Your Love Is My Drug

Your Love Is My Drug by Ke$ha. Jeez. It took me forever to find this on YouTube because I spelled her name as it should be, Kesha. But I got nothing. You actually have to put the $ in where the S is if you want to get her. Apparently they don’t count it as her, or being right, without that damn dollor sign. I love this song, though. Despite the hard time finding it. Haha. I don’t usually like songs like this, but her lyrics flow so well. And she ryhmes a lot, which makes it even better. I love songs when they ryhme. Her voice sounds very different in this one, then in Tik Tok and Blah Blah Blah because she doesn’t rap as much. She actually sings the lyrics instead. But gosh, her voice sounds almost the same as Katy Perry in parts of this song. Maybe I’m just imagining it. But for me it really does.

Really neat fact about this post is, I’M AT THE ACADEMY! I was able to connect to the internet with my laptop while I’m on studying break, and since I don’t have anything to study, I’m making this post. I find that kind of funny.

Maybe I need some rehab
Or maybe just need some sleep
I got a sick obsession
I’m seein it in my dreams
I’m lookin down every alley
I’m makin those desperate calls
I’m stayin up all night hopin hitin my head against the wall

What you got boy, is hard to find
I think about it all the time
Im all strung out my heart is fried
I just cant get you off my mind!

Because your love your love your love is my drug
Your love your love your love
Your love your love your love is my drug
Your love your love your love

Wont listen to any advice
Mommas tellin me I should think twice
But look into my own devices, im addicted its a crisis
My friends think ive gone crazy
My judgments gettin kinda hazy
My steeze is gonna be affected if I keep it up like a love sick crack head

What you got boy, is hard to find
I think about it all the time
Im all strung out my heart is fried
I just cant get you off my mind!

Because your love your love your love is my drug
Your love your love your love
Your love your love your love is my drug
Your love your love your love

I dont care what people say
The rush is worth the price I pay
I get so high when your with me
But crash and crave you when you leave

Hey, so I got a question
Do you wanna have a slumber party in my basement?
Do I make your heart beat like an 808 drum
Is my love your drug? your drug?
Huh, your drug?
Huh, your drug?
Is my love your drug?

Because your love your love your love is my drug
Your love your love your love
Your love your love your love is my drug
Your love your love your love

Because your love your love your love is my drug
Your love your love your love
Your love your love your love is my drug
Your love your love your love

Hey, heyy, sooo
You love, your love your love, is my drug
(She says) I like your beard

Sixth Day Back

Jeez, sick again. Sucks. I can’t decide if I caught it at the Academy or not. A few of them had the stomach flu, Wesley was sick last week, and Tessa was sick this week. So, could have been lingering sick, or could have caught it fresh. Not sure.

Today’s post shall be brief-if it’s actually possible for me to sum something up briefly.

Took a test in Creative Writing, not sure how I did yet. I’ll find out this Monday. Hope I did well. Wesley won’t take his till next week since he didn’t come last week because he was sick. We also covered outlining of stories. I already knew how to do this one, haha. I was apparently the only one.

Sarah gave me back the story I had turned in last week to see what she thought. I didn’t think it came out that well, but Sarah said it was really good, and that wasn’t even my edited version! My edited version was actually longer, and the descriptions are better to.

I was able to connect to the internet during study hall, so I went crazy with that. First I sent some resources to Max on Tribal Wars. He was lucky he had time to inform me he needed some before classes started, or else he would have waited till I got home to get them. Instead, he got them as soon as HE got home. Haha.

We all got our lunch ready and went to Literature Discussion. We’re suppose to eat lunch in class for the next three, now only two, weeks to make up for the one class we missed. Well, Shannon got caught up in a conversation and forgot about that, but we all had a blast. So I don’t know if those twenty minutes will still count for our class, or not, since we didn’t talk about the book. We actually got a new student, Joshua. He started this week since we started a new book and he wouldn’t be in between anything.

We’re on The Witch of Blackbird Pond now. I didn’t hear Shannon right last week, so I only read the first three chapters, which is what I thought she had said, but it turned out we were suppose to read the first eight. Max only got the first seven read, and Samantha hadn’t read any, because she hadn’t gotten her copy of the book yet. Sam and I both agree, this book is deathly boring!

In Speech we all get to pick a short story, or a excerpt from a novel that we like, and we get to do a speech on it, as well as read whatever we pick in that speech. What we pick has to be able to fill at least five minutes. What we pick also has to be something classic, not just anything. Lidia has us read from books she had brought so that we could get used to telling stories. Being able to give different voices for different characters so we wouldn’t have to say ‘she said’, ‘he said.’ Lidia said she’s really going to have to work with me, because I couldn’t do the different voices. I can’t really change my voice to much. If I try going to high, my voice creaks and if I try going to low, it hurts my throat, so… I don’t know how I’m going to do different characters.

We didn’t have spelling club this week, instead it’s going to be next week, and Chess club is going to be put off till the week after that.

And then we get to go bowling this Friday. Granted, grandma said Robert and I have to be feeling better. She doesn’t want us spreading germs. But I’m so hocked up on medicine right now, I feel high. I don’t even feel sick, except my nose won’t stop running, and I feel stuffy. Should be all cleared before Friday, I hope.

Great thing about this Creative Writing class is, because of all the stuff we’ve been doing and learning about writing, it’s all gotten me writing on one of my stories again. I’ve already added over ten-thousand words to my ‘The Birth of a Night Flower’, which has made mom happy, since it’s her favorite that I’ve been writing. Hopefully, if I keep this up, I’ll have it finished before this fall. Yay!

Fifth Day Back

I realized I skipped the fourth day… Whoops.

It was cold. I had gotten so warm I’d actually been able to wear my shorts, then it went and got cold. Though, they said it’s suppose to warm up again.

Today Ryan didn’t come with us, so we didn’t have to leave quiet as early. But because of that as well, we weren’t the second there like we usually are.

I got my hair cut, and dyed again. This time a dark brown. Looks almost black. It was really funny. First things Max said we he saw me was, ‘What happened to your head?’. I couldn’t stop laughing. I usually change my hair color every six months, sometimes sooner, sometimes later, but I always get it dyed either the same, or different. They didn’t know that, so it was surprising to them. I’d just started class last year after I’d gotten my hair dyed red and brown.

