Ninja Assassin

Really great movie. LOVED the blood. This movie isn’t horror, yet it shows more people being cut up then any of my horror movies. I think even more then my Saw movies. Haha.

It’s a good thing my aunt let me watch this before she did. She hates gory or bloody movies. So I had to warn her on how much there was. My mom had told her that it was the type of movie I’d like, and my aunt and mine movie tastes are completely different. She likes movies where it ends happy. I like movies that end with, if possible, every character dying. Bwahah!

The whole ‘heart on the other side of your chest’ part, I thought was just something they made up for the movie. But it turns out it is a real thing. It’s called Situs Inversus. It’s actually kind of neat.

And what makes it even neater, is that Sanji from One Piece (an Anime I watch) has Situs Inversus as well. I didn’t know that until they made a reference from it on the Situs Inversus Wiki page. I guess I missed that episode. Haha


Plot, taken from Wiki

Raizo (Rain) is raised by the Ozunu Clan to become one of the most lethal Special Ops ninja assassins in the world. As a child, Raizo experiences severe training under the guidance of his “father”, Lord Ozunu (Sho Kosugi): he is whipped and/or cut whenever he fails and is encouraged to hurt his ninja kin for their training failures. The only kindness he ever receives is from a kunoichi (female ninja), Kiriko (Anna Sawai).

As they grow older, Kiriko and Raizo develop a romantic bond, however Kiriko’s desire to leave the Ozunu Clan for freedom is greater.

One stormy night, Kiriko decides to escape from the clan. She encourages Raizo to join her, but he decides to stay. They kiss and she then climbs over the wall to freedom; only to be caught and brought back by her ninja kin. Branded as a traitor, Kiriko is executed (a katana through her heart) by her elder ninja brother Takeshi (Rick Yune). As a result of Kiriko’s death, Raizo begins to harbor resentment and doubt towards the clan.

After completing his first assassination, Raizo is instructed by Lord Ozunu to execute an escaped kunoichi like Kiriko. He rebels against his master by slashing his face with a kyoketsu shoge and fights against his ninja kin. Barely surviving, he escapes by falling into a nearby river. Raizo recovers and begins to intervene in Ozunu hits by foiling their attempts.

While staying in Berlin and waiting for Ozunu’s next move, Raizo rents a small apartment where he secretly continues to refine his training until it is time to act.

Meanwhile, Europol agent Mika Coretti (Naomie Harris) has been investigating money linked to political murders and finds that it is potentially linked to the Ozunu Clan. She defies her superior, Ryan Maslow (Ben Miles), and retrieves secret agency files to find out more. The clan, finding out about the investigation, attempts to assassinate her but she is rescued by Raizo.

Mika convinces Raizo to meet with Maslow for protection and to provide evidence against the ninja clan, but Raizo is intercepted by a task force for interrogation. Mika feels betrayed that Maslow would trick her that way, but Maslow secretly assures Mika that he is still on her side and gives her a tracking device for emergencies. While Mika warns Maslow of the dangers of keeping Raizo, the Ozunu ninja infiltrate their secret base and slaughter all the officers.

Mika frees Raizo and he lures the ninja away as Mika tries to escape. Raizo kills and fends off as many ninja as he can while Takeshi continues to trail him. He and Mika manage to escape but Raizo suffers mortal wounds around his stomach. Resting in a private area, Mika implants the tracking device into Raizo. Unable to fend against the clan, she hides outside the hotel until special forces arrive to help her. By that time, the ninja have recovered Raizo and taken him back to their base, bringing him before Lord Ozunu for prosecution.

While hidden inside a steel locker Raizo uses his healing techniques to heal all major injuries before being reunited with his “father.” Lord Ozunu decides to have Raizo executed as an example but is infuriated by Raizo’s defiance to the end; Ozunu strikes against Raizo’s internal organs, causing him to spit out the tracking device.

Europol Special Forces Counter-Terrorism tactical teams lead by Maslow storm the hidden Ozunu base and kill most of the ninja in the court yard. Takeshi and Raizo face each other in the burning Ozunu training hall. Raizo slays Takeshi and confronts Lord Ozunu in a sword duel. While Ozuno initially has the upper hand, Mika, fearing for Raizo’s life, distracts and shoots Ozunu with her pistol.

