Fifth Day Back

I realized I skipped the fourth day… Whoops.

It was cold. I had gotten so warm I’d actually been able to wear my shorts, then it went and got cold. Though, they said it’s suppose to warm up again.

Today Ryan didn’t come with us, so we didn’t have to leave quiet as early. But because of that as well, we weren’t the second there like we usually are.

I got my hair cut, and dyed again. This time a dark brown. Looks almost black. It was really funny. First things Max said we he saw me was, ‘What happened to your head?’. I couldn’t stop laughing. I usually change my hair color every six months, sometimes sooner, sometimes later, but I always get it dyed either the same, or different. They didn’t know that, so it was surprising to them. I’d just started class last year after I’d gotten my hair dyed red and brown.

I was second to last into Creative Writing this week, Morgan always comes in last. The older Jacob was back this week, so Sarah had to fill him in, then she took our ruff drafts of our ‘Where I’m From’ poems, as well as our reading logs, and she checked out Writing Territories out to see if we had over ten. I had over fifty or something. I lost count, and some of them kind of ran together as ideas, so it might be less.

Sarah gave us our work we handed in last week back to us, and then she talked about Literary Terms. Next week we’re going to have a test on them, so she wanted to go over them and give us some neat ideas that are used to remember which means what. I’d find it much easier just to remember them in alphabetic order.

For next week we’re suppose to outline a fairy tail. I don’t know which we’ll do. I hope it’s one I know, because I didn’t read very many when I was young, because I’d never really liked them. Then we also have a sheet where we’re suppose to find a example of each of the Literary Terms in a book we read. We can find them all in different books, or we can use the same. We don’t have to turn this page in until the end of the semester. Or if we finish it early, then we can turn it in when it’s done.

We got done a few minutes early, so Sarah went ahead and let out class. I got a lot of typing done in study hall, as well as a few card games played. Robert had brought some CD’s, and the Family Guy movie to school for Max, and a few other CD’s for Tristan. Now he can’t remember who’s borrowing what. Haha.

When we got in Literature Discussion, Samantha had already taken the seat I usually got, so I stole the one Max usually got, kicking Tristan out as I did. Then I got up, I don’t remember why, and when I was back, Max had taken the seat, so I had to sit on the other side of Tristan and in front of Sam. Sam’s intolerable to sit across from, I don’t know how Morgan can stand to sit beside him.

Sam had brought a fake sword to class and I challenged him. He said I didn’t have a sword, but I told him I had something better. I held up my pen and said ‘the pen is mightier then the sword.’ Apparently, he’d never heard that quote before. I had to explain. Sam said I was weird, and I said thank you. He said something else, but I can’t remember what it was. He was trying to insult me, but I told him there was nothing he could say that could insult me. I was wrong. He said, ‘alright, your royal pink princess.’ Advantage of sitting across from him, I smacked him with my book. He didn’t repeat that sentence.

Shannon gave us our homework from The Lighting Thief back. I got A’s on all of them. Sam comment on a few of my things and said he couldn’t believe I got an A. I said it was probably only because she couldn’t read my hand writing, so she gave me an A so she wouldn’t have to try. Haha. I can’t even read most of what I write.

Shannon had brought a drink and some food that was suppose to be nectar and Ambrosia, the food of the Greek gods. It all tasted nasty to me. Of course it was all loaded with sugar. Max finished mine for me since I wouldn’t eat it. He actually quite liked it.

We were divided in teams. Max and I had already decided to be on a team for this, but Shannon decided to pair us on how we were sitting, so we were anyways, but Tristan was with us since he was sitting between us. We left the class room and went to the Speech room. We were going to try and figure a name out for our team, why we had to do it in another room, I didn’t know. Well, Tristan suggested The Goths, since Max and Tristan both think I’m a Goth. I said NO. So Max suggested The Furies. Tristan and him both liked it. Until I brought up the fact that all three of the Furies were represented as being female. So that was a big no for a name. I said that it wouldn’t work anyways, since there’s only one girl in the team. Max and I both looked at Tristan and laughed. It’s a continued joke Max and I play on Tristan. It’s funny.

We ended up with Hellhounds, suggested by Tristan. He had said something about it, and Max rubbed him in the head. I said he must think Tristan was good luck. I quickly told him to stop and he asked why. And I told him the only thing he’d get from rubbing Tristan greasy hair is bad luck, so he stopped very quickly.

When we went back into the class room, it was to find Morgan and Sam had teamed up on the name and they were being called Strawberry Sunshine. I wanted to gag. Samantha never speaks up, so if she didn’t like the name, she wouldn’t say anything.

Tristan and I voted Max as the leader, which meant he was the only one allowed to give the actual answers, but we all had to agree on the answer before he could give it. Tristan and I had mainly voted him because he’d read the book several times before, but it turns out, he remembers things from the other four books very well, but not very well from the first. I ended up giving Max all the answers, Tristan gave two. I should have just been the one to say the answers, it would have been easier.