I was second to last into Creative Writing this week, Morgan always comes in last. The older Jacob was back this week, so Sarah had to fill him in, then she took our ruff drafts of our ‘Where I’m From’ poems, as well as our reading logs, and she checked out Writing Territories out to see if we had over ten. I had over fifty or something. I lost count, and some of them kind of ran together as ideas, so it might be less.

Sarah gave us our work we handed in last week back to us, and then she talked about Literary Terms. Next week we’re going to have a test on them, so she wanted to go over them and give us some neat ideas that are used to remember which means what. I’d find it much easier just to remember them in alphabetic order.

For next week we’re suppose to outline a fairy tail. I don’t know which we’ll do. I hope it’s one I know, because I didn’t read very many when I was young, because I’d never really liked them. Then we also have a sheet where we’re suppose to find a example of each of the Literary Terms in a book we read. We can find them all in different books, or we can use the same. We don’t have to turn this page in until the end of the semester. Or if we finish it early, then we can turn it in when it’s done.

We got done a few minutes early, so Sarah went ahead and let out class. I got a lot of typing done in study hall, as well as a few card games played. Robert had brought some CD’s, and the Family Guy movie to school for Max, and a few other CD’s for Tristan. Now he can’t remember who’s borrowing what. Haha.

When we got in Literature Discussion, Samantha had already taken the seat I usually got, so I stole the one Max usually got, kicking Tristan out as I did. Then I got up, I don’t remember why, and when I was back, Max had taken the seat, so I had to sit on the other side of Tristan and in front of Sam. Sam’s intolerable to sit across from, I don’t know how Morgan can stand to sit beside him.

Sam had brought a fake sword to class and I challenged him. He said I didn’t have a sword, but I told him I had something better. I held up my pen and said ‘the pen is mightier then the sword.’ Apparently, he’d never heard that quote before. I had to explain. Sam said I was weird, and I said thank you. He said something else, but I can’t remember what it was. He was trying to insult me, but I told him there was nothing he could say that could insult me. I was wrong. He said, ‘alright, your royal pink princess.’ Advantage of sitting across from him, I smacked him with my book. He didn’t repeat that sentence.

Shannon gave us our homework from The Lighting Thief back. I got A’s on all of them. Sam comment on a few of my things and said he couldn’t believe I got an A. I said it was probably only because she couldn’t read my hand writing, so she gave me an A so she wouldn’t have to try. Haha. I can’t even read most of what I write.

Shannon had brought a drink and some food that was suppose to be nectar and Ambrosia, the food of the Greek gods. It all tasted nasty to me. Of course it was all loaded with sugar. Max finished mine for me since I wouldn’t eat it. He actually quite liked it.

We were divided in teams. Max and I had already decided to be on a team for this, but Shannon decided to pair us on how we were sitting, so we were anyways, but Tristan was with us since he was sitting between us. We left the class room and went to the Speech room. We were going to try and figure a name out for our team, why we had to do it in another room, I didn’t know. Well, Tristan suggested The Goths, since Max and Tristan both think I’m a Goth. I said NO. So Max suggested The Furies. Tristan and him both liked it. Until I brought up the fact that all three of the Furies were represented as being female. So that was a big no for a name. I said that it wouldn’t work anyways, since there’s only one girl in the team. Max and I both looked at Tristan and laughed. It’s a continued joke Max and I play on Tristan. It’s funny.

We ended up with Hellhounds, suggested by Tristan. He had said something about it, and Max rubbed him in the head. I said he must think Tristan was good luck. I quickly told him to stop and he asked why. And I told him the only thing he’d get from rubbing Tristan greasy hair is bad luck, so he stopped very quickly.

When we went back into the class room, it was to find Morgan and Sam had teamed up on the name and they were being called Strawberry Sunshine. I wanted to gag. Samantha never speaks up, so if she didn’t like the name, she wouldn’t say anything.

Tristan and I voted Max as the leader, which meant he was the only one allowed to give the actual answers, but we all had to agree on the answer before he could give it. Tristan and I had mainly voted him because he’d read the book several times before, but it turns out, he remembers things from the other four books very well, but not very well from the first. I ended up giving Max all the answers, Tristan gave two. I should have just been the one to say the answers, it would have been easier.

Sam and Samantha had voted Morgan, which was a bad idea, because Max was quicker to press the buzzer. In our case, since we didn’t have an actual buzzer, it was a dinosaur toy in the middle of the table. Max had even ended up hitting the dinosaur to hard and had got Morgans had. She was VERY iffy about reaching for it from then on, afraid Max might catch her again. She gets hurt way to easy.

I ended up getting us ahead because I remember something from the book that no one else did. Not even Sam, which was a shocker. They couldn’t remember what Mr. D’s shirt was. They kept saying Hawaiian, but they couldn’t get the print right. Morgan said trees, Sam said flowers, but they both missed, so we got to answer. Max couldn’t remember, neither could Tristan. I said it was tiger print. They didn’t believe me, but since they didn’t have any answers, they went ahead and put it out. I was right. I knew I was. I was pretty much laughing out of my chair while everyone else kept trying to guess. It figures I’d remember something so stupid. But when I had read that, it had just stuck with me because I thought it was such a stupid detail. Tiger print shirt… Geez.

We ended up losing because we missed one of the ten point questions. I don’t remember which it was. I was so sure we’d win since we’d gotten one they hadn’t, but, all well.

Our next book is The Witch of Blackbird Pond. We looked for it over the weekend, but couldn’t find it. At least we still have a week. Shannon told me of a bookstore that will have it.

At the end of class, dag gonit, Max stole my pen again. I caught him in the kitchen, but he pulled Robert’s move. He pulled my arms behind my back and I couldn’t get out. Jessie had showed me how to, but I couldn’t remember. So I just stepped on Max’s foot and he let go. And somehow I ended up in the floor.

I threatened to withhold resources from him, since I’d been giving him a lot in Tribal Wars to help him grow. So, he gave me the pen back. Haha, I know how to threaten someone.

We finished quiet quickly in Speech. We’d just gone over chapter seven, and then we all gave our ‘We Were There’ Speeches. We’d all got a moment from history we really liked, and we told it as if we had been there.

After Speech, we had Chess Club. This also went by pretty quickly. We got to play a few mini games, the same we had last class. But this time I was again Zoey’s sister. I can’t spell her name. Tristan didn’t have to watch over us this time. After we were done, we all got to take a quiz. I made a few simple mistakes. I mistook the king as the queen on the quiz. I figured the king would be the piece with the crown. But, apparently, on paper, the queen has the crown. Sam had ended up missing less then me, and, of course, Max got them all right.