Before Raizo can recover, Lord Ozunu stabs Mika in the heart. Emotionally ravaged, Raizo uses the ‘shadow blending’ technique for the first time and finishes off Ozunu. Mika, seemingly fatally wounded, is in fact saved by a quirk of birth: her heart is on the opposite side of her chest. Mika and Europol leave the destroyed Ozunu compound while Raizo stays behind. Symbolically, he climbs the same wall Kiriko did all those years ago and looks out at the surrounding countryside. Recognizing his freedom for the first time in years, Raizo smiles, ending the film.

Learning To Fall

Learning To Fall by Boys Like Girls. First song I had ever heard of theirs. I actually first heard it on a YouTube Ipod video. I listen to a lot of those and this one was selecting songs they thought would be the theme song of the Ouran High School Host Club anime and the Learning To Fall song, if I remember correcting, was Tamaki’s. Or it might have actually been Haruhi’s. Either one of them. But it was really good.

Mm, found the video that I heard this song on first just after posting this. Ouran HighSchool Host Club ipods. It’s the second song. It was Haruhi’s song.

Today is the day
The worst day of my life
You’re so content it hurts me
I don’t know why
The cost of misery
Is at an all time high
I keep it hidden
Close to the surface in sight

I’m learning to fall
I can’t hardly breathe
When I’m going down don’t worry about me
Don’t try this at home
You said you don’t see
I don’t want to know that you know, it should have been me

Could you be with him?
Or was it just a lie?
He doesn’t catch you like I do
And you don’t know why
You change your clothes and your hair
But I can’t change your mind
Oh, I’m uninvited
So unrequited now

I’m learning to fall
I can’t hardly breathe
When I’m going down don’t worry about me
Don’t try this at home
You said you don’t see
I don’t want to know that you know, it should have been me

Words screaming in my head
Why did you leave?
And I can’t stop dreaming
Watching you and him
When it should have been
It should have been me

Today is the day
The worst day of my life

I’m learning to fall
I can’t hardly breathe
When I’m going down don’t worry about me
Don’t try this at home
You said you don’t see
I don’t want to know that you know, it should have been me

Whoa (I’m learning to fall, I can’t hardly breathe)
(I don’t want to know that you know, it should have been me)
Tell me that you know, it should have been me)
Whoa (Don’t try this at home, You said you don’t see)
I don’t want to know that you know, it should’ve been me
Whoa (I’m learning to fall, I can’t hardly breathe)
(I don’t want to know that you know, it should have been me)
Tell me that you know, it should have been me
Whoa (Don’t try this at home, You said you don’t see)
I don’t want to know that you know, it should’ve been me

Shugo Chara

Another Manga. I don’t usually like things like this, but this Manga is just to funny not to read it. Shugo Chara is translated into My Guardian Characters or just Guardian Characters.

Plot, taken from Wiki

The heroine of the story, Amu Hinamori, is a student at Seiyo Elementary. At first glance, her classmates refer to her as “cool and spicy” and rumors speculate about her personal life. However, her real personality is that of a very shy girl who has trouble showing her true personality. One night, Amu wishes for the courage to show her “would-be” self, and the next morning finds three brightly colored eggs—red, blue, and green—in her bed. At first, she is alarmed, but realizes she must have really wished to change. These eggs hatch into three Guardian Characters: Ran, Miki, and Su. The Guardian Characters aid Amu in discovering who she truly is and help fulfill Amu’s dreams. Amu’s life becomes much more complex as she struggles to deal with her “would-be” selves and the Seiyo Elementary’s Guardians, who recruit Amu as the Joker to search for X Eggs and X Characters, the corrupted forms of peoples’ dreams.

Meanwhile, the Easter Company is extracting people’s eggs in search of a special egg called the Embryo. The Embryo is believed to grant any wish to the one who possesses it. However, the process creates X Eggs and X Characters. It is described as a white egg with a heart and yellow wings.

Later on in the series a fourth (yellow) egg is born, this egg contains the Guardian Character Diamond. She was only seen a few times in the series, until about halfway to the end, where she was purified of the X on her, and then would appear in times of heavy crisis.

Plot, taken from Baka-Updates

Everybody at Seiyo Elementary thinks that stylish and super cool Amu has it all: But nobody knows the real Amu, a shy girl who wishes she had the courage to truly be herself. Changing Amu’s life is going to take more than wishes and dreams – it’s going to take a little magic!
One morning, Amu finds a surprise in her bed: three strange little eggs. Each egg contains a Guardian Character, an angel-like being who can give her the power to be someone new. With the help of her Guardian Characters, Amu is about to discover that her true self is even more amazing than she ever dreamed.

