthday! And I am now seventeen! Now, I shall make my banner and post it later!


XD<—That's how I am going to start this post.

Banana asked me recently, about a few days ago, what I had planned after I got my GED. I told her that I wanted to go to collage for either piano, or web designing. After a little thought, I decided web designing. I still have a lot to learn in piano, but I already know so much about web designing.

Well, mom agrees with me. She knows I love it, heck, I pretty much annoy the hell out of her talking about it. Though, she doesn't understand even a percent of the stuff that comes out of my mouth. XD We're planning. She's going to talk with my dad, and then she's going to look at Ivy Tech and see on their courses. XD I'm excited! Collage. I don't like being around a lot of people, but going for something I like, makes the problem less of a problem.



You know, I have never really experienced exhaustion to it’s fullest. Sure, I get tired, or I feel sluggish from a long day. Well, today, I have experienced exhaustion to it’s fullest.

Today, during our Academy Home School classes, Hied, our history teacher was running a little late. So, of course, that meant FREE TIME! And, of course, the first thing J (younger brother of Butch) and I do each day we are there, is play together. Which usually involves him running from me as I try and steal his identity (his name tage, but J and I have more fun when we refer to it has ‘Stolen Identity’). Tristan usually joins in and helps me catch him. (not much help, considering all he does is follow him and point out to me where he has gone when I have lost him) But today, Tristan decided he would do more. He decided he would try and catch J, who was very slippery and hard to hold onto once he was caught. Since Tristan was helping me chase him, Sam decided he would help. Sam was of far less help then Tristan. He did a lot of Tristan’s follow and point. Rather, he did a lot more of that then Tristan did.

After awhile of chasing J, and after Sam and Tristan had given up, Tristan’s little sister decided to help me. I had gotten J caught in the lunch room. He was behind the table, and I was in front, causing any dives he might make for the doors, impossible. Well, she helped by closing both doors….that was it. Well, I almost had him when Butch decided he would help. Yeah, I knew that wasn’t going to be fun. He decided to help J. He version pf helping him is standing in front of me while J ram. Now, Butch is at least a few inches taller then me, and heavier. He knew how to stand his ground. So when I ran at him and elbowed him hard in the stomach, it hurt him, but it didn’t move him. Though, I was happy to get a blow at him, I’d been wanting to hit him for quiet a while. It just wasn’t obvious.

I tried again, this time, going at his side. I was able to push him aside and get back to chasing J. Well, I and he were exhausted by then, so when I found him in the short hall that connected the history and literature room-which also led to the tub that they Baptiste people, it was a very good hiding place, before finding it, I had thought it was just a closet-I sat down across from him and we stayed there, resting, and no one found us. Though, we eventually left the hall, into the history room, knowing Hied would be there soon.

We had come in on quiet a surprise. No Christopher, he has swinflu. But Max, Butter, Tristan, and then there was me and J. I told Tristan that this was a surprise. He asked why, and I said that Butch had changed so much since the last time I saw him, which was only a few minutes ago. He laugh, they all laughed. Then Butch came into the room. I told him he was kicked from the class, replaced by Tristan. Though, then Hied came in and Tristan and Butch traded places.

It was fun, and J and I got to play longer then we usually got to before class. I never did get his name tag, and Sam made sure to remind me every few minutes in lunch. I ended up getting Tristan to try and get it from him while he and J went to literature-Sam was to lazy. J saw the plan ahead a and Tristan didn’t get the tag. So, J’s identity was not stolen that day.

And to tier me farther, I ended up chasing Tristan after classes were finished. He had said that I would never be able to catch him. He was proven wrong, when stupidity kicked in and he ran to the kitchen. He crammed himself into the little space between the fridge and cabinet. I walked over, opened the cabinet, and leaned against the opened door. He was stuck. So much for me not being able to catch him. But the fun was ended when Julie came and we had to leave. I had told Tristan that I would throttle him in speech, but I had forgotten to, so I told him I would do it next week. But, honesty, I have NO IDEA what throttling someone means!

Now, Tristan’s and mines way of waving good-bye to each other is to hold are fist up in a threatening gesture towards each other.

I was exhausted. Insomnia or not, I went straight to bed when Grandma and Papa picked us up from Julie’s. I slept the while way home, and was thoroughly pissed when my brother woke me. >.>

Today was FUN! XD

‘The Jacket’

I’m a tomboy. That’s how I will start off with this. I am one-hundred percent tomboy. And I’m proud of it.

Today, mom stopped by Wall-Mats. She needed some new pants. And while she was there, she wanted to get a jacket, too. So, she found three she liked, and she tried each on, but couldn’t decide between the three. So, she turned to me, and asked, ‘What do you think?”. She was wearing the last one. It was black, and it was pretty soft, too.

I may be a girl, and girls have pretty good fashion sense. I don’t. I’d rather sit on a bench, as far away from the girls section of cloths as possible. Either that, or go look at the boys cloths, which is where I get all my cloths.

I just happened to be standing on the very end of the cart, and being shocked by what my mother asked me, nearly flipped it. I looked around me, then back at her. I asked, “Are you talking to me?”, and she said she was. I’d never been asked such a question before. And if I have, I don’t remember.

My mother should have known that was a stupid thing to ask me. I looked at the jacket and said, “Well, it’s black…”

She looked at me, “Okay, what else?”

I looked back at the jacket. “It’s black…..and soft?”

She folded the front of the jacket together, and looked back at me. “Is that it?”

I stared at her. “What do you think I’m going to say? You know I don’t care. It’s a jacket! It’s a girls jacket.” I was being as rude as I could when I said that. (I was in a mood)

She sighs, and turns away from me. “Last time I ask you.”

And that ended the topic of ‘The Jacket’. Which I was happy about. I am NOT going to shop with her if she was going to start asking me what I thought every time. When I need cloths, I don’t even do the shopping. I tell mom what I will and what I won’t wear, and she picks. All she ever gets from me if she asks if I like something is a ‘ah’, ‘sure’, or a flat out ‘no’.

I am NOT shopper, never had been, never will be. Though, granted, I wasn’t as objected to it when I was young. I would give a better response then I do now. But now, all I want to do is get in, get the stuff, and get out.