Then our teacher used the board Max had and redid the Chess match between Bobby Fisher, and Donald Burns. He had every move on paper, so Max did Bobby’s moves, while the teacher did Donald’s. Once class was over, we all got our homework. The teacher asked us if we wanted it and Sam said he did. I told him he was sucking up. He didn’t deny it.

Robert and Sam went outside once school was over. Robert was smart enough to grab his coat, but Sam didn’t, so I told him he was going to freeze. He didn’t, but when he came back in, his arms were really red. I’d gone out to ask Robert if he’d asked Shannon and Joanna about bowling. I don’t know where he’d gotten it, but Sam had a small green flag and he was waving it around. He yelled, ‘here comes the sea hag’ when I came. I told him that if I was a sea hag, he was a sea hag plus two. He didn’t have any comeback for that.

When I got back in, Tristan asked me if I could remember what my natural hair was. Really random to just ask like that I thought. My paused made him laugh. I asked why and he apparently thought that that had meant I couldn’t, but I corrected him and told him I did. One of the little kids that were around walked by me then, and Tristan asked if I had ever been that small. And I told him of course I had been, everyone had been at one point in time. And apparently, I used to wear a lot of pink. That made him laugh. He’s gotten so convinced I’m a Goth that he didn’t think I’d ever worn any other color, even though he’s clearly seen me wear other colors.

I challenged Tristan to a Chess match. Max is good, and I’d managed to beat him twice, once with Jessie’s help, the last by myself. So I wanted to see if I could beat Tristan. He claimed he would win, and when I’d told him about me beating Max, he said was nothing because Max sucked. I never got to see who’d won since Grandma had come right after we’d started. I made my move, but he never got to make his first.

I helped Max and Tristan out the tables together for the Chess teacher. He had to leave so Tristan and I said we’d do it, and Max helped. We got them all together and Tristan started dancing, cheering ‘we did it’. I asked him if that was his ‘we did it’ dance. He said no, and started dancing different. I couldn’t help but laugh, even though he was dancing kind of creepy like.

Max apparently thought Tristan’s dance was beat him up worth, so he told me to grab him him since we were both on the same side of the table. I grabbed him and pulled his hands behind his back like Max had done for me, then Max came over and pretended to hit him in the stomach. Tristan claimed it was weird being held back by a girl. I was surprised I was able to at all, since Tristan is strong then me.

Sam came in and asked if we needed help. I’d already let go of Tristan and he tried jumping across the table. He got halfway before Sam grabbed his leg. Max and I had to stop Sam before he made Tristan do a split. Sam gets a little to carried away when horsing around.

We had to leave after that. I picked cat food up for mom at Wall-Mart before we went home.

Third Day Back

So much has happened. It seems like it’s been longer then just our third week back at the Academy. It just gets so routine. But, out routine was thrown off. Our Papa had to go to a meeting on septic tanks, so our aunt Conni had to take us in. I hate her mini van so much. Try fitting two big teens with bags full of books, our lunch cooler, and then we both had our laptops with us. It’s very cramped. Especially since Lily’s car seat took up half the middle seat. And I got stuck with Ryan… Though, we made it and I didn’t kill anymore. Luckily.

We got a new student today in Creative Writing. River. He was at bowling. Apparently he was suppose to join two weeks ago, but there was some problem and he couldn’t. But him and the young Jacob are good friends, so Jacob was able to fill him in on everything he miss, which helped the teacher.

My Creative Writing class started a few minutes early because everyone showed up sooner then usual. I’m always the first student in the room. But today I even beat the teach in. Sarah gave us our homework we turned in last week back, and I aced everything. Yay!

She gave us some more Writing Territories to add to our list, then she gave us our homework. We’ve got to write a ‘Where I’m From’ poem. Poem I can do. I love writing poems. Apparently I’m the only one of the students that are in the class that does. Haha. I’m just having a little trouble coming up with things to put in it. I’m glade I have a week. I never write a poem in one sit down. I always write a line one day, maybe even two or three, then come back later and so on until I’ve finished the poem. If I rush it, then everything sounds sloppy. And it doesn’t rhyme as well.

Then, of course, we still have to do a reading log. I filled one out for The Host for this class. I’ve got my Grandma reading it now. She didn’t want to read the Twilight series because of the Vampires, and I understand that. And since there’s nothing in this book like that, she said she’d read it and see how she liked it. You can’t ever go wrong with science fiction. Well, I guess you can, but none I’ve ever read have.

For in-class writing, Sarah had us to do a ‘My Name’ paper. I wrote two pages, but I don’t think I’m done with it yet. I might be able to come up with more on for it still.

After Creative Writing was over, I got to typing, since I brought my laptop. I was able to get a few pages typed before Tristan came from his class. He was the first to come in the lunch room. He seemed bent on bugging me during lunch, instead of my brother. But since I had my laptop out, I challenged him to some Minesweeper. He said he was really good. But I suck. But apparently, my suck, is good, and his good, means he sucks. Because I beat him every time. Haha. My laptop didn’t last long, since I’d had it open for over an hour, so Tristan and I spent the rest of lunch comparing music.

It’s funny, last semester, Max couldn’t stop stealing my apples, but this semester, he brought his own for lunch. So, now Tristan was the one stealing my apples. But I never finish them myself, so it’s not bad. Haha.

Max hadn’t finished his lunch, so we went to Literature Discussion, while he finished. He was tired, so I don’t think he felt much like going into class anyways. So he spent a lot of time in the lunchroom, but because of that, he missed all the fun.

We gave out papers in where Shannon wanted us to draw a vase, or pot, and then draw a scene from the book on it. I suck at drawing, but apparently, Sam said I did better then everyone else. I had Shannon try and guess what mine was, but she couldn’t get it. Tristan took one look at it and knew what it was. I don’t know what Tristan was trying to draw, he said it was Ares’s, but I don’t know. It looked kind of funky. Everyone, even Tristan, couldn’t stop laughing at it.

For my Twelve Olympian gods +2 sheet, I got almost everything. A lot of the others had missed a lot of the stuff that should have gone on it. Tristan had missed almost everything, since he’d gone through and just put one thing down for each. Dwight and I both used Wiki, so we got the most. But even Dwight had missed a lot of stuff.

