Quote; Stephen King

“…Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win.”

Quoted from Stephen King, but the quotie, was Reid from Criminal Minds. In the scene he used it, perfect. Really hit home. He used it, referring to the criminal, a second personality. It was one of those people that had alternate personalities. The person was abused at a very young age, and it’s split personality was created to protect him. Quote, ‘I can take it. I’m strong them Adam. I can take it.’ Though, in the end, the split personality over shadowed the real one, and the real one was, so far, never heard from again. Reid continued to visit the second personality, hoping she would do the right thing, and let Adam free. But she said something, can’t remember what it was, and when she left, he looked into the mirror in the room, and the quote above was spoken. The monster, or ghost, being the second personality.


  1. Hey! i have a doubt
    Do uu know in wich book does stephen king write that phrase??

  2. Yeah, it’s from The Shining.

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