Personality Problems

I found this contest. Or, more of a challenge. It’s NaNoWriMo Young Writers Program.
I have decided to enter. I will kick myself if I don’t keep to the schedule I have set up for it. I’ve already got over three-thousand words written.

The story idea I am using I’ve had for quiet a while, but I just never did anything with it. The story is called Personality Problems. It’s the first story I’ve started on that my mom actually likes, at least since The Birth of a Night Flower. >.> But I haven’t been typing on that for a few weeks. Which isn’t making her happy. She read the first chapter I had and came bursting into my room, saying, or, rather, piratically screeching (yes, my mother screeches when she is happy), that she loved the idea. Apparently, it reminds her of a Disney movie that she watched when she was little. Next time I have a story idea she’s going to like, I’m going to have to wear ear plugs. >.> She didn’t act like this with Birth. And I am glade of that!

I have set my word count to twelve-thousand. It’s the lowest amount that would still be a challenge for someone my age. I mainly set it for this number because I didn’t know if I could get Personality Problems up to fifty-thousand. I can’t go under my count, but it’s okay to go over. So it’s just encase I can’t get Personality Problems up to high.

And, of course, I couldn’t resist. I just HAD to make banners. One for the name of the blog I am using. Makes it much easier for mom to read it as well, since she doesn’t like using my big computer, and that’s where I am typing it up.
Challenging My Writing

And a banner for the stories name. And the little phrase I have going after the title.
Personality Problems

The way they stood, or the way they looked around didn’t surprise or bother me. Maybe it should have. But I was still stuck on who they were.

Everyone of then, everything about them, was an exact replica…
…of me.
(short, but it doesn’t give to much away, and it leaves you hanging! I AM EVIL WITH MY CLIFF HANGERS! I just love them!!!)


  1. Cool! I’m doing NaNo too.

  2. lol. Cool. I actually found out about it following a link through one of the blogs you have in your blogroll! Or whatever they call that.

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