I couldn’t finish my name in Greek. You know why? The Greek alphabet does not consider C a letter! They have no C! I had my name all out, but I HAD NO C! Haha. It was kind of funny. I went from Nicole, to Niole. I have no idea what that spells. I can’t pronounce it.

We talked over the book, and I had to threaten to tape Sam’s mouth shut because he was answering everything. Shannon and I urged Morgan to elbow him anytime, since he was just behind her. She wouldn’t, apparently she’s to nice. So I told her next week, we’d switch seat, because I’m not to nice to elbow him. Haha.

Max had finally joined us in time to start answering questions. Though, he was preoccupied, I don’t think he was paying attention to the class. He stole my pen. I was able to get it back, but then I set it on my lap so he couldn’t reach it, but I forgot it was there, so it fell into the floor and he got it again. By time I realized he’d had it, he had taken it apart. It was funny. That’s the same thing he did to be in History last semester. I can’t trust him with a pen.

Once he was done with my pen, he took my book. He took it just as class was ending, so he ran off with it. I chased him halfway around the place and finally got it back. Tristan had tried helping, but Max smacked him in the head and he decided he was going to keep a distance from Max. After I’d gotten it, he got it again. I don’t know how. I threatened to get my brother. He replied with a ‘Uh-Oh’. But when I looked around, I realized Robert must have been outside for PE today, since it was so nice, so he couldn’t help.

I had to go to Speech, so Max won. For Speech, we all turned in our outline of last weeks speech, then we all got up and told out jokes. Morgans was boring. Why? Because it’s the same joke she told us twice last semester. She must have forgotten. But Tristan’s joke was really funny. He had to read it because it was so long. But there was not one part that wasn’t funny.

Since we weren’t allow to tell any jokes that were considered ‘dirty’, I had to find one. Because, quiet frankly, I will admit all my jokes are a little, well, not dirty per say, but not exactly nice. So I found some church bulletin bloopers to use.

This is the one I used:

Ladies Bible Study will be held Thursday morning at 10 AM. All ladies are invited to lunch in the Fellowship Hall after the B.S. is done.

Everyone laughed. I wanted to use this one:

The Associate Minister unveiled the church’s new tithing campaign slogan last Sunday: “I Upped My Pledge – Up Yours

But I was afraid the last part might not go well with Lydia. Tristan said he wanted to hear my other jokes. I knew he would. Tristan has as bad a sense of humor as I do.

We got into telling jokes, so Sam told me a bunch of the blond jokes he knew. Most I hadn’t heard. I told him the one I knew. He said he’d heard almost all, well, he hadn’t heard this one:

Three girls walk into a bar; a brunette a red head and a green haired girl. The bar tender asks the brunette how she keeps her hair so brown.

The brunette combs her hands through her hair and says, “It’s natural it’s natural.

Then the bar tender asks the red head how she keeps her hair so red. She combs her hands through her hair and says, “It’s natural, it’s natural.

Then he asks the green haired girl how she keeps her hair so green. She sneezes into her hands, combs her hands through her hair and says, “Its natural, its natural.”

It made him and the others laugh.

We got to stay for Chess Club this time. It didn’t last as long as it was suppose to, since Grandma had to pick us up at three-thirty, instead of four. But next class, we get to stay the whole time.

Robert and I sat through the review of last lesson. We already knew all this, but the other new kids didn’t, so we sat through anyways.

Once that was done, we got to play a mini game. I played against a kid called Harrison, and Tristan watched. Since he’d played this mini game before, he was helping the teacher. Or as he put it ‘watching and making sure I didn’t cheat’. Haha.

Harrison won the first match, and I won the second. Tristan was to busy watching our game, that he didn’t watch my brother and the other kids match. So they ended up doing it all wrong. They didn’t even get even the slightest bit done with their game before we had to leave.

The teacher said he had been impressed when I told him that I’d beaten Max. Max is probably the best in the class. But he didn’t stay today because he and Sam had swimming class. But I’d beaten him once with the help of Jessie, but I had also beat him all by myself. Which is neat, since I do suck, and Max is so good. I don’t know, though. He might have let me win. I’d played another friend once. Ryan, not my cousin Ryan, and he was a lot better then I was, and I’d won, only because he’d given himself a handicap since I wasn’t as good.

But it was fun. Robert and I were a little cranky the ride home. He wouldn’t stop bothering me. Blah. I guess it’s pay back for all the times I’ve annoyed him. But what are little sisters for? Haha.

Second Day Back

Well, the second day back at the Academy started off confusing. Grandma had been confused about the days Chess Club was, so we almost got left at the Academy an hour and a half longer. And everyone leaves at two, so it would have been boring wait. Unless we joined in Spelling Club, but I don’t either of us wanted to do that, especially my brother. But, Joanna got things straight and picked us up on time.

We spent all of our hour in Creative Writing giving our memoirs and Acrostics, then afterward, Sarah talked about brainstorming ideas. We each had our own Writing Territories (as Sarah called them) by time we were done. Morgan claimed she had fifty-nine when she was done, but Jacob (younger one) and I didn’t believe her. I still don’t think she had that many. Jacob said he only had eight, but I had somewhere near twenty or so. And a few more that I didn’t write down.

We’re suppose to have a page of writing, or more, about a moment of choice that happened to us in our lives. And she wanted it to be under one of our Territories. Mine will be under brothers, funny, and birthday stories.

It’s about a time when I smacked my brother in the head with a bat at my cousin C.J.’s sixth birthday. My brother had been sitting behind me as I was getting ready to swing at the pinata. I was blindfolded of course. And the idiot just had to stand right when I swung the bat. I gave him a nice size knot on the side of the head. For years he blamed me for the small little hole he has in his forehead, but I remind him repeatedly that I hit him on the side of the head, not his forehead. Plus, mom had clearly told him that’s when he was learning to walk and he kept falling down on the gravel. Why she was letting him walk on gravel at that age, I will never know.

