
Good movie. I liked all the action in it. And I always love movies where the characters have wings. Even though they didn’t have people with wings in very often, since the main character cut his off in the beginning.

Movie Cover

Plot, taken from Wiki.

After God loses faith in humanity, the Archangel Michael (Paul Bettany), who has become a fallen angel, is the only one standing between mankind and Armageddon. This time using angels to execute the Last Judgment, God’s wrath descends on Earth to exterminate the world’s population. In a desperate, last-chance gambit, Michael leads a group of strangers in a small New Mexico diner to become unlikely heroes to protect a young waitress (Adrianne Palicki) who is pregnant with what is believed to be Earths only hope for survival.

Public Enemies

Loved the movie. Johnny Depp makes a great…whatever John Dillinger was. He really has the appearance of one when they dressed him in all black like that. Kind of like a mobster.

The ending made me wish he hadn’t died, even though he was a murderer and bank robber. But in my opinion, I think he went down way to easy, compared to all the chasing they did to him through the movie. I mean, I know they knew where he was, and he didn’t know they knew, but even then, you’d think after all the running he did, he would be far more careful of how he walked around. He wasn’t even glancing around to make sure he was safe… Jeez…

This is now my favorite movie of all. And by far my favorite Johnny Depp has played in. Even more then Sweeny Todd. I love the characters he always plays.

Movie cover
Pubilc Enemies

Plot, taken from Wiki.

The film opens in 1933 as John Dillinger (Johnny Depp) is brought to the Indiana State Prison by his partner John “Red” Hamilton (Jason Clarke), under the disguise of a prisoner drop. Dillinger and Hamilton overpower several guards and free members of their gang including Charles Makley (Christian Stolte) and Harry Pierpont (David Wenham). The jailbreak goes off without a hitch, until gang member Ed Shouse, Jr. (Michael Vieau) beats a guard to death. A shootout ensues as the gang makes its getaway. Dillinger’s friend and mentor Walter Dietrich (James Russo) is killed, and a furious Dillinger kicks Shouse out of the car. The rest of the gang retreats to a farm house hideout, where crooked East Chicago, Indiana cop Martin Zarkovich (John Michael Bolger) convinces them to hide out in Chicago, where they can be sheltered by the local Mafia.

Later in East Liverpool, Ohio, Melvin Purvis (Christian Bale) and several other Federal Bureau of Investigation agents and East Liverpool Cops are running down Pretty Boy Floyd. Purvis kills Floyd and is promoted by J. Edgar Hoover (Billy Crudup), who is struggling to expand his Bureau into a national police agency, to lead the hunt for John Dillinger, declaring the first national “War on Crime.”

In between a series of bank robberies, including a violent one at the First National Bank in East Chicago, Indiana, where Dillinger kills an East Chicago cop, Dillinger meets Billie Frechette (Marion Cotillard) at a restaurant and proceeds to woo her by buying her a fur coat. Frechette falls for Dillinger even after he tells her who he is, and the two quickly become inseparable.

Melvin Purvis leads a failed ambush at a hotel where he believes Dillinger is staying. An agent is shot and killed by the occupant. After the man escapes, Purvis realizes the killer wasn’t Dillinger but was Baby Face Nelson. After this incident, Purvis requests that Hoover bring in professional lawmen who know how to catch criminals dead or alive, including Texas “cowboy” Charles Winstead (Stephen Lang).

Police finally find Dillinger and arrest him and his gang in Tucson, Arizona after a fire breaks out at the Hotel Congress. Purvis arrives that evening and briefly talks with Dillinger; Dillinger tries to size Purvis up and manages to unnerve him with his talk about the agent Nelson had killed. Dillinger is extradited back to the Lake County Jail in Crown Point, Indiana, where he is locked up by Sheriff Lillian Holley (Lili Taylor) pending trial. Dillinger and a few inmates, chief among them is Herbert Youngblood (played by Michael Bentt), carve a fake wooden gun and use it to escape the jail in Sheriff Holley’s Police Cruiser. Dillinger is unable to see Frechette, who is under tight surveillance. Dillinger learns that Frank Nitti’s (Bill Camp) Chicago Outfit associates are now unwilling to help him; Dillinger’s crimes are motivating the U.S. government to begin prosecuting interstate crime, which imperils Nitti’s lucrative bookmaking racket.