Character Change (also known as Chara Change) is a Guardian Character’s ability to grant his or her master special abilities and become a certain person that the Guardian Character was born from.

Once a person Character Changes, something will appear on their bodies as aspect to the change.

Though Character Change can be controlled by Guardian Characters, it has happened that the user can burst into a Character Change on his own when he is exposed to something that provokes his personality.

Character Change

A Character Transformation simply sees someone combining powers with his or her Guardian character. The character goes into his or her egg, which then goes into the owner’s heart. This ability surpasses the power of a Character Change by 120% of its normal power. Because this ability is rare, there aren’t many who can transform. The Humpty Lock and the Dumpty Key allow their owners to transform at will, though, as well as others who are near.

During a transformation, the owner can use various magical abilities powered by the character. The character is still active, for he or she can still communicate and can force the owner to do some actions unwillingly. It is possible for the owner to switch transformations if he or she owns more than one character.

It is possible to transform with other people’s Guardian characters, however the power is not at its best and the transformation will last shorter and consume one’s energy faster.

Character Transformation

This Manga is still ongoing, but it has forty-seven so far. It updates every month. The Anime is also still going, but it has three seasons so far. It doesn’t keep to the Manga as well as some Animes do.

This was the promotional picture.

Volume Covers
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Volume 5
Volume 6
Volume 7
Volume 8
Volume 9
Volume 10
Volume elevens cover isn’t out yet because the volume hasn’t been released completely.

Each cover is made for each different egg, at least that’s what I think, since they have different themes and colors which match the eggs she uses the most, or just newly uses in that volume.

Romeo X Juliet

No. Not the play. This is a Manga by Reiko Yoshida. This Manga has almost nothing to do with the actual play. Except it keeps some of the names the same, and the basic meaning, but it is vastly different from the play. It’s pretty good, though. A lot more action in this Manga and Anime then what was in the play.

Plot, taken from Wiki

    In the fantastical aeropolis of Neo Verona, the noble house of Capulet had ruled peacefully for generations – until fourteen years ago, when the ancient grudge held by the rival house of Montague led to a mutiny, and the Capulets were deposed and all wiped out in a bloody coup. Now, as Neo Verona suffers under the thrall of its new masters, the fates of two star crossed lovers are about to become tragically entwined… As the citizens of the city suffer, the Capulet clan struggles to strike a blow against their enemies, and the Montagues tighten their grasp on power, an unlikely love blossoms between Romeo and Juliet – but in the face of such adversity, this ill-fated love may be doomed from the outset. Triumph or tragedy; only fate knows what awaits Romeo and Juliet…

A young girl, Juliet, is the only member of her family to escape the massacre of the Capulet family at the hands of Leontes Montague. Fourteen years later, Lord Montague rules the land of Neo-Verona with an iron-fist as Juliet helps the common folk in a Robin Hood-like fashion, and Romeo Montague protests his father’s cruelty. Juliet and Romeo meet by coincidence at the Rose Ball and fall in love at first sight. However, when Juliet turns sixteen and learns the truth of her past that has been hidden from her for fourteen years, her love becomes conflicted between revolution and devotion. (Please take note that in the Shakespearean version of Romeo and Juliet that Juliet and Romeo know about the other ones family and still choose to love each other. The only conflict in the whole play is the conflict of souls in a race for power and love as Juliet and Romeo say their last goodbyes along with their vows. There is little to no revolution in the play.)

Plot, from Baka-Up-Dates (they always phrase things so much differently, just had to add it in here)

One stormy night in Neo Verona, the Montagues begin a mutiny against the ruling Capulets and murder Juliet’s family. Before they manage to kill her, Juliet is rescued by her father’s servants, thus becoming the sole survivor of the Capulet family. Fourteen years later, she encounters the son of the Montague family, Romeo, by chance and the two fall in love. However, only a cruel fate awaits them…

Okay, a few things that make it very different from the play:

