Second Day Back

Well, the second day back at the Academy started off confusing. Grandma had been confused about the days Chess Club was, so we almost got left at the Academy an hour and a half longer. And everyone leaves at two, so it would have been boring wait. Unless we joined in Spelling Club, but I don’t either of us wanted to do that, especially my brother. But, Joanna got things straight and picked us up on time.

We spent all of our hour in Creative Writing giving our memoirs and Acrostics, then afterward, Sarah talked about brainstorming ideas. We each had our own Writing Territories (as Sarah called them) by time we were done. Morgan claimed she had fifty-nine when she was done, but Jacob (younger one) and I didn’t believe her. I still don’t think she had that many. Jacob said he only had eight, but I had somewhere near twenty or so. And a few more that I didn’t write down.

We’re suppose to have a page of writing, or more, about a moment of choice that happened to us in our lives. And she wanted it to be under one of our Territories. Mine will be under brothers, funny, and birthday stories.

It’s about a time when I smacked my brother in the head with a bat at my cousin C.J.’s sixth birthday. My brother had been sitting behind me as I was getting ready to swing at the pinata. I was blindfolded of course. And the idiot just had to stand right when I swung the bat. I gave him a nice size knot on the side of the head. For years he blamed me for the small little hole he has in his forehead, but I remind him repeatedly that I hit him on the side of the head, not his forehead. Plus, mom had clearly told him that’s when he was learning to walk and he kept falling down on the gravel. Why she was letting him walk on gravel at that age, I will never know.

After class, I went ahead and listened to my music and played around with some word puzzles my grandma gave me to keep me preoccupied, since I didn’t have anything to study for study hall. Once everyone came in for lunch, I went to get Robert and my lunch. Joanna stopped me and asked me how I thought we should make up the classes we missed our first day when it showed and it was canceled. Well, I told her every week to add fifteen minutes to each class, since all the classes are an hour long, except Speech and History. But I told her Speech could follow with fifteen extra minutes, as well. That way, no class run into each other. And I told her since History has to make up two hours, and since there’s only three students, they could just meet someplace during the week and make up for it. Since Max, Chris, and Robert all live in different towns, I suggested Charles Town, since it’s in the middle of all three. So, their all going to meet at the library one day and do their class there.

It took me less then two minutes to solve a problem a bunch of thirty and over woman couldn’t figure out in two weeks. I thought that was kind of funny. Seeing as how they all are far smarter then me I’m sure.

Well, I went back to getting lunch, but I realized the lunch was gone. Robert had already gotten it. I was confused for a moment because I hadn’t seen him go by, I’d thought we’d forgotten our lunch for a moment. Haha. During lunch, I also solved a problem for Helen. She was having trouble with her laptop. I guess I was having a brain day or something.

During lunch, I’d spoken with Shannon about Literature Discussion and Tristan, of course, made a comment. Something that’d kind of ticked me off, so I chased him with a fork. He stepped on my foot several times when I’d caught him, but with my boots, I can’t feel anything. Haha. I told him I wouldn’t kill him today, but when I went back to lunch, Dwight told me I should have stabbed him. I told him Tessa might miss him. I asked her if she would, and she said no, so actually, I could have.

We went to Literature Discussion while Robert did PE.

We horsed around a bit since Shannon wasn’t in yet. Max started playing with the table, lifting it up and shaking it, like he had in History last semester. So I kicked him. I told him he can’t do that now, since in History, he had been two seats away and I couldn’t reach him, but here, I was sitting right across from him.

After that, Sam joked about Dwight’s Ebook, then Tristan commented saying my glasses looked weird. So I said ‘so does your hair’. Everyone laughed. He asked what was weird about it, and I said it was crooked. He said he liked it that way. And I said ‘it’s because your whole head is crooked’, everyone laughed again. Then he pulled his keys out and started combing his hair with them. Morgan laughed at him and asked why he did that, and he said he also cut his hair with his keys, and I sad, ‘so that’s why it’s crooked.’ Honestly, when I said that stuff, it didn’t sound funny, but apparently it was, since everyone was laughing. I apparently can be witty without even knowing it.

We got to talking about the book and we talked about the part where Clarisse wanted to give Percy his… I don’t remember what it was called, but she wanted to give him a swirly for it. Then Shannon started talking about what the swimmers at Max, Sam, and Morgan’s swimming place did for someone when they turned into a seiner. And she said that they got to pick a junior to do whatever they wanted. So I said everyone in the class had to do what I wanted since I was the only seiner. But Max was the only junior, since everyone else was to young, so I said he did. And I told him that he had to walk the teachers pet (Sam). It had been a joke, since I had called Max the teachers pet, because he was the teachers kid, and he had forgotten his homework, it didn’t mater, because she’d already read it. But then, somehow, I don’t remember how, Sam had turned into the teachers pet. I think it was since he was the teachers other kid, and she had helped him with his homework. So Sam played as a dog. He took being the teachers pet very seriously. Haha.

