Shugo Chara

Another Manga. I don’t usually like things like this, but this Manga is just to funny not to read it. Shugo Chara is translated into My Guardian Characters or just Guardian Characters.

Plot, taken from Wiki

The heroine of the story, Amu Hinamori, is a student at Seiyo Elementary. At first glance, her classmates refer to her as “cool and spicy” and rumors speculate about her personal life. However, her real personality is that of a very shy girl who has trouble showing her true personality. One night, Amu wishes for the courage to show her “would-be” self, and the next morning finds three brightly colored eggs—red, blue, and green—in her bed. At first, she is alarmed, but realizes she must have really wished to change. These eggs hatch into three Guardian Characters: Ran, Miki, and Su. The Guardian Characters aid Amu in discovering who she truly is and help fulfill Amu’s dreams. Amu’s life becomes much more complex as she struggles to deal with her “would-be” selves and the Seiyo Elementary’s Guardians, who recruit Amu as the Joker to search for X Eggs and X Characters, the corrupted forms of peoples’ dreams.

Meanwhile, the Easter Company is extracting people’s eggs in search of a special egg called the Embryo. The Embryo is believed to grant any wish to the one who possesses it. However, the process creates X Eggs and X Characters. It is described as a white egg with a heart and yellow wings.

Later on in the series a fourth (yellow) egg is born, this egg contains the Guardian Character Diamond. She was only seen a few times in the series, until about halfway to the end, where she was purified of the X on her, and then would appear in times of heavy crisis.

Plot, taken from Baka-Updates

Everybody at Seiyo Elementary thinks that stylish and super cool Amu has it all: But nobody knows the real Amu, a shy girl who wishes she had the courage to truly be herself. Changing Amu’s life is going to take more than wishes and dreams – it’s going to take a little magic!
One morning, Amu finds a surprise in her bed: three strange little eggs. Each egg contains a Guardian Character, an angel-like being who can give her the power to be someone new. With the help of her Guardian Characters, Amu is about to discover that her true self is even more amazing than she ever dreamed.

Character Change (also known as Chara Change) is a Guardian Character’s ability to grant his or her master special abilities and become a certain person that the Guardian Character was born from.

Once a person Character Changes, something will appear on their bodies as aspect to the change.

Though Character Change can be controlled by Guardian Characters, it has happened that the user can burst into a Character Change on his own when he is exposed to something that provokes his personality.

Character Change

A Character Transformation simply sees someone combining powers with his or her Guardian character. The character goes into his or her egg, which then goes into the owner’s heart. This ability surpasses the power of a Character Change by 120% of its normal power. Because this ability is rare, there aren’t many who can transform. The Humpty Lock and the Dumpty Key allow their owners to transform at will, though, as well as others who are near.

During a transformation, the owner can use various magical abilities powered by the character. The character is still active, for he or she can still communicate and can force the owner to do some actions unwillingly. It is possible for the owner to switch transformations if he or she owns more than one character.

It is possible to transform with other people’s Guardian characters, however the power is not at its best and the transformation will last shorter and consume one’s energy faster.

Character Transformation

This Manga is still ongoing, but it has forty-seven so far. It updates every month. The Anime is also still going, but it has three seasons so far. It doesn’t keep to the Manga as well as some Animes do.

This was the promotional picture.

Volume Covers
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Volume 5
Volume 6
Volume 7
Volume 8
Volume 9
Volume 10
Volume elevens cover isn’t out yet because the volume hasn’t been released completely.

Each cover is made for each different egg, at least that’s what I think, since they have different themes and colors which match the eggs she uses the most, or just newly uses in that volume.