Neo Verona – An aerial city in which the story is set. It is likely named after the city of Verona, Italy, in which Shakespeare’s story of Romeo and Juliet takes place.
Dragon Steed – A winged horse with the tail of a dragon, similar to the Pegasus. Ryūba are capable of transporting people on their backs and are handled using reins in the same way as normal horses. More than a means of transportation, winged Ryūba can be considered a symbol of status as they are not something that common folk can own, and are only seen ridden by members of the aristocracy or nobility. Ryūba with degenerated wings, thus unable to fly, are often owned by commoners.
Great Tree Escalus – A huge and enchanted tree inside the Montague’s castle, which is the remaining of a pair of trees that gives support to Neo Verona. According to its caretaker, a woman named Ophelia, it gives blessings to people, but it also weakens if the persons don’t have love in their hearts. When it is thriving, it drops shining fruit from its branches. Since it has been in Montague’s care, the tree has noticeably begun to wither. It is likely named after Prince Escalus from Shakespeare’s play.
Carabinieri – The Military Police of Neo Verona. The name is the same as the true Carabinieri of Italy.

Manga has nine chapters, but each are pretty long. And the anime has twenty-four episodes.

This was the promotional picture.

Volume Covers:
Volume One
Volume One Second
Volume Two
Volume Two Second

Chapter Covers:
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

I much prefer the Manga drawing compared to how they draw them in the Anime. They just don’t look as good.

This would be something good for anyone to read, even if you don’t read Manga.


Parade by CHABA. This was another Naruto opening. One of the few that I like the whole version better then the minute and half version. I don’t usually like songs in Japanese that are sung by boys. I don’t know why. I just don’t think they sound as good. But I like CHABA. They’re good, and their singer is a boy.

Kaze ga fuite itai kienai omoi
Nani wo motte ikou ka atsumete hitotsu
Nido to nai nido to nai suteru nante baka mitai
Mujaki ni natte imeeji
Kitto sore wa owaranai…

Ai no mune kogase sen no yume watare
Juuoumujin kakete te ni tsukamu sekai
Kumo ga chigirete hi ga mata ochite
Hitori no pareedo ga ugokidasu
Bouken kichijitsu shinpaku joushou meian souguu seimei souai

Moshi mo itte shimau nara anata no kami wo
Kaide sutte motto yoseau kotoba
Wakaranai wakaranai uwabe dake ja wakaranai
Dakara motto fukaku shitai shitai
Nante yume mitai…

Ai no mune kogase sen no yume watare
Juuoumujin kakete meguriau kiseki
Kumo ga chigirete hi ga mata ochite
Futatsu no pareedo ga yozora ni tokete

Dare mo ga matte iru poketto ni shizumeta yoru ga aru
Soitsu wo tomosu you ni te wo nobashite wa oyogu hito
Mitsukerareta nara ii anata no keshiki to onaji mono

Ai no mune kogase sen no yume watare
Juuoumujin kakete te ni tsukamu sekai
Kumo ga chigirete hi ga mata ochite
Mikansei no pareedo de doko made mo
Bouken kichijitsu shinpaku joushou meian souguu seimei souai…

The wind blows and it hurts, my love won’t go away
What should I take with me? There’s only one
It’ll never come again, never come again, it’d be stupid to throw it away
That innocent image
Surely won’t end…

Set your heart in love on fire, cross through a thousand dreams
Run right and left, through the world you hold in your hand
The clouds scatter and the sun goes down again
And the one-person parade begins to move
An adventure, a lucky day, heartbeat rising, light and darkness, an encounter, life, mutual love

If you say something, the words make me
Smell your hair, inhale it, and cuddle up closer
I don’t know, I don’t know, I won’t know just from appearance
So I want, I want to get deeper
It’s like a dream…

Set your heart in love on fire, cross through a thousand dreams
Run right and left, through the miracle of meeting
The clouds scatter and the sun goes down again
And two parades melt into the night sky

There’s a night everyone’s waiting for, deep in their pockets
I hope you’ve found someone who lights you up, swims to you when you hold out your arms
With the same scenery as you

Set your heart in love on fire, cross through a thousand dreams
Run right and left, through the world you hold in your hand
The clouds scatter and the sun goes down again
This incomplete parade moves everywhere
Mikansei no pareedo de doko made mo
An adventure, a lucky day, heartbeat rising, light and darkness, an encounter, life, mutual love…

Eureka Seven Fourth Opening Video

Fourth Eureka Seven Opening. (I’ll put the full song up after this poet) This one is a little harder to describe. Mainly with all moving around. And plus, this one involves LFO’s! GAH! (oh, and if you are listening to the video, yes, that is indeed Amazing Graces they sing every-so-often in the background) Oh, and for those who don’t know, Sakura means cherry blossoms, so that’s why the song is titled Sakura, since they keep repeating the line ‘cherry blossom’ though the song.