Our homework this week is to look up all twelve of the Olympian gods, plus Hades and someone else, I don’t remember the last one. And we are suppose to try and write out name in Greek, and make a Greek pot with a scene from the book. I made a joke that I would put Max’s head blowing up on mine.

When Shannon had held up the piece of paper she had with the Greek alphabet, I held it up in front of Sam and asked if he could read it, since he was dyslexic. He said that reading Greek was actually easier for him to read then English. Kind of funny.

When leaving Literature Discussion, I got in a hurry so that I would be on time for Speech and ended up tripping on my own feet. Shannon made the joke that Max had pushed me, since he was behind me. I knew she was joking because she winked at me when she said it. Giving me another reason to beat up Max. Haha.

Well, Lydia was late, so I didn’t have to actually rush. We had plenty of time to go watch Robert finish his PE. He was doing push-ups, so Max said he would join him. He said he was good at them because he was like a monkey. So I called him a monkey boy. Then Helen said that when they did push-ups, it was like a chicken pecking the ground, since their noses had to touch the ground. So Max went from being a monkey to being a chicken.

I’d been in the kitchen, and they have this window in it, so Max asked if I would get his note book for him, so I did, but instead of giving it to him, I gave it to Tessa and she hide it. He tried bribing her with a quarter. It didn’t work. She’d hide his note book in the girls bathroom. Haha.

Max stole my pen then, in return for us hiding his note book. But he made the mistake of giving it to Tristan. I could catch Tristan very easy, since Tristan has this habit of running in a room, then getting stuck. And he did. He ran into the Speech class. He tried getting Lydia to take the pen, but she wouldn’t, so I snatched it from him, and went back and told Max. Then, for taking my pen, I tried to draw on his face, but Robert couldn’t keep his down, so Tessa ended up getting a marker and getting him in the arm.

Then, for revenge, Robert held me down, but I got away, so Max wasn’t able to draw on my face. Haha. Max held Tristan down next, and I was able to draw a line on the side of Tristan cheek. It was easier to hold Tristan down then it was to hold Max down, since Max is so damn tall.

Our fun ended when we were called in for Speech. I was running to get to the class room fast, but I looked down suddenly when I saw a pen on the floor and looked up just in time to jump to miss Sam’s foot. He’d tried tripping me, but railed. Max had learned the hard way not to try that, so I had to teach his brother the same. I doubt he’ll try that again. Haha.

In Speech, we were suppose to do our most embarrassing moment speeches. In my case, an awkward moment. She asked who wanted to go first, so I volunteered Tristan. He said you couldn’t volunteer someone else. Well, Lydia did numbers, but instead of letting us draw them, she threw them at us. They landed right in front of me and Tristan. It was kind of cool. Morgan’s flew off the table to her side.

Tristan ended up getting one, and I got last, like I wanted. I gloated, saying ‘the numbers LOVE me.’ Tristan told me that sounded wrong, and after thinking about it, it did sound wrong the way I said it. Haha.

Tristan’s moment was when he was driving his four wheeler and had nearly flipped it and broken his leg. I didn’t think it sounded embarrassing at all. I nearly flipped a four wheeler on myself, but all I felt was like laughing at myself. I don’t know why he thought it was embarrassing.

Morgan’s was when she had tripped in front of her friends and a bunch of high school boys at one of their swimming meetings. Again, not embarrassing, just get up and laugh. Everyone else had, but, everyone falls. It’s not like it’s something only she would do. But instead, she just wined.

Lydia said they were all good. She said mine was good as well, since what I had been feeling and what I had gone through in my awkward moment was something a lot of people feel, and I did good expressing it in my speech.

Next week we’re suppose to come in with a joke. Tristan and Morgan said they have a good one, and I think I do, but Lydia said nothing bad, and I think mine might fall under that, so I think I’ll just go in with a blond joke. Can’t ever fail with those.

Since Joanna had gotten things straight with grandma, we got picked up right on time, soon after my Speech class ended.

This Thursday we’re going to go bowling with a lot of the kids from the Academy. It’ll be the first time we’ve seen or spoken to any of them outside of the Academy. Besides the teachers and Max.