After class, I went ahead and listened to my music and played around with some word puzzles my grandma gave me to keep me preoccupied, since I didn’t have anything to study for study hall. Once everyone came in for lunch, I went to get Robert and my lunch. Joanna stopped me and asked me how I thought we should make up the classes we missed our first day when it showed and it was canceled. Well, I told her every week to add fifteen minutes to each class, since all the classes are an hour long, except Speech and History. But I told her Speech could follow with fifteen extra minutes, as well. That way, no class run into each other. And I told her since History has to make up two hours, and since there’s only three students, they could just meet someplace during the week and make up for it. Since Max, Chris, and Robert all live in different towns, I suggested Charles Town, since it’s in the middle of all three. So, their all going to meet at the library one day and do their class there.

It took me less then two minutes to solve a problem a bunch of thirty and over woman couldn’t figure out in two weeks. I thought that was kind of funny. Seeing as how they all are far smarter then me I’m sure.

Well, I went back to getting lunch, but I realized the lunch was gone. Robert had already gotten it. I was confused for a moment because I hadn’t seen him go by, I’d thought we’d forgotten our lunch for a moment. Haha. During lunch, I also solved a problem for Helen. She was having trouble with her laptop. I guess I was having a brain day or something.

During lunch, I’d spoken with Shannon about Literature Discussion and Tristan, of course, made a comment. Something that’d kind of ticked me off, so I chased him with a fork. He stepped on my foot several times when I’d caught him, but with my boots, I can’t feel anything. Haha. I told him I wouldn’t kill him today, but when I went back to lunch, Dwight told me I should have stabbed him. I told him Tessa might miss him. I asked her if she would, and she said no, so actually, I could have.

We went to Literature Discussion while Robert did PE.

We horsed around a bit since Shannon wasn’t in yet. Max started playing with the table, lifting it up and shaking it, like he had in History last semester. So I kicked him. I told him he can’t do that now, since in History, he had been two seats away and I couldn’t reach him, but here, I was sitting right across from him.

After that, Sam joked about Dwight’s Ebook, then Tristan commented saying my glasses looked weird. So I said ‘so does your hair’. Everyone laughed. He asked what was weird about it, and I said it was crooked. He said he liked it that way. And I said ‘it’s because your whole head is crooked’, everyone laughed again. Then he pulled his keys out and started combing his hair with them. Morgan laughed at him and asked why he did that, and he said he also cut his hair with his keys, and I sad, ‘so that’s why it’s crooked.’ Honestly, when I said that stuff, it didn’t sound funny, but apparently it was, since everyone was laughing. I apparently can be witty without even knowing it.

We got to talking about the book and we talked about the part where Clarisse wanted to give Percy his… I don’t remember what it was called, but she wanted to give him a swirly for it. Then Shannon started talking about what the swimmers at Max, Sam, and Morgan’s swimming place did for someone when they turned into a seiner. And she said that they got to pick a junior to do whatever they wanted. So I said everyone in the class had to do what I wanted since I was the only seiner. But Max was the only junior, since everyone else was to young, so I said he did. And I told him that he had to walk the teachers pet (Sam). It had been a joke, since I had called Max the teachers pet, because he was the teachers kid, and he had forgotten his homework, it didn’t mater, because she’d already read it. But then, somehow, I don’t remember how, Sam had turned into the teachers pet. I think it was since he was the teachers other kid, and she had helped him with his homework. So Sam played as a dog. He took being the teachers pet very seriously. Haha.

Our homework this week is to look up all twelve of the Olympian gods, plus Hades and someone else, I don’t remember the last one. And we are suppose to try and write out name in Greek, and make a Greek pot with a scene from the book. I made a joke that I would put Max’s head blowing up on mine.

When Shannon had held up the piece of paper she had with the Greek alphabet, I held it up in front of Sam and asked if he could read it, since he was dyslexic. He said that reading Greek was actually easier for him to read then English. Kind of funny.

When leaving Literature Discussion, I got in a hurry so that I would be on time for Speech and ended up tripping on my own feet. Shannon made the joke that Max had pushed me, since he was behind me. I knew she was joking because she winked at me when she said it. Giving me another reason to beat up Max. Haha.

Well, Lydia was late, so I didn’t have to actually rush. We had plenty of time to go watch Robert finish his PE. He was doing push-ups, so Max said he would join him. He said he was good at them because he was like a monkey. So I called him a monkey boy. Then Helen said that when they did push-ups, it was like a chicken pecking the ground, since their noses had to touch the ground. So Max went from being a monkey to being a chicken.

I’d been in the kitchen, and they have this window in it, so Max asked if I would get his note book for him, so I did, but instead of giving it to him, I gave it to Tessa and she hide it. He tried bribing her with a quarter. It didn’t work. She’d hide his note book in the girls bathroom. Haha.

Max stole my pen then, in return for us hiding his note book. But he made the mistake of giving it to Tristan. I could catch Tristan very easy, since Tristan has this habit of running in a room, then getting stuck. And he did. He ran into the Speech class. He tried getting Lydia to take the pen, but she wouldn’t, so I snatched it from him, and went back and told Max. Then, for taking my pen, I tried to draw on his face, but Robert couldn’t keep his down, so Tessa ended up getting a marker and getting him in the arm.

Then, for revenge, Robert held me down, but I got away, so Max wasn’t able to draw on my face. Haha. Max held Tristan down next, and I was able to draw a line on the side of Tristan cheek. It was easier to hold Tristan down then it was to hold Max down, since Max is so damn tall.

Our fun ended when we were called in for Speech. I was running to get to the class room fast, but I looked down suddenly when I saw a pen on the floor and looked up just in time to jump to miss Sam’s foot. He’d tried tripping me, but railed. Max had learned the hard way not to try that, so I had to teach his brother the same. I doubt he’ll try that again. Haha.

In Speech, we were suppose to do our most embarrassing moment speeches. In my case, an awkward moment. She asked who wanted to go first, so I volunteered Tristan. He said you couldn’t volunteer someone else. Well, Lydia did numbers, but instead of letting us draw them, she threw them at us. They landed right in front of me and Tristan. It was kind of cool. Morgan’s flew off the table to her side.

Tristan ended up getting one, and I got last, like I wanted. I gloated, saying ‘the numbers LOVE me.’ Tristan told me that sounded wrong, and after thinking about it, it did sound wrong the way I said it. Haha.

Tristan’s moment was when he was driving his four wheeler and had nearly flipped it and broken his leg. I didn’t think it sounded embarrassing at all. I nearly flipped a four wheeler on myself, but all I felt was like laughing at myself. I don’t know why he thought it was embarrassing.

