Stupid Snows Finally Done It

I’ve officially had it with all this snow. I was able to find a Lighting Thief copy this Saturday. We went to a bookstore in the mall and they had only five copies left, so I was lucky. I stuck my head in it all Sunday and got everything I was suppose to have read, read. I went through everything for my classes and had everything ready. I even went to bed really early like I always do so that I can be well rested for class.

Then I woke early and checked my mail. School was canceled because Salem school had canceled. All because of the stupid snow. The stupid snows finally done it.

Though, on a happier note, The Lighting Thief is turning out to be a really good book. Though, some parts kinda piss me off. The main character, Percy, takes way more crap from people then he should. He keeps wanting to deck the people, but he thinks of what would happen afterward, but honestly, he should just hit them and screw the consequences. He deserves to be able to give them something for the crap they put him through. I mean, he’s a twelve-year-old kid with dyslexics, and ADHD, they really should be thrown into a large pit for how they treat him.

Times like this, I wish the characters were real, then I would hit them for him. And I would be all to happy to do it.

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