Driving Test

Well, technically, my Learners Tests. I took it again today, since my learners permit expired on the thirtieth of November. I tied getting it during the week of Thanksgiving, but apparently the Friday I wanted to go, they were closed. And I couldn’t get in the week after. It was horrible not being able to drive! Gah!

I told my Papa that I was going to try and get more this time, they last time. Last time, I missed five questions, and one sign. But, damn. I missed six questions and two signs. I actually added one. But, they had to decide whether or not I passed, since six was the limit of questions I could miss. But, they decided I did.

Though, one of the questions I didn’t get why it was there. It was something about carbon dioxide getting into the car. I didn’t think it was important, and I had no idea about that, because the drivers book didn’t even say anything about that. I think I got it wrong. But at least the questions they asked about parts of the car, I got right. And I know I did. Since I hang around my Papa, uncle and cousin so much, I know quiet a bit about cars.

I’m not sure what the second sign was that I missed, but I do know one of them. I think I got it wrong, at least. It was a white sign, with red line going through the middle. It didn’t connect to both sides. I’d seen one before, but I never knew what it was for. I don’t even remember reading about it in the drivers book. So I’m sure that was one of them. I’ll have to look it up.

But, I passed. Next time I need it renewed, I’ll be eighteen and can sign off on my own, rather then having mom do it for me. Though, hopefully I won’t need to, because hopefully I’ll have my drivers license this spring or summer. Depending on if I have my GED by then, and a job.

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