Morgan’s was when she had tripped in front of her friends and a bunch of high school boys at one of their swimming meetings. Again, not embarrassing, just get up and laugh. Everyone else had, but, everyone falls. It’s not like it’s something only she would do. But instead, she just wined.

Lydia said they were all good. She said mine was good as well, since what I had been feeling and what I had gone through in my awkward moment was something a lot of people feel, and I did good expressing it in my speech.

Next week we’re suppose to come in with a joke. Tristan and Morgan said they have a good one, and I think I do, but Lydia said nothing bad, and I think mine might fall under that, so I think I’ll just go in with a blond joke. Can’t ever fail with those.

Since Joanna had gotten things straight with grandma, we got picked up right on time, soon after my Speech class ended.

This Thursday we’re going to go bowling with a lot of the kids from the Academy. It’ll be the first time we’ve seen or spoken to any of them outside of the Academy. Besides the teachers and Max.

Books and Homework

I hate doing homework. But Creative Writing homework is fun, and frustrating. I hate describing myself. Well, I can pick all the bad things, but I’m not very good at picking good things. And for my Acrostic, I was having trouble coming up with enough words. I finally caved and called my Grandma. She supplied my ‘N’, ‘I’, and ‘L’.

Nocturnal (I really wonder if that is a good one, seeing as how that usually leaves me moody during the day.)

That last one is kind of funny, because I kept wanted to put Neurotic, instead of Erratic. Mainly because I thought Neurotic was what I wanted, but it turns out I was pronouncing it wrong. Because of losing my ‘N’, it took Grandma and me forever to actually find an ‘N’ word that described me. Though, she offered several funny ones right off, but I couldn’t actually use them.

Because of the trouble we were having with the ‘N’, Grandma kept asking me if I was sure I didn’t want to use my first name, but since everyone knows me at the Academy as Nicole, I wanted to stick with that.

My six word memoir was easy.

I love to read and write.

Took me about three seconds. Haha.

For my two hours of reading, I went to the library to pick some new books. Most of the reading I do is just rereading my favorite books, or reading stories online, so I figured I would get myself something new to read.

Death of a Witch by M. C. Beaton. M. C. Beaton is a pseudonym for Marion Chesney. All her Hamish Macbeth books titles start with the word Death of a. I love mystery stories, I could have sat and looked through all of the books they had in the mystery section, but I was pressed for time when I went.

The books pretty good so far, I haven’t found out who the killer is yet, but I will in the next few chapters. I’m so bad at skipping ahead and finding out what actually happens, then reading the rest, but so far, I’ve kept myself from doing that. It’s very hard.

I thought it was kind of funny that I picked this one in particular. I mainly picked it because I liked the title out of all her others, but what got me was this one is one of her newer ones. Released just last year. She has another one out this year called Death of a Valentine. I just found it ironic that I’d pick one of her newest written ones without even knowing it. Haha.

Her Hamish Macbeth series was actually turned into a three season series. I’m thinking about trying and finding them so I can watch them. Her books with Hamish Macbeth sound interesting in all, and I really like this one I’m readying. I had been put off about reading it before because I had just glanced at the cover and read the name Macbeth. I hated that play. I don’t know why, I liked all the other Shakespeare plays, but that one I hated so badly. And, for some odd reason, I had been convinced the book had something to do with the play. If I’d just picked it up and read the back, I would have found out I was being stupid. I would have had this book read weeks ago if I’d done that. Haha. All well.

First Day Back

Well, the first day back at the Academy was a blast. It was funny, though. At the Academy last semester, my brother and I were together pretty much every second, since we had the same schedules. But this time, the only time we saw each other was after my Creative Writing class in the kitchen when he went to get a drink, when Hied let the History out on a few minutes break, and then of course we sat together at lunch, and then we didn’t see each other until after the rest of the Academy was done. Well, actually, I did see him just before Speech began. I had walked in on him in the lunch room right before he had his Algebra lesson with Hied (dude, that guy teaches almost everything!). I had been wondering where he was, so I’d gone to check. I saw him, pointed at him and said “There you are”, then I turned and walked away. He looked confused, which was funny.

Writing class was great. Though, there are two Jacob’s in this class, so I don’t know how the teach is going to deal with that. She’ll call one, and get both. Haha. Though, one Jacob is close to my age, while the other I think is Middle School age.

Morgan from my Speech class is in this one, and Westley, from my brothers PE class, is also in there. That was a little surprising, since the kid is only like ten. I think he’s the youngest student there.

First day we just did introductions, and then the teacher pulled out some ice-breaker cards she’d wrote out. They all had questions on them that we were going to answer. We each did two. The younger Jacob got one that asked what the most embarrassing this was that he’d done. He didn’t want to share that (I saw that coming), so instead he gave the second most embarrassing. But it took him a minutes to figure out what that was, so the other Jacob went. I don’t remember all of them, but I know Westley got one that asked him what the weirdest thing to eat was, and Morgan got something asking her where she’d go for vacation, or something. Though, actually, that might have been the younger Jacob’s other question… I don’t remember. I remember my second one was about what was my favorite type of music and why, I remember that because the teacher had got that one mixed up, so we both had done it. And my first question was what was my best talent or characteristic. I couldn’t think of anything! So, I just said my imagination. Which is funny, because when I asked mom what would be my best talent or characteristic, she said the same thing, and I hadn’t even told her what my answer was. Hehe.

Once those were over, she talked about Acrostics. She said for homework we had to each do our name. And then she also wanted us to do a six word memoir for ourselves. High schoolers had to do both, but for the middle schoolers, they only had to do one, unless they wanted to do both.

Sarah said she wanted us to get a lot more reading in as well, because that would also help us with out writing, so she’s got us high schoolers reading two hours a week and the middle schoolers reading one. Ha! I got that beat. On average, I read about thirty hours a week, and that’s just on week days. Haha. The younger Jacob said he read about twelve a week, including weekends. But Sarah wants us to pick one of the books we’re reading and write on this sheet she gave us a few things about it. She said it really works, because then she can take out opinions and give them to others as well, so others can know if the book was good or not, or from what we said, if they would want to read it.

Next week we’re going to do brainstorming for ideas on what we each can write something on.

Then, after Creative Writing, we had, or, actually, I had, and hours break for studying, or doing whatever I wanted, as long as it didn’t bother others. Morgan had to rush to her Creative Arts class, and the younger Jacob had to leave. I don’t know where the older one went, but he was there later for the Chess Club, so. And Westley was doing something in the lunch room, I guessed he was studying.

