NaNo Is OvEr

I’m actually kind of revealed it’s over. It was killing me that I had only five-thousand eight-hundred words. And my goal was fifty-thousand. Everyone I know that has done NaNo has learned a few things from doing it. Me, I’ve learned only ONE thing: don’t start a story who’s idea you end up hating three chapters in. Technically, though, I ended up not liking it two chapters in, but I pushed through the third.

Next time, I’m going to make sure I do a story idea I won’t end up hating. And maybe next year, I’ll be able to keep the count on schedule. I might try my own little NaNo. But not NaNo, more like, SiMoNoWri. Six Month Novel Writing. Haha. Doesn’t make as much sense. But maybe I won’t panic then. I always do when I have a set time. At least it was better, since it was a whole month. Now, all I need to do, is pick a story idea I won’t end up hating. Blah.

Sakura and Sakuya

I put them side by side. I thought it was kind of fun being able to do that, and pick the differences from them. There are even a few I made that someone else might not be able to notice. But I will, since they are my characters. Haha.