The song starts with a Compac Drive (might even be the Compac Drive with the Amita Drive in the Nirvash typeZERO), showing the name ‘Eureka’. (like it did in the beginning of the series, when Renton had it without the Amita Drive) Once that disappears, it shows the typeZERO doing some tricks with Trappers and stuff. (don’t really feel like going into that, since if anyone reading this hasn’t seen Eureka Seven, won’t get it, and if you have, well, you know what it’s doing :P) Then the typeZero shoots off into the air. Then, after watching for a long few seconds, it shows a shot of the GekkoState crew. Then it goes closer and shows Holland and Talho standing together in the middle of the line of the crew. Then it slides to the side to show Eureka with Maurice and Linck standing in front of her. (the other two kids she adopted, the boys. Linck is the youngest, Maurice is oldest) It shows Renton beside her with Maeter hugging him. Shows a close up of Eureka and Renton (and I guess they are looking at a sunset, that’s the idea I get), then Renton looks in the corner of his eye, then Eureka and him both turn their heads to look at typeZero. Then they show the typeZERO looking back at them. Then, it shows the Gekko crew run over to the kids and surround them. It shows a close up, all of them talking and laughing. Then Maeter points to the sky. Everyone looks up. Shows a shot of the sky for a moment, then a large fleet of U.F ships flying in the air. You can see an orange colored one. Then they show a shot inside of the ship, one of the girls that work for Dewey Novak (Hollands brother, and the evil ass behind the trouble that happens in this show(the girls look quiet evil staring at the camera, though, they are)), then they show Dewey himself, standing behind the girls with his staff, cap, and hat all on. Then it shows a shot of theEND fighting Antibody Coralians. Then it goes inside theEND and shows Anemone (I guess she yells), then they show Dominic (Anemone’s caretaker), who pulls his hat off in anger. (I know he yells. I guess he is yelling back to Anemone). Then it shows GULLIVER! Anemones very fat pet. And they never say what he is, but when Dominic tries to pick him up, he can’t, because Gulliver weights to much. But Anemone can pick him up like he’s a feather! XD Then it shows Captain Jurgens ship, and Jurgens yelling as well. (EVERY IS YELLING! Don’t watch it, they don’t like you! XD) Then it shows Renton in the typeZERO, holding a rifle. (actually, he’s hugging it) Then it shows a picture of some design. (not sure what it is) Then it shows Dewey again, just the side, and they don’t show his eyes. Then it shows the library that Renton and Eureka find on Earth. It shows Diane (Renton’s sister) and Adroc (Renton’s father) on top of a bookshelf. (they both are dead) Then it shows a desk with Dewey’s hand, holding the ring that is around both Anemone and Eureka’s neck. And that damned perverted book Dewey is always reading. Then it shows a ship, I think Jargens again, and the ship fires at the Gekko, but the typeZERO appears and stops the missiles. It also fights off a bunch of other things very fast. (oh, and, and if you noticed, it shows typeZERO in it’s new appearance) After an explosion, it shows the typeZERO and the Gekko in space. Then it shows the crew in their places aboard the ship. Then it goes to Talho leaning forward to look at Holland and smile. Holland winks and thumbs up. Then it shows a back view of the Gekko and the typeZERO again. Then it shows Renton holding Eureka on a reff board as they are flying through space. They spin around and the board flies out from under their feet. It shows them hold hands as they fall, then the typeZERO catches them. Then typeZERO takes off, trappers falling behind it, covering the picture of the planet that the typeZERO flies over. Then it shows the kids along with Renton and Eureka holding a small globe, the Earth.

I love this song. It’s my favorite opening. (I know, I already said that) I have nothing to say about changing that video. It’s perfect!

Here’s the lyrics for the video. I’ll put the full version later. (Whoops, I realized after posting that I said I would put the lyrics up, but I forgot to. XD)


Yume kokochi no asa ichiban ni
Sashikonda hikari to
Owatte shimau koi
Ashita kara wa betsubetsu no michi
Te sonna totsuzen kokoro no
Junbi ga dekinai

Chidimara nai
Nanika wo bokura wa shitte ita no?

Cherry blossom
Mai chiru kimi no koe ni

Cherry blossom
Cherry blossom
Namida subete wasurete

Todoki masu ka?

In the morning’s trance
The light Creates a separate road
And the hearts are unprepared
For the love which
will suddenly fade tomorrow

Had I known
What was not reduced?

