Random Tests

I took some online quizzes awhile ago, but because of that, and me just now re-finding the results that I had saved, I don’t have a link to them. Bah.

This one didn’t surprise me at all.

    You Are 92% Cynical
    You’re cynicism borders on paranoia.
    Worry less. You’re out to get the world as much as it’s out to get you.
    You Are Balanced and Thoughtful
    You view people with suspicion. There is a lot of interpersonal conflict in your life.
    You Are Fearless
    You have great dreams and unrelenting ambition. You go for what you want, and it’s hard to deter you.
    You are incredibly competent and intelligent. You’ve had a very high success rate in your life.

    You tend to dominate people. You have a very strong personality, and others tend to heed to your demands.
    You’re confident enough to be considered arrogant. You tend to think of other people in terms of what they can do for you.
    (eh, last part kinda went another way, haha)

    Your Sensitivity Score: 42%
    As far as sensitivity goes, you’re a lot more in tune than most people.
    You can’t help but be touched by what’s around you – good and bad.
    But when things do get really bad around you, you are strong enough not to break down.
    You Are the Artist
    You are unique and inspired. You aren’t happy unless you are making art of some sort.
    Almost anything can be a catalyst for your creativity. You find the whole world stimulating.

    You have beautiful visions, and you’re good at expressing them. You like people to see what you see.
    You also have an inventor’s spirit. You’re always thinking up new ideas and concepts. (this is funny, because I can’t draw to save my life)

I find taking test fun, even though quiet often, they tend to be wrong. Sometimes, though, they can get pretty darn close.