During lunch, when Creative Arts was out, Sam asked me the dumbest question. I was wearing my glasses, so when I walked past him, he stopped me and asked ‘What’s with the glasses?’. I told him ‘There glasses, what do you think they are for?’ and the idiot actually stopped to think. I didn’t think he could get stupider. Or maybe he was just trying to be funny. I don’t know.

My brother went to PE while Max, Tristan, Dwight, Samantha, Morgan, Sam, and I went to Literature Art. Shannon officially has the largest class. Last semester, it was Tristan, Morgan, Sam, and Jessie. I think Tessa might have been in it, I don’t remember seeing her in the room, though. But, she lost Jessie, and gained me, Max, Dwight, and Samantha. The table was completely FULL. It was holding more people they it’s capacity was built for.

I think Literature Art is my favorite class. It’s very fun. Shannon had warned Sam, since he’d already read the book and tended to get carried away, that if he answered to many of the questions and didn’t give anyone else a chance, she would have everyone start raising hands. Well, he misunderstood her, so he made himself a little sign that said ME! and raised it up every time he answered a question. It was funny. That got Tristan to making a sign for himself. His said HI. So when class was over, he raised it real high it the air and Shannon asked if he had a question. He said ‘No, I just wanted to say hi.’ Haha.

Dwight and I had seen the movie, so we kept comparing the book to the movie. The book wins, BIG TIME. The fact that Chorin is brown and not white in the movie still pisses me off.

Shannon, later in the class, had pulled a piece of paper out with questions for it on ADHD. She said that she was going to ask us these questions and we’d answer. So we did. There were like ten of them, and I only raised my hand on about four. Haha. Shannon said I was the most normal in the class, which made my weird. As mom put it ‘Even when your the normal-est person in the room, you’re still the weirdest person in the room.’

I don’t remember what the last question was, but apparently it had been a good one, because it led me and Max to high five-ing. But after class, I just couldn’t remember it! Uge!

Max kept giving things away about the other books, which I didn’t mind, because I like spoilers. But, he said something about Sally turning Gabe to stone, but then he stopped and said he didn’t want to ruin it. I told him that if he doesn’t want to give anything about the book I am on away, then fine. But if you’re going to mention something that about the other four that makes me curious, you’d better spill it or I’ll smack you over the head with this book. So he spilled. It was funny. He knows I will hit him if he didn’t. Haha.

For homework, we have to look up things about Centaurs. Dwight offered to look up how to play Pinochle, since Shannon wanted someone to. And we read six through ten in ‘The Lighting Thief’.

After Literature, Tristan and me went straight to Speech. Lydia wasn’t in the room yet. I don’t remember what Tristan had said, but it had me hit him over the head with my book. He asked why I was beating on him since we were friends, and I told him ‘I beat my friends worse then I do my enemies’, then Tristan said ‘who needs enemies when they have friends like you.’ We both laughed.

Lydia came into the room with Morgan shortly after. It was odd, Lydia only had three people this time. But because of that, we can get a lot more work done in our hour and a half.

For out first exercise, she wanted us to practice our diaphragm breathing by trying to ready a passage from something while holding our breath in. If we took a breath, we had to stop.

When Lydia asked who wanted to go first, Morgan said she didn’t, so I said, Morgan did. But then Tristan said he didn’t want to go first, so Morgan and I both pointed at him. He was sitting between us, so it made it even funnier. I ended up going first. Drats. Haha. I can’t hold my breath in well, so both Morgan and Tristan had read more then I was able to.

After that, Lydia wanted us to practice our listening. She had us sit for five minutes in silence so we could pick out what we could hear. I told her when we were done I was tempted to poke Tristan in the ribs so he’d yell ‘ow’, then I would have had at least one more noise to add to my list. I actually did when I’d said that, and he really did yell ow. Haha. I have bad hearing, so I didn’t get as much as the others did. Though, everything I did have, when I listed them, it had everyone laughing. Mainly because I was noticing things no one else had.

After everything else, for our last exercise, Lydia wanted us to practice out facial expressions and how well we could express and emotion. I was funny seeing the other two standing oddly. I got brave, sad, and another, but I don’t remember what it was. Sad was funny because Tristan wailed out and dropped to the floor. Haha. But when we had to do shy, pride, jealousy, and joy, I had a little trouble. I’ve never been shy, I’ve never been jealous, and if I’ve been proud, I don’t remember. I wasn’t sure what to do, so Lydia described what I should feel, and I did the best I could. For proud, I just stared at the ground with my hands on my hips, while Tristan and Morgan both did something looking up at the ceiling. Lydia asked me what I was doing and I told her I was pretending I was looking down on people, thinking they were smaller then me. She said that had been good. She said I had been acknowledging others, but still thinking I was better then them, but Tristan and Morgan had been looking up, not acknowledging others.

For shy, I just turned my back to everyone and hide my face. That made Tristan laugh because he wasn’t sure what I was doing. Tristan and I both laughed at Morgan, because for her shy pose, she had dropped to the floor and hugged her knees to her chest as she stared at the floor. She wined because she was the only one who’d gotten on the floor (Tristan’s sad pose on the ground didn’t happen til after the shy one). For jealousy, I still wasn’t sure what I was suppose to do, so I just looked angry. She said I did good because I looked tense, but she asked why I looked angry, and I said if I’m suppose to be jealous of someone, I’m thinking I’m going to hit them. Made her laugh.

For joy, I had just spread my arms, like I was being thankful, since I was suppose to be happy, but apparently people don’t do that when their happy, because she said I didn’t look happy. Haha. I can feel emotions, but apparently, when it comes to body language, I just can’t show it. Haha.

Lydia had started talking about how actors and people like them have to use diaphragmatic breathing, then she said we were being just like actresses then. I made a comment right then. I said ‘Tristan, you’re a girl.’ He looked at me and confused, and insulted. He asked why. I said ‘Well, Lydia said we’re all like actresses, and she didn’t say any of us were like actors, so, you’re a girl apparently.’ That made Lydia laughed. Tristan laughed as well. Lydia corrected herself then went on.

