Sixth Day Back

Jeez, sick again. Sucks. I can’t decide if I caught it at the Academy or not. A few of them had the stomach flu, Wesley was sick last week, and Tessa was sick this week. So, could have been lingering sick, or could have caught it fresh. Not sure.

Today’s post shall be brief-if it’s actually possible for me to sum something up briefly.

Took a test in Creative Writing, not sure how I did yet. I’ll find out this Monday. Hope I did well. Wesley won’t take his till next week since he didn’t come last week because he was sick. We also covered outlining of stories. I already knew how to do this one, haha. I was apparently the only one.

Sarah gave me back the story I had turned in last week to see what she thought. I didn’t think it came out that well, but Sarah said it was really good, and that wasn’t even my edited version! My edited version was actually longer, and the descriptions are better to.

I was able to connect to the internet during study hall, so I went crazy with that. First I sent some resources to Max on Tribal Wars. He was lucky he had time to inform me he needed some before classes started, or else he would have waited till I got home to get them. Instead, he got them as soon as HE got home. Haha.

We all got our lunch ready and went to Literature Discussion. We’re suppose to eat lunch in class for the next three, now only two, weeks to make up for the one class we missed. Well, Shannon got caught up in a conversation and forgot about that, but we all had a blast. So I don’t know if those twenty minutes will still count for our class, or not, since we didn’t talk about the book. We actually got a new student, Joshua. He started this week since we started a new book and he wouldn’t be in between anything.

We’re on The Witch of Blackbird Pond now. I didn’t hear Shannon right last week, so I only read the first three chapters, which is what I thought she had said, but it turned out we were suppose to read the first eight. Max only got the first seven read, and Samantha hadn’t read any, because she hadn’t gotten her copy of the book yet. Sam and I both agree, this book is deathly boring!

In Speech we all get to pick a short story, or a excerpt from a novel that we like, and we get to do a speech on it, as well as read whatever we pick in that speech. What we pick has to be able to fill at least five minutes. What we pick also has to be something classic, not just anything. Lidia has us read from books she had brought so that we could get used to telling stories. Being able to give different voices for different characters so we wouldn’t have to say ‘she said’, ‘he said.’ Lidia said she’s really going to have to work with me, because I couldn’t do the different voices. I can’t really change my voice to much. If I try going to high, my voice creaks and if I try going to low, it hurts my throat, so… I don’t know how I’m going to do different characters.

We didn’t have spelling club this week, instead it’s going to be next week, and Chess club is going to be put off till the week after that.

And then we get to go bowling this Friday. Granted, grandma said Robert and I have to be feeling better. She doesn’t want us spreading germs. But I’m so hocked up on medicine right now, I feel high. I don’t even feel sick, except my nose won’t stop running, and I feel stuffy. Should be all cleared before Friday, I hope.

Great thing about this Creative Writing class is, because of all the stuff we’ve been doing and learning about writing, it’s all gotten me writing on one of my stories again. I’ve already added over ten-thousand words to my ‘The Birth of a Night Flower’, which has made mom happy, since it’s her favorite that I’ve been writing. Hopefully, if I keep this up, I’ll have it finished before this fall. Yay!

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