The Lightning Thief

Well, the Academy starts up again this Monday, the fifteenth. I dropped history so that I could take the Writing class, and because it’s only an hour long, I’m also taking Literature Discussion as well. I kept my speech class. But, apparently, Joanna, our principle at the Academy, sent a list of the books we are suppose to discuss via e-mail to everyone. Well, I didn’t get it, so I don’t have the books because I didn’t know which I was suppose to get. But, fortunately, Shannon and Max (Literature Discussion teacher and her son) helped me out and told me where I could find a copy. And you wouldn’t believe, since the first book in the series has been turned into a movie, I can’t find any copies in any libraries because they either don’t have it, and once they do, it’s got a waiting list because so many people want to read it, or they do, but it’s on a list already. So annoying.

So, mom and I are going to try and find one at the book store Max told me that had it, if not, I’ll see if I can borrow Max’s and read the chapters we are suppose to during my hour break and lunch time. It won’t take me long to get them read, it’s just the problem of actually having the book.

First book: The Lighting Thief by Rick Riordan

Plot, taken from Wiki
The Lightning Thief is the first book in the series. It was released on June 28, 2005.

Percy Jackson is a twelve year old boy diagnosed with dyslexia and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder). After going on a field trip and being attacked by his math teacher, he finds out that he is the son of a Greek god. He is sent to Camp Half-Blood, a camp for children with a Greek god as a parent, located off Long Island. Not long after he arrives, Poseidon, the sea god, claims Percy as his son. Percy is accused of stealing Zeus’ thunderbolt. He is given ten days to return the thunderbolt to Mount Olympus in order to stop a war between the gods from starting, and save his mother, who has been held hostage in the Underworld.


  1. Hey, that’s funny, I just finished reading that series. I loved it! (Especially The Last Olympian.)

  2. Awesome. I can’t wait till I finish this one and start on the next one. I can’t wait to see how they actually continue the plot.

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