Later, Dillinger meets fellow bank robber Tommy Carroll (Spencer Garrett) in a movie theater; with him is Ed Shouse, who wants to rejoin the gang. Carroll goads Dillinger into a bank robbery job in Sioux Falls, promising a huge score. Even though Baby Face Nelson is involved, whom he doesn’t like, Dillinger agrees. A shootout (triggered by Nelson shooting a cop outside the bank) occurs in which Dillinger is shot in the arm, and Carroll is shot and left for dead. They retreat to Nelson’s wilderness hideout in Manitowish Waters, Wisconsin, where Dillinger’s wounds are treated; the gang is disappointed to find that their haul is only a fraction of what they expected. Dillinger expresses hope he can free the rest of his gang still in prison, including Pierpont and Makley, but Red convinces him this is unlikely to happen.

Purvis and his men apprehend Carroll (who is still alive) and torture him to find the rest of the gang’s location. They arrive at Little Bohemia and Purvis organizes another failed ambush, in which several civilians are killed in the cross-fire. Dillinger and Hamilton escape separately from Nelson and the rest of the gang. Agents Winstead and Hurt (Don Frye) pursue Dillinger and Hamilton through the woods on foot, engaging them in a running gun battle in which Hamilton is shot and fatally wounded. Trying to escape along the road, Nelson, Shouse and Homer Van Meter (Stephen Dorff) hijack a Bureau car, killing several agents in the process, including Purvis’s partner Carter Baum (Rory Cochrane). After a car chase, Purvis and his men kill Nelson and the rest of the gang. Farther down the road, Dillinger and Hamilton steal a farmer’s car and make good their escape; Hamilton dies later that night and Dillinger buries his body, covering it in lye.

Dillinger manages to meet Frechette, telling her he plans to do one last job that will pay enough for them to escape together. However, when Dillinger drops her off at a hotel that he thinks is safe, he watches helplessly as she is captured by the FBI. An interrogator, Agent Harold Reinecke (Adam Mucci) slaps Frechette repeatedly to learn Dillinger’s whereabouts until she fabricates a location where Dillinger is hiding. Agent Reinecke investigates and realizes that he has been lied to. Once Reinecke returns, Frechette begins sneering that they missed their chance to capture him at the hotel, and that Dillinger will be very angry because she was mistreated; Purvis and Winstead arrive and angrily break up the interrogation. Meanwhile, Dillinger is meeting with Alvin Karpis (Giovanni Ribisi), who tries to recruit a disinterested Dillinger in a train robbery with his associates, the Barker Gang. After hearing about the massive reward, Dillinger agrees to pull the robbery and flee the country the next day. Dillinger receives a note from Billie through his lawyer, Louis Piquet (Peter Gerety), telling him not to try and break her out of jail.

Through crooked cop Zarkovich, Purvis enlists the help of a madam and Dillinger acquaintance Anna Sage (Branka Katic), threatening her with deportation to Romania if she does not cooperate. She agrees to set up Dillinger, who is hiding with Sage.

That night Dillinger and Sage see a Clark Gable movie called Manhattan Melodrama at the Biograph Theater. When the movie is over, Dillinger and the women leave as Purvis moves in. Dillinger spots the police, specifically Reinecke and is shot several times before he can draw his gun against the cop who harmed Frechette. Agent Winstead, who fired the fatal shot, listens to Dillinger’s last words. Purvis departs to inform Hoover that Dillinger is dead.

Later, Winstead meets Frechette in prison. He tells her that he thinks Dillinger’s dying words were “Tell Billie for me, ‘Bye bye Blackbird.'” The closing text reveals that Melvin Purvis quit the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 1935 and died by his own hand in 1960, and that Billie lived out of the rest of her life in Wisconsin following her release in 1936.

One Year

Well, I’ve been now posting on this blog for one year. HA! I’m just a few days behind Banana on starting my blog. Funny.

Mmm, my post representing my one year posting on this blog, and I can’t think of anything else to say… Haha.


I think I went into blog hibernation. Hehe. I’ve been doing a lot of studying on my GED and haven’t really had anything to post.

I was watching Insider with my Papa today. I don’t usually watch that show, but my brother said that Robert Downey Jr. was up for an award, so I thought I would watch. He won. I knew he would. After his part in Sherlock Holmes, he better win something! His wife had said she didn’t believe he would win because the actor he was up against was better then him-I don’t remember his name-but she was wrong.

I was actually looking Robert up on Wiki today and saw some old pictures of him. It’s funny, I remember him when he was younger, and some of the films I’ve seen him in, he used to creep the hell out of me. But I don’t find him creepy anymore. Haha. I can’t wait for other movies he’s playing in to come out. He isn’t my favorite actor, but he’s up there on my list. I still haven’t found an actor I like more then Johnny Depp.

Just Too Funny

A conversation between two friends of mine.