Cherry blossom
In your voice
Which is everywhere then scatters
Good bye fall in love
Good bye fall in love

Cherry blossom
Cherry blossom
Forgetting all the tears
From now on fall in love
From now on fall in love

Am I reaching you?

Eureka Seven Third Ending Video

Here, I thought I would add the video that was made for this song, to fit as an ending song. Third Eureka Seven Ending. The girl blowing bubbles is Maeter, the little girl Eureka has, I guess you can call it, adopted. (she’s just one of the three kids, the two others are boys. She is also the middle age) Then the girl with pink hair brushing her teeth is Anemone. Then the girl on the bed is Eureka. Then the girl on the next bed is Gidget. (yes, named for from the movie Gidget) Then the girl looking into the mirror, doing, I have not idea what, is Talho. She almost looks like she is either plucking her eye brows, or painting them. (most likely not the second) Then we have Eureka again, getting Ice Cream. Then Anemone holding a dress up to herself in front of a mirror. Another Gidget, still on her bed, but asleep this time. Then we have Talho doing some sort of exercise. Then Anemone again. She doesn’t look happy this time. I guess she could find anything to wear. And then Eureka again. She’s standing in the shower, with her cloths on, soaking wet and leaning against the shower wall. We have a close up of Eureka’s face, wet. Then we go to a back view of Maeter, blowing her bubbles still, standing in a field. (with that annoy little backpack of hers. Ooo, I never liked that thing) It shows her face, for the first time in the video. She blows a final large bubble, that floats up with a few others she had blown before, and then they pop, and the screen goes black.

Well, this is my favorite ending, but Sakura by Nirgilis is my favorite opening, the fourth opening. (I’ll do a post for that later) They never show Maeter’s face till the end to give it mystery, I guess. But it’s not very good. I mean, any Eureka Seven fan could tell that was Maeter right away, she’s the only kid that’s a girl that would be a big enough roll to be added to a ending or opening. Oh, and plus, she’s the only BLOND female girl in the show. Though, wait, Moondoggie counts as a girl! So that makes two! (for those none Eureka Seven fans, or people that have just never seen it, I am making fun of Moondoggie, he is, indeed, a boy)

Another thing I would like to add. The video shows the girls in normal lives. Doing things normal girls would do, when, in fact, that is pretty much impossible for out female characters. Seeing as how they live in a ship that is pretty much always in the air, and they don’t have time to do such things, being chased by the military, call the S.O.F.. And that they all pretty much dress not like the cloths they showed in the video. So, yeah, not normal for them at all. But when people make endings, they always like to show the characters in a view you wouldn’t see in the actual show. They don’t do that in the opening. At least none I have seen.

The lyrics are shorter, since the basic time of a opening or ending is about one minute and a half. In rare cases, they go for about two minutes. Shuffle! had one that did.

Here are the lyrics to the video. It’s only three versus.

Na, na, na
Why, so why?
Try imagining it
Just you like
Something that you like
Not just one thing
A door that you open

Is the answer there? Is it not there?
I don’t know. Even now, I don’t know
We’re always lost children
Adults say “Just a child…”
But solving the problem is fun
I may not be able to solve it right away
Everyone is full of endless exclamations
I won’t give up, until the problem’s solved

Even if you make a mistake, hey
Saying “All right!!”, is just right
With all my might, I swim in the sea of my imagination…
(Don’t give up
Endless exclamations)
Na, na, na
Why, so why?
Try imagining it
Just you like
Something that you like
Not just one thing
A tomorrow that only you know about

Na Na Na
why so why?
souzou shite mite yo
Just you like
suki na koto
hitotsu dake ja nai
kimi ga hiraku tobira

kotae wa soko ni aru no? nai no?
I don’t know. ima mo wakannai yo
itsu datte bokura wa maigo
otona wa iu “Just a child…”
demo toiteku no ga tanoshii n da
sugu ni wa tokenai ka mo shinnai
minna hatenai hatena
akiramenai tokeru made wa

shippai shite mo nee
“All right!!” to itte choudai
seiippai imeeji no umi oyoide…
(akiramenai de
hatenai hatena)
Na Na Na
why so why?
souzou shite mite yo
Just you like
suki na koto
hitotsu dake ja nai
kimi shika shiranai ashita

Tips Tap Tip

(edit-Whoops, I miss titled. I put the ‘s’ in the wrong place)