Sam and Samantha had voted Morgan, which was a bad idea, because Max was quicker to press the buzzer. In our case, since we didn’t have an actual buzzer, it was a dinosaur toy in the middle of the table. Max had even ended up hitting the dinosaur to hard and had got Morgans had. She was VERY iffy about reaching for it from then on, afraid Max might catch her again. She gets hurt way to easy.

I ended up getting us ahead because I remember something from the book that no one else did. Not even Sam, which was a shocker. They couldn’t remember what Mr. D’s shirt was. They kept saying Hawaiian, but they couldn’t get the print right. Morgan said trees, Sam said flowers, but they both missed, so we got to answer. Max couldn’t remember, neither could Tristan. I said it was tiger print. They didn’t believe me, but since they didn’t have any answers, they went ahead and put it out. I was right. I knew I was. I was pretty much laughing out of my chair while everyone else kept trying to guess. It figures I’d remember something so stupid. But when I had read that, it had just stuck with me because I thought it was such a stupid detail. Tiger print shirt… Geez.

We ended up losing because we missed one of the ten point questions. I don’t remember which it was. I was so sure we’d win since we’d gotten one they hadn’t, but, all well.

Our next book is The Witch of Blackbird Pond. We looked for it over the weekend, but couldn’t find it. At least we still have a week. Shannon told me of a bookstore that will have it.

At the end of class, dag gonit, Max stole my pen again. I caught him in the kitchen, but he pulled Robert’s move. He pulled my arms behind my back and I couldn’t get out. Jessie had showed me how to, but I couldn’t remember. So I just stepped on Max’s foot and he let go. And somehow I ended up in the floor.

I threatened to withhold resources from him, since I’d been giving him a lot in Tribal Wars to help him grow. So, he gave me the pen back. Haha, I know how to threaten someone.

We finished quiet quickly in Speech. We’d just gone over chapter seven, and then we all gave our ‘We Were There’ Speeches. We’d all got a moment from history we really liked, and we told it as if we had been there.

After Speech, we had Chess Club. This also went by pretty quickly. We got to play a few mini games, the same we had last class. But this time I was again Zoey’s sister. I can’t spell her name. Tristan didn’t have to watch over us this time. After we were done, we all got to take a quiz. I made a few simple mistakes. I mistook the king as the queen on the quiz. I figured the king would be the piece with the crown. But, apparently, on paper, the queen has the crown. Sam had ended up missing less then me, and, of course, Max got them all right.

Then our teacher used the board Max had and redid the Chess match between Bobby Fisher, and Donald Burns. He had every move on paper, so Max did Bobby’s moves, while the teacher did Donald’s. Once class was over, we all got our homework. The teacher asked us if we wanted it and Sam said he did. I told him he was sucking up. He didn’t deny it.

Robert and Sam went outside once school was over. Robert was smart enough to grab his coat, but Sam didn’t, so I told him he was going to freeze. He didn’t, but when he came back in, his arms were really red. I’d gone out to ask Robert if he’d asked Shannon and Joanna about bowling. I don’t know where he’d gotten it, but Sam had a small green flag and he was waving it around. He yelled, ‘here comes the sea hag’ when I came. I told him that if I was a sea hag, he was a sea hag plus two. He didn’t have any comeback for that.

When I got back in, Tristan asked me if I could remember what my natural hair was. Really random to just ask like that I thought. My paused made him laugh. I asked why and he apparently thought that that had meant I couldn’t, but I corrected him and told him I did. One of the little kids that were around walked by me then, and Tristan asked if I had ever been that small. And I told him of course I had been, everyone had been at one point in time. And apparently, I used to wear a lot of pink. That made him laugh. He’s gotten so convinced I’m a Goth that he didn’t think I’d ever worn any other color, even though he’s clearly seen me wear other colors.

I challenged Tristan to a Chess match. Max is good, and I’d managed to beat him twice, once with Jessie’s help, the last by myself. So I wanted to see if I could beat Tristan. He claimed he would win, and when I’d told him about me beating Max, he said was nothing because Max sucked. I never got to see who’d won since Grandma had come right after we’d started. I made my move, but he never got to make his first.

I helped Max and Tristan out the tables together for the Chess teacher. He had to leave so Tristan and I said we’d do it, and Max helped. We got them all together and Tristan started dancing, cheering ‘we did it’. I asked him if that was his ‘we did it’ dance. He said no, and started dancing different. I couldn’t help but laugh, even though he was dancing kind of creepy like.

Max apparently thought Tristan’s dance was beat him up worth, so he told me to grab him him since we were both on the same side of the table. I grabbed him and pulled his hands behind his back like Max had done for me, then Max came over and pretended to hit him in the stomach. Tristan claimed it was weird being held back by a girl. I was surprised I was able to at all, since Tristan is strong then me.

Sam came in and asked if we needed help. I’d already let go of Tristan and he tried jumping across the table. He got halfway before Sam grabbed his leg. Max and I had to stop Sam before he made Tristan do a split. Sam gets a little to carried away when horsing around.

We had to leave after that. I picked cat food up for mom at Wall-Mart before we went home.

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