Sick Again

Wow… That’s all there is to say about it, really. Apparently, my immune system has something against holidays, these past two months. My birthday, I was sick. It’s Christmas, I’m sick. I’m sick, of being sick. Though, it was the flu last time, and this time, just a cold. But this time, I think it was my fault. I was playing in the snow with Sam Monday and wasn’t wearing a jacket, or gloves. Though, it wasn’t all that much snow, just enough to get a snowball to throw at my brother, and Sam was holding it most of the time. Until it came to to throw it, that is.

Though, being sick last time, didn’t interfere with my birthday, since I like spending it alone anyways. But being sick this time, held me back from going to my cousins for Christmas. All well. Complaining doesn’t do anything.