William: do you still have the list I sent you in the pm?
Shazna: o.o ok…
Shazna: yeah
William: can you send it back to me, I forgot this style board doesn’t save sent unless you tell it too
Shazna: -gasp- dnt ask me to do such hard stuff…that requires effort u knw
William: just clicking reply and send…
Shazna: -sigh- alright xD
William: thanks XD
Shazna: there ya go
William: thanks much
Shazna: welcome bunches of oats and cherries and bananas and crap.
William: I’ll take everything but the crap, I’ve been told I have to much of that already
Shazna: O_O ew…
William: lol
William: I have a pic XP
Shazna: of what…?
William: my character! XDDD
Shazna: Oh! XDDD

Holy carp! The people I know are just to funny for words. Almost every conversation I have with them ends with me laughing extremely hard.


G-Force was funny. Just hilarious. I don’t usually like watching Disney, and after watching Up, I had pretty much given up on Disney movies altogether. But since this one had Guinea Pigs in it, and the light brown and white one looks just like my Guinea Pig Squeaky, I really couldn’t help but want to see it.

Though, Disney is definitely not what it used to be



The film revolves around an special FBI organization of trained secret agent animals, equipped with advanced tools including an advanced earpiece that allows the mammalian members to talk to humans. In addition to a team of cockroaches, the primary field team consists of guinea pigs Darwin (Sam Rockwell) (team leader), Juarez (Penelope Cruz) (martial arts), Blaster (Tracy Morgan) (weapons/transportation), star-nosed mole Speckles (Nicolas Cage) (cyber intelligence), and fly Mooch (reconnaissance) (Dee Bradley Baker). Hoping to impress his superiors on the eve of a budgetary review, the unit’s leader, Ben (Zach Galifinakis), orders an unauthorized infiltration of the residence of home electronics and appliances magnate, Leonard Saber – Owner of Saberling Products, who has been under FBI investigation for years. The team is able to successfully retrieve considerable sensitive information about a sinister scheme that is set to occur in 29 hours. However, when Ben’s superior arrives for his evaluation, his astonishment at the team’s capabilities and technology is overcome by his indignation at Ben’s unauthorized mission and the fact that the downloaded intelligence appears to be useless information about Saber’s coffee makers. As a result, the government agent orders the unit shut down, the equipment seized and the animals to be used as experimental subjects to be killed as security risks. With the help of their human compatriots, Darwin, Juarez, Blaster, Mooch, and Speckles escape with hopes of stopping Saber’s scheme, but find themselves in a pet carrying case bound for a pet shop.

Now trapped in the store’s pet rodent display case, G-Force meets Hurley (Jon Favreau), a gluttonous guinea pig, Bucky (Steve Buscemi) an irascible hamster and three sycophantic mice. Although Blaster and Juarez manage to get themselves sold to a family with plans to return to extract their comrades, Speckles’ own attempt to escape by playing dead ends disastrously when he is thrown into and apparently crushed in a garbage truck. Meanwhile, Mooch manages to return to Ben to tell him where his mammalian agents are, but Darwin escapes (with Hurley, who is convinced that Darwin is his brother, tagging along) before he can arrive to collect them.

While Blaster and Juarez escape their new owners to return to Ben, he and his partner discover that the discredited intel has a destructive computer function that apparently hid the scheme. At this time, Darwin and Hurley make their own way to their superior. On route, Darwin sees a Saber coffeemaker and decides to investigate it, but his examination of the machine makes it come alive as a dangerous fighting robot that he and Hurley are barely able to defeat. Now with his suspicions vindicated, Darwin and Hurley transport the wreckage to Ben. However, upon arrival, Ben has lost all confidence in his team and confesses the shattering information that they are not special genetically enhanced animals as previously told, but ordinary ones Ben took in and trained for the team. However, Hurley lifts them from their despair by reminding the team of the astounding feats he has seen them do and the fact that they obviously made themselves extraordinary on their own.

Emboldened but with little time to stop the scheme, Ben provides the field team with the means to infiltrate the Saber residence and plant a virus in the computer mainframe. Unfortunately, FBI agents are ordered to capture the animals dead or alive, forcing the team to elude them with an extended pursuit thanks to a high speed vehicle especially designed for them. After that is accomplished and the team infiltrates Saber’s mainframe, the plan is put into motion, and the resulting battle separates the group, only leaving Darwin to take the mainframe down. At the same time, Leonard Saber is shocked to discover that his appliances have become killing machines, expecting them to simply be able to effectively communicate with each other, while FBI takes advantage of this obvious pretext to finally openly move against the industrialist. When Darwin reaches the mainframe, he finds out that Speckles, whose home and family had been destroyed by humans, is the mastermind of the plan, whose masterstroke is to cause a massive planetwide bombardment of space junk pulled from orbit to make the planet surface uninhabitable. Speckles promptly amalgamates the various appliances in the vicinity into a giant walking being, which, combined with a localized bombardment of orbital debris, soon overpowers the police forces gathered at the mansion. Darwin manages to persuade Speckles that his new family is with the rest of the team and Ben, who had taken them all in. Speckles consents, and tries to shut it down, but realizes that it has gone too far. However, Darwin uses the computer virus on his PDA to take it down.

