Latin Phrases

I found a bunch of Latin phrases. These are just a few that I liked.

Ars moriendi, means: The Art of Dying
ab initio, means: from the beginning
ab incunabulis, means: from the cradle
ad honorem, means: to the honor
Agnus Dei, means: Lamb of God
alenda lux ubi orta libertas, means: Let learning be cherished where liberty has arisen.

I was looking for some, because I was running out of things to name my villages on Tribal Wars, and I thought it would be neat to name them after Lation phrases. I tried Russian and Slovak, but the the game wouldn’t accept the characters. I don’t know why.

The last phrase is actually the motto of a collage, I don’t remember which, though.

Bestia Intus Vestri Pectus Pectoris, means: Animal Within Your Heart.

I made that one up myself, it was for an RPG I made.

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