Pre-GED Results

Well, I wasn’t able to call in yesterday, because by time I got home and got the message they had left, it was to late to call. But, I passed. They said my essay was a little short, so I’ll just have to be sure to write a longer one for the actually GED test. And they said I got a four-hundred and fifty on my math, which is average, and since the Pre-GED test is half as long as the real one, I’ll have to work on that so that I can get a higher score, or else I won’t pass the math. Which isn’t to bad, because if I don’t pass that one, but I pass all the others, then I’ll just retake the math again. I can do that twice they said before I have to wait like I would if I missed the Pre-GED twice.


  1. Great job!

  2. Thanks!

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