Nymphes Cover

I realized I needed to post more. So, I thought I’d post this picture I drew, since I’ve posted so many I’ve taken with my camera.
This is the cover to my Nymphes story. Just the first book. I’ve decided there will be three. I already know how I’m going to start and end all three books. The problem is just getting the motivation to write. But I’ve decided that I will start booking down on my writing and I plan on getting half the book finished before the year is over.

The picture is of Sakura, the main character. I wanted a cover with her on it, and at fist was going to put Eureka and Cire, the two, I guess you call them secondary characters, with her, but I decided not to.
The stories suppose to be sad, and Sakura cries a lot. I showed it raining, though, instead of Sakura crying on the cover. I thought it sounded kinda corny, but Banana said she didn’t think it was.
It took me forever to decide how I was going to have her positioned on the page, so I cheated and took a picture that I already had done, since it’s original task was kind of never going to happen, and tweaked it to look like Sakura.
And, yes. Sakura has pink hair. It has a propose. But, boy! When I first told Banana about Sakura having pink hair, well, her face is indescribable. But she was surprised, to say the least. But that was before I had told her the propose of her hair.

The name of this first book is: The Nymphes: Influences of Sins.
The second is: The Nymphes: Revolutions of Sins
And the last is: The Nymphes: Destruction of Sins.

When I first started, it was titled ‘Sakura, Cire, and Eureka’. Of course, that was when all three of them were main characters, but then I decided to center on Sakura. Then the story was going to be called ‘Sakura’. But I have way to many stories I have named after the main character, so the titled changed to ‘The Nymphes’. Then after awhile, I decided to give a few words after the title that would sum the whole book up. And I like my words, so it was hard to settle on just three. I mean, I had ten pages worth of description ready, but it wouldn’t fit on the cover. He he.

My most mysterious character in this story is Cire. She’s the oddball in her family, which consist of two brothers and two sisters. Banana had even commented once that I didn’t give really any information on her as I did Eureka. But she’s suppose to be a mysterious character. But I’ve decided on a side story for ‘The Nymphes’ that will be all about Cire and her father. It doesn’t have a name yet, but it will be ‘Cire: blah, blah.’. See, another story with the main characters name in it.

Eureka doesn’t have as much of a sad or eventful back-story as Cire, so I won’t be making one for her. Sorry, Banana, I know you like her. I’ll just has to have a chapter flashback for her.

Though, I couldn’t probably make a good story for Sasuke(the main boy character), seeing as how there were four years when he was away from Sakura. Mmmm….. Though, with his personality, it would be a very dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, book.

Add: I noticed after I loaded it up: the words didn’t blur like it did on the one I sent Banana! Yay!

Re-doing my room

Big post for missing a month.

I recently-and when I say recently, I mean, like a month ago-I started cleaning out my room so that I could pain my walls. Well, I was more then happy to get ride of my dreaded white walls, but not so happy that I had to take EVERYTHING out of my room. But, I did, save for my bed, computer desk, TV stand, and my bookshelf. Then the pulling up of my carpet happened. I was thrilled that I was able to get ride of it, it’s so annoying.

My papa took one look at the walls and said ‘Wow, looks like blood!’, which is exactly what I wanted. But I couldn’t find a Blood Red, so I had to use something called Red Hot, which apparently does the same as Blood Red. Yes, but then my shining moments disappeared as papa asked me where the angels were. I asked him what he meant and he pointed to one of my skulls and said you should have angels all over the wall. Pretty little angels. I thought he had gone mad. I took one look at him and asked him who he thought the room belonged to? I love skulls; they fit me, angels, not so much. I’m short-tempered, mean, and am always insulting something or someone, so, yeah; I could DEFINETLY picture myself standing in my room, my walls draped with angels. Yeah….

My favorite park of my room is my door. Mom wouldn’t let me paint my room black, but I got away with painting my door black. Though, I did it when she was gone, so she couldn’t have said no even is she wanted to.
I skipped ‘Beware’, bypassed ‘Enter at you on cost’, and went straight to GET OUT. I had so much fun painting that. At first I was just going to stick my hands in the paint and write get out with my fingers, but I realized that I couldn’t get it to drip properly if I did that, so I ended up using my paintbrush. Though, I put some bloody hand prints on the door for better effect. Actually, I say that, but I was just DYING TO STICK MY HANDS IN THE PAINT!
My brother had to open all the doors for me so that I could get outside and hose off my hands without getting the paint everywhere. Though, in the process, the paint had dripped from my fingers and onto the floor just beneath my door. HEH. I liked it. Mom, no, not really. But it was in my room and I didn’t care how it came out. I’m incredibly stubborn, so when I and her get into an augment, I always win. So she took one look at the floor, sighed, rolled her eyes, and walked away. She wasn’t even going to try.

I had three new rugs to put down. One halfway under my bed and the other half under my computer desk, which kept my computer chair from sliding around to much. It was funny at first when I plopped down into my seat, for it to slid from its original position, to up against the wall. I mean, it WAS funny. I laughed, a lot. But then every time after that, when I sat down, the chair would slid away, with me in it, so I needed something under it before I fell out.
The second was to go over the spot under my door where the carpet ended into my room, and started into the hallway. Mom was tiered of tripping on it. Though, I told her I liked having it their, it taught mom how I felt, constantly tripping on everything. Which I did quiet a few times more then I usually did. One, I had actually tripped and hit the wall, which was still wet. Yeah….I bet you can just IMAGE that, and just how FUNNY it was for mom, and how…wet…it was for me.
The third rug is medium size, twice as big as the second and about a sixth as big as the first. I haven’t decided where I’ll put it yet.

I also now have a black trashcan and clock. I traded my old white one with moms black one. She needed a bigger one for her bathroom, and I needed a smaller one for my room. Plus she didn’t like the color of her, and I didn’t like the color of mine. And I traded my old purple (Yuck! Trust me, this clock is a few years old. I got it back when purple was my favorite color. Though, somehow, I ended up white more pick things then purple.) clock with mom’s black clock.

The skulls came from a stencil that Jerry (a guy my mom works with, and, I might add, draws REALLY good) made. Half are sliver and half are black. Some, though, I have overlapping others, to give them a ghost effect.
I hate spray paint, which is what we used. The fumes give me really bad headaches.
I put a sliver skull right behind my door, and it gives off a weird glow when any amount of light is shined on it, so now, when someone opens the door all I have to do is check for the skull, because it gets dark at night in my room, which I love, but when someone opens the door, I can’t tell, and they startle me when they make their presents known, which I hate. Though, I’ve made my mom start knocking before she opens my door, I told my brother, but he never opens my door enough, so he forgets.

I love music. And paint quietly was to boring, so I turned on my music and listened to it while painting, and after all this painting, I’ve learned that the best song to paint to is Digital Love by Daff Punk. There are few lyrics and a lot of electric guitar solo’s, and, as the name states, is sung with a digital effect, which is the best kind.
High School Never Ends by Bowling For Soup would be the second best to paint to. It’s a little more loud and non-stop singing.
And The First Time We Ever Met by A Change Of Pace. That, I just really love his voice in that one. I could listen to it forever and never grow tiered of it.

I am soooo glade I’m DONE!