Just Pull Me Down Hard And Drown Me In Love

Gosh, what a weird name for this survey. At first, I thought it was about the song with that same line.

Just pull me down hard and drown me in love.
Created by t-love and taken 797 times on Bzoink
Have you ever been heartbroken?: Not really.
What is your favorite color sharpie?: Black.
Do you have a band you are absolutely obsessed with?: No.
Do you prefer iTunes or Windows Media Player?: Windows Media Player.
How many best friends do you have?: One.
Is there anyone who is like your other half?: No.
Have you ever felt like you completely wasted your time on someone?: Yes.
Do promises mean anything to you?: Depends on what the promise is made for.
Does your mood change whenever it rains?: Yes.
Have you ever seen a Colorado sunrise?: No.
Which band is better [in your opinion]: Aiden or Saliva?: Never heard of either, so don’t really have an opinion.
Have you ever fell going up the stairs?: Yes, several times.
Do you have someone who is like an escape for you?: No.
Do you think you should fight for love?: Eh, not really.
Have you ever had to remind yourself to breathe?: Yeah, a few times.
How good are your math skills?: I pass. That’s good enough.
Do you ever wish you could be the opposite sex for a day?: Yes, but for longer then a day.
Is there someone who you’ll always have feelings for?: Eh, I don’t know.
Do you believe in the beauty of people’s dreams?: Yeah, I guess. Depends on the dream, really.
What inanimate object could easily be your best friend? [tv, fridge, etc]: My little black folder.
How often do you cry?: Once in a blue moon. Maybe on the rare side, inbetween.
Where do you see yourself in five years?: I don’t know, hopefully in a house of my own.
Is there anyone who puts a smile on your face as soon as you see them?: Mmm, I don’t know.
Do you turn to alcohol when times are tough?: No.
Have you ever seen a black rose?: Yes.
Would you be willing to wait for someone?: Depends on the person, and why I am waiting for them.
What is your favorite country song?: None. I hate country.
It all gets better in time: true or false?: False.
What is the most played song on your playlist?: If It Means A Lot To You
Are you one to constantly seek revenge?: Yes. Maybe not constanly, but quiet a bit.
What do you think of the band Cute Is What We Aim For?: No idea who they are. So, don’t really have an opinion. Other then I think their name is stupid.
Do you make or avoid eye contact?: I don’t like eye contact. But I’m not going to go to leangths to avoid it. I’ll just look at something else.
How often do you feel like giving up on everything?: N/A
If you could dye your hair any color, what would it be?: The color it already is dyed.
What does your favorite bodywash smell like?: Nothing. Scented stuff irritates my skin, or allergies.
How many people do you fully trust?: Fully? Probably none.
Is there someone in your life you think you’d be better off without?: Yes.
How many times have you been played by the opposite sex?: I have no idea because I have no idea what ‘being played’ means.
Would you rather listen to opera music or heavy metal?: Heavy metal.
Clowns are creepy: true or false?: Eh, I guess, kinda.
How many times in a relationship have you said i love you and not meant it?: Never, because I have never been in a relationship.
How many times have you meant it?: See above answer.
Do you ever feel unbeautiful?: I don’t really care.
How often do you just fall apart?: N/A
Have you ever felt like it was you against the world?: N/A
You’ve been totally Bzoink*d!
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