Tip Taps Tip by Halcali. I have the English version here. But after that I have the original Japanese lyrics. The group is made of two girls. They sing hip-pop and rock-pop (and a little rap). I don’t usually like that kind of music, but I just long Japanese music, no matter the genre. And this is one of my favorites. This song is pretty much the theme song to my Nymphes story. I heard this song as the third ending to the Anime Eureka Seven<–In my opinion, one of the best Anime shows of it’s time. I’ve watched it through twelve times through. More then anyone I know. I couldn’t find any video’s for it though, that didn’t involve Eureka Seven pictures. So…yeah. Haha. You can see in the first picture of the video (for those who don’t know), the two main characters, and two of the other many second main characters. All four of them are part of the ship GekkoState. The girl with black hair is Talho. The guy with gray hair is Holland. The main character, the one with messy brown hair, is Renton. The pale girl with turquoise hair and lavender eyes is Eureka. Her name is usually not pronounced like the word “eureka” in English (pronounced as eau-wreck-uh instead of you-ree-ka)

Na, na, na
Why, so why?
Try imagining it
Just you like
Something that you like
Not just one thing
A door that you open

Is the answer there? Is it not there?
I don’t know. Even now, I don’t know
We’re always lost children
Adults say “Just a child…”
But solving the problem is fun
I may not be able to solve it right away
Everyone is full of endless exclamations
I won’t give up, until the problem’s solved

Even if you make a mistake, hey
Saying “All right!!”, is just right
With all my might, I swim in the sea of my imagination…
(Don’t give up
Endless exclamations)
Na, na, na
Why, so why?
Try imagining it
Just you like
Something that you like
Not just one thing
A tomorrow that only you know about

Under haphazard circumstances
It’s easy to say “it doesn’t matter”
But is it alright to do that?
Certainly, your heart-beat is a hint
I want you to grope around, and have fun
But solving the problem is fun
If I solve it, it may be 100 times more so
Everyone is full of endless exclamations
I want to make sure, so I won’t lose

Even if you make a mistake, hey
Not regretting it is just right
I look up to the sky of my imagination once more…
(Don’t give up
Endless exclamations)
Na, na, na
Why, so why?
Try imagining it
Just you like
Something that you like
Not just one thing
Something that only you can see

The tiny camera in my heart took a shot of it
And captured a piece of a dream properly
1 frame, 1 frame, if I put the moment on the line
That door will come to life

Na, na, na
Why, so why?
Try imagining it
Just you like
Something that you like
Not just one thing
A door that you open

One day
Shine your smile
Even more than you imagine
(Yes!) You like
You’ll grow to like it
Not just one thing
Another brand new door

Na Na Na
why so why?
souzou shite mite yo
Just you like
suki na koto
hitotsu dake ja nai
kimi ga hiraku tobira

kotae wa soko ni aru no? nai no?
I don’t know. ima mo wakannai yo
itsu datte bokura wa maigo
otona wa iu “Just a child…”
demo toiteku no ga tanoshii n da
sugu ni wa tokenai ka mo shinnai
minna hatenai hatena
akiramenai tokeru made wa

shippai shite mo nee
“All right!!” to itte choudai
seiippai imeeji no umi oyoide…
(akiramenai de
hatenai hatena)
Na Na Na
why so why?
souzou shite mite yo
Just you like
suki na koto
hitotsu dake ja nai
kimi shika shiranai ashita

te atari shidai de
“nande mo ii” to yuu no wa kantan
demo ii no?
kitto heart-beat ga hinto
tesaguri shitatte erande hoshii yo
datte toiteku no ga tanoshii n da
toketara hyakubai ka mo shinnai
minna hatenai hatena
tashikametai da kara makenai

shippai shite mo nee
koukai shinai de choudai
mou ikkai imeeji no sora miagete…
(akiramenai de
hatenai hatena)
Na Na Na
why so why?
souzou shite mite yo
Just you like
suki na koto
hitotsu dake ja nai
kimi shika mienai nani ka

chiisa na mune no kamera ga toraeta
yume no kakera chanto utsushite
hito koma hito koma ima wo kakeru nara
umareru yo ano dorama

Na Na Na
why so why?
souzou shite mite yo
Just you like
suki na koto
hitotsu dake ja nai
kimi ga hiraku tobira

itsu ka
shine your smile
souzou wo koeru hodo
“Yes!” You like
suki ni naru
hitotsu dake ja nai
mata arata na tobira