For homework, all we have to do is think of an embarrassing moment for next week. Since Lydia packed us full last semester, since she didn’t think she’d come back for a second, we won’t have as much a work load this semester. I was expecting to have to have a ten minutes long speech ready for next week, so it was a relief not having so much a load. Though, I had to ask if I could just think of an awkward moment. Because, honestly, I’ve never been embarrassed my whole life. People have tried, but honestly, I don’t really care what other people think, so I just don’t get embarrassed when something happens that should be embarrassing. So she said I could come up with an awkward moment.

I already have mine. I don’t remember how old I was, I think maybe ten, or nine, but I was in the doctors office with Grandma, my brother, and my cousin Ryan. This old person came in. She was about my Grandma’s age. She sat down across from us and started talking to us like she knew us well. Then she started to talk to me. I just could not remember who she was. She seemed to know me so well, but I just didn’t know who she was. She stopped talking after a few moments, I guess after seeing the look on my face. She asked me ‘You don’t remember who I am, do you?’ and I replied ‘honestly, no. I have no idea who you are.’ And she laughed and told me she was one of my other cousins grandma. I still didn’t really get who she was until she’d left and my Grandma explained which of my cousins she was talking about, and when I’d actually meant her before. But it had been awkward. I was suppose to try and talk to her like I knew her, but I mean, I had no idea what to say. I honestly thought she was just an stranger.

Hell… My fingers hurt! Haha. I think this is the longest Academy post I’ve made. Heck, I think it’s the longest post I’ve made on here period.

Stupid Snows Finally Done It

I’ve officially had it with all this snow. I was able to find a Lighting Thief copy this Saturday. We went to a bookstore in the mall and they had only five copies left, so I was lucky. I stuck my head in it all Sunday and got everything I was suppose to have read, read. I went through everything for my classes and had everything ready. I even went to bed really early like I always do so that I can be well rested for class.

Then I woke early and checked my mail. School was canceled because Salem school had canceled. All because of the stupid snow. The stupid snows finally done it.

Though, on a happier note, The Lighting Thief is turning out to be a really good book. Though, some parts kinda piss me off. The main character, Percy, takes way more crap from people then he should. He keeps wanting to deck the people, but he thinks of what would happen afterward, but honestly, he should just hit them and screw the consequences. He deserves to be able to give them something for the crap they put him through. I mean, he’s a twelve-year-old kid with dyslexics, and ADHD, they really should be thrown into a large pit for how they treat him.

Times like this, I wish the characters were real, then I would hit them for him. And I would be all to happy to do it.

The Lightning Thief

Well, the Academy starts up again this Monday, the fifteenth. I dropped history so that I could take the Writing class, and because it’s only an hour long, I’m also taking Literature Discussion as well. I kept my speech class. But, apparently, Joanna, our principle at the Academy, sent a list of the books we are suppose to discuss via e-mail to everyone. Well, I didn’t get it, so I don’t have the books because I didn’t know which I was suppose to get. But, fortunately, Shannon and Max (Literature Discussion teacher and her son) helped me out and told me where I could find a copy. And you wouldn’t believe, since the first book in the series has been turned into a movie, I can’t find any copies in any libraries because they either don’t have it, and once they do, it’s got a waiting list because so many people want to read it, or they do, but it’s on a list already. So annoying.

So, mom and I are going to try and find one at the book store Max told me that had it, if not, I’ll see if I can borrow Max’s and read the chapters we are suppose to during my hour break and lunch time. It won’t take me long to get them read, it’s just the problem of actually having the book.

First book: The Lighting Thief by Rick Riordan

Plot, taken from Wiki
The Lightning Thief is the first book in the series. It was released on June 28, 2005.

Percy Jackson is a twelve year old boy diagnosed with dyslexia and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder). After going on a field trip and being attacked by his math teacher, he finds out that he is the son of a Greek god. He is sent to Camp Half-Blood, a camp for children with a Greek god as a parent, located off Long Island. Not long after he arrives, Poseidon, the sea god, claims Percy as his son. Percy is accused of stealing Zeus’ thunderbolt. He is given ten days to return the thunderbolt to Mount Olympus in order to stop a war between the gods from starting, and save his mother, who has been held hostage in the Underworld.


I’ve always called myself clumsy. And I am. I run into things all the time. Things that perhaps I shouldn’t, since I usually know they are there. Haha. But, I decided to count, in one week, how many times I fell down. I counted seventeen times. Though, three of those, I blame on my brother, Max, and Tristan.

The first one was at school. Everyone, for some odd reason, had gotten crazy over piggyback rides. I think Max and Sam started it, I think. Or maybe it was Tristan and Sam… No, wait. It was me, J, and Max. I had held J down while Max had drawn a smiley on his cheek, then J and I had tried holding Max down to draw one on him, but we couldn’t get him to stay still. That was what started it, because Tristan, Austin, and my brother were watching (not helping), and then Sam had come to help, and things just went from there.

But I’m the smallest out of all of the boys (I guess since I’m a girl, blah), so, I picked on the biggest. My brother. He’s very cooperative when I want a piggyback ride. He actually gives me one. But, this time, he didn’t bend down as far, so I had to jump. Once I was on his back, he decided to pull on my arm. Causing me to fall over his shoulder and onto my butt. Of course everyone enjoyed that and laughed. Though, I couldn’t help but laugh at myself.

The second, was also at school. Max and I were messing with Tristan, and then he was looking for a fork for his lunch. We looked, couldn’t find any. We finally found the box for the plastic ones (Max didn’t want to use a non-plastic one), and it was empty. So, we both ended up going around the table, running into each other. Of course the final result was me ending up on my butt, while Max didn’t even move and inch. He’s younger then me, but gosh, is he freakishly tall. I hate standing near him, if I felt short before, I feel even shorter now… Tristan said that had been the stupidest thing he had ever seen, and I told him that I’d done stupider, which didn’t surprise him.

The third time was in while my brother and I had a little play fight. Yeah, I was being hyper, as usual, and I was hogging all the apples, even though I wouldn’t eat them all. We both grabbed the bag, and pulled. The bag ended up a mess, and two apples went flying, and I, I don’t even know how, ended up in the floor again. I think gravity hates me. Or maybe it’s my feet… But it was funny. One of the apples almost hit Sam, and I had threatened him earlier that I would throw one at him. So one good thing came from that. Haha.

Fourteen out of the seventeen happened while I was by myself, so that was pure clumsiness, but those three, were probably because of the horsing around. I would have probably not fallen if I was more stable on my feet. Haha.