
I’ve always called myself clumsy. And I am. I run into things all the time. Things that perhaps I shouldn’t, since I usually know they are there. Haha. But, I decided to count, in one week, how many times I fell down. I counted seventeen times. Though, three of those, I blame on my brother, Max, and Tristan.

The first one was at school. Everyone, for some odd reason, had gotten crazy over piggyback rides. I think Max and Sam started it, I think. Or maybe it was Tristan and Sam… No, wait. It was me, J, and Max. I had held J down while Max had drawn a smiley on his cheek, then J and I had tried holding Max down to draw one on him, but we couldn’t get him to stay still. That was what started it, because Tristan, Austin, and my brother were watching (not helping), and then Sam had come to help, and things just went from there.

But I’m the smallest out of all of the boys (I guess since I’m a girl, blah), so, I picked on the biggest. My brother. He’s very cooperative when I want a piggyback ride. He actually gives me one. But, this time, he didn’t bend down as far, so I had to jump. Once I was on his back, he decided to pull on my arm. Causing me to fall over his shoulder and onto my butt. Of course everyone enjoyed that and laughed. Though, I couldn’t help but laugh at myself.

The second, was also at school. Max and I were messing with Tristan, and then he was looking for a fork for his lunch. We looked, couldn’t find any. We finally found the box for the plastic ones (Max didn’t want to use a non-plastic one), and it was empty. So, we both ended up going around the table, running into each other. Of course the final result was me ending up on my butt, while Max didn’t even move and inch. He’s younger then me, but gosh, is he freakishly tall. I hate standing near him, if I felt short before, I feel even shorter now… Tristan said that had been the stupidest thing he had ever seen, and I told him that I’d done stupider, which didn’t surprise him.

The third time was in while my brother and I had a little play fight. Yeah, I was being hyper, as usual, and I was hogging all the apples, even though I wouldn’t eat them all. We both grabbed the bag, and pulled. The bag ended up a mess, and two apples went flying, and I, I don’t even know how, ended up in the floor again. I think gravity hates me. Or maybe it’s my feet… But it was funny. One of the apples almost hit Sam, and I had threatened him earlier that I would throw one at him. So one good thing came from that. Haha.

Fourteen out of the seventeen happened while I was by myself, so that was pure clumsiness, but those three, were probably because of the horsing around. I would have probably not fallen if I was more stable on my feet. Haha.