At the end of the film, the guinea pigs are personally commended by the FBI Director who also appoints them special agents of the FBI. Furthermore, G-Force is reinstated as a unit of the Bureau and expanded with Hurley, Bucky and the mice inducted as new recruits. Meanwhile, Saber makes the largest product recall in history, and Speckles is given the punitive duty of personally removing the malicious chips from all Saber products, which number in the tens of thousands.

Too Much

Too Much by All Time Low. I really like this song. It’s really good. And the background music is perfect for the way he sings it, and for the way it flows. I used to listen to All Time Low, then I stopped for a while, but I’ve started listening to them again. They are good. Bands like All Time Low, Boys Like Girls, and Forever The Sickest kids are just bands that I can’t help but like. Even though the do some pop, they’re just that good that I even like their pop. Haha.

I admit I miss seein’ your face, babe
And bein’ alone is startin’ to take it’s toll
I’m cold and it’s getting old [getting old]
I admit I should’ve made some changes
We were so smothered in love we didn’t get a chance to come up for air [no fair]

What a waste.
Where did our time go?
Where did our minds go?
I don’t know.
What’s this place?
Where did our home go?
We won’t know, I don’t know.

Too much of anything is too much
Too much love can be too much
We had too much time,
Too much us
So we fought like tomorrow was promised.
Too much (X8)

I admit I’m still watchin’ the days go by
Sleepin’ alone has started to break me down
It’s cold, but I should’ve known [should have known]
I admit I made a few mistakes, babe
We were so caught up in love we didn’t have a chance to come up for air [no fair]

What a waste.
Where does the time go?
Where did our minds go?
I don’t know.
What’s this place?
Where did my heart go?
We’ll never know, I’ll never know.

I need to find a reason to feel
Like everything was meant to be let go
Take it slow
‘Cause I can’t be on my own…

The Great Escape

The Great Escape by Boys Like Girls. Whoa. Starting off. I had NO idea this song had a video. I didn’t even think they could make one. Some songs just don’t sound like they could have one, because I don’t see how the video would follow, but sure enough, this one has one. I love this song. Sometimes they sing so fast I can’t understand them, so I always have to read the lyrics first, then listen to the song so I know what they are saying as they sing it. But still a great song, even if I couldn’t understand it. I like the lead singers voice. In their songs, they are all singing together a lot, I think a lot of them would sound better, if it were just him singing.

Paper bags and plastic hearts
All our belongings in shopping carts
It’s goodbye
But we got one more night
Let’s get drunk and ride around
And make peace with an empty town
We can make it right

Throw it away
Forget yesterday
‘We’ll make the great escape
We won’t hear a word they say
They don’t know us anyway

Watch it burn
Let it die
Cause we are finally free tonight

Tonight will change our lives
It’s so good to be by your side
But we’ll cry
We won’t give up the fight

We’ll scream loud at the top of our lungs
And they’ll think it’s just ’cause we’re young
And we’ll feel so alive

Throw it away
Forget yesterday
We’ll make the great escape
We won’t hear a word they say
They don’t know us anyway

Watch it burn
Let it die
‘Cause we are finally free tonight

All of the wasted time
The hours that were left behind
The answers that we’ll never find
They don’t mean a thing tonight

Throw it away
Forget yesterday
We’ll make the great escape
We won’t hear a word they say
They don’t know us anyway

Throw it away
Forget yesterday
We’ll make the great escape
We won’t hear a word they say
They don’t know us anyway

Throw it away
Forget yesterday
We’ll make the great escape
We won’t hear a word they say
They won’t know us anyway

Watch it burn
Let it die
‘Cause we are finally free tonight

Sherlock Holmes

Awesome. I love Sherlock Holmes, and I think Robert Downey Jr. did a wonderful job with the roll. As did Jude Law. I was a little shocked to see that Rachel McAdams was in the movie, but she did great with her roll as well. She been in a lot of newer movies, it seems.

I tell anyone, this is a must see, even if you don’t like Sherlock Holmes. It’s the best Sherlock Holmes film ever.

