The Host

Finished it in less then a day. Which is odd. Since it’s the longest of the five books I was reading. It’s over six-hundred pages, but very good. That’s why I always like science fiction novels, there just so much more entertaining to me. Anything that is always having something happen. That has more stuff happening then it does people actually talking. But since it’s in first person and the two main characters are in one head, technically, everything is thought, or described about what they are feeling, if they don’t speak, so there isn’t much room in a lot of it for actual talking. I realize, that out of the whole book, the actual two main characters say the least out of everyone in the book. And I’m even counting their conversations they hold in their head.

What I hate about books like this, is it always leaves me in a very thoughtful mood when I’ve finished. Doesn’t sound so bad, but when I’m in a thoughtful mood, I don’t feel like doing anything. Which annoys me. I usually only get like this at the end of books I really, really liked.

But with the way it ended, there’s plenty of room for a second. And Meyers has even said she wanted to have a second, and even third book. She’s got me so hopeful, I hope she follows through. Because, quiet frankly, the way she ended the book pissed me off. I wanted more from the situation she’d left it with. A lot more.

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