Banners Agains

Well, I made, yet again, more banners. I made these two for two other stories I am working. The first is about mythical beings. The main ones being Werewolves, Vampires, Elves, Fairies, Mermaids, and one I made up myself. I call it a Night Flower. And of course there are humans.

The second one is a story about Werewolves. Humans in this one, too. But it mainly focuses on Pure-Blood and Half-Breed Werewolves and the conflict between their birth. I thought Phaser was a word I was making up. I thought it sounded cool to call what they do when they phase into their wolf forum. But, I looked it up, and it actually means to phase from one thing to another. So, it actually means what I want it to mean.

(Dagonit. I realize now that my centering HTML doesn’t work on blogs. Curse you blog!)
These two pictures don’t link anywhere like the last few banners I have posted do. I just made them because I was bored and making banners is fun. And even funner when you make them for a book you are working on. 😛

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