Poster for the movie:
Sherlock Holmes Movie Cover


In 1891 London, Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey, Jr.) and Dr. John Watson (Jude Law) race to prevent a human sacrifice ritual conducted by Lord Blackwood (Mark Strong). Holmes and Watson stop the sacrifice just in time and neutralize Lord Blackwood, after which the police, led by Inspector Lestrade (Eddie Marsan), arrive and arrest him.

Blackwood’s execution occurs three months later, during which Holmes has become bored without a new case. Watson prepares to leave 221B Baker Street to establish his own business, and he intends to marry Mary Morstan (Kelly Reilly). Blackwood requests Holmes’ presence on the day of his execution, and warns him that three more deaths will occur after his execution that will change the very nature of their world. Later, Blackwood is executed by hanging, declared dead by Watson himself.

Holmes is re-acquainted with Irene Adler (Rachel McAdams), the only person who has managed to outwit him. She offers him a sum of money to pursue a case of a missing red-haired midget by the name of Reardon. Holmes disguises himself to find the identity of Adler’s employer, but can only surmise him as a professor (based on the faint trace of chalk dust on his jacket). Three days after Blackwood’s execution, his tomb is found shattered, from the inside out, and an eyewitness reports seeing Blackwood walking away. Holmes, Watson, and Lestrade find Blackwood’s coffin contains the body of the red-haired midget. Holmes follows clues from a pocketwatch on the body to the midget’s home, where they discover several chemistry experiments. They narrowly avoid capture by three thugs that have arrived to destroy the evidence in the home, but subsequently are arrested for property damage. Watson is released on bail by Miss Morstan, while Holmes is taken to the Temple of the Four Orders, an occult-dabbling secret society. Their leaders reveal Blackwood was a former member, and plead for Holmes to help stop him. Holmes declines their generous offers of reward but continues to investigate. As Holmes and Watson investigate, the two senior members are killed through apparent magical means by Blackwood, and he assumes control of the order, desiring to use the Order’s power to push for England to retake the United States after their civil war has weakened their defenses. Blackwood orders the Home Secretary, a member of the Order, to issue a warrant for Holmes’ arrest.

Holmes and Watson follow clues to an industrial slaughterhouse, where they are taunted by Blackwood and forced to rescue Adler from a deathly conveyor belt trap. Watson chases after Blackwood but is caught by a tripwire, setting off an explosion; Watson is able to warn Holmes and Alder to safety but is badly injured himself in the explosion. Holmes learns he is wanted by the police and goes into hiding, and reflects on the clues he has collected. He comes to realize that Blackwood is attempting to cast a spell based on the sphinx, with the three murdered tied to three of the mythical creature’s animal constituents: man, ox, and eagle. Holmes deduces the fourth, the lion, is symbolized by the English Parliament. Holmes allows Lestrade to capture and bring him to the Home Secretary. Overconfident, the Secretary reveals Blackwood’s plan for wiping out all the Lords but save those loyal followers of his. Holmes escapes, diving into the river Thames, and is rescued by a waiting boat with Watson and Adler in it.

Regrouping with Watson and Adler, Holmes takes them to the sewers below Parliament where they find a machine devised by the midget that is operated by a remote trigger held by Blackwood that will release a cyanide derivative into the Parliament chambers. The three fight off Blackwood’s men and dislodge the cyanide cylinders from the machine. Adler grabs the cylinders and races away, followed by Holmes; Blackwood becomes aware his machine has failed and shortly follows thereafter. The three arrive at the top of the Tower Bridge, still under construction. Blackwood knocks Adler to a lower platform, where she falls unconscious. Holmes tricks Blackwood into becoming entangled in the ropes and chains, and Blackwood is soon hanging precariously from these over the Thames while Holmes recounts that all of Blackwood’s “mystical” acts (including faking his own death) were simply applications of science and trickery. Holmes intends for Blackwood to stand trial but, tangled in ropes, Blackwood falls and is hanged by the chains. Holmes helps Adler recover, though handcuffs her. She explains that the mysterious caped man in the carriage is one Professor Moriarty. Adler warns Holmes that Moriarty “is just as brilliant as he is, and infinitely more devious”. Holmes drops the key to the cuffs in Adler’s cleavage and leaves her, returning to Watson. The police arrive to report a dead officer found near Blackwood’s device, and Holmes deduces that chasing Adler and fighting Blackwood was a diversion by Moriarty, who used the distraction to take a key component of Blackwood’s remote control device from the machine. The film ends with Holmes accepting the case.

New Years

Well, it’s officially two-thousand ten! Wow, this year went by quiet quickly. Quicker then the years usually do, or maybe I’m just noticing it more this year.

One year older, one year wiser. Eh, well, at least one year older. I don’t think time can really get wiser. Haha.