Nothing New

I try to post at least once a day, I mostly get two in, but today there’s not really much to say, so I’ll just bore you with my gibberish.

Well, nothing really happened today. I’ve been keeping it easy since my muscles are still sore. I’ve been stretching every half hour to make sure my muscles don’t cramp up. Though, the stretching seems to hurt more then my muscles.

I’ve been watching a lot of Star Gate. I’ve already finished the first season. I usually watch them on TV on week ends, but I’ve missed a lot. There reruns but they seem to skip around, so my brother is having me watch his seasons of them. I think it’s mainly so he can talk to me about them. He already does, but I don’t understand most of what he says, but now I get most of it.

I didn’t realize Star Gate was funny, but here and there they’ll say something that just makes me burst out laughing.

I think my favorite character so far is McKay; he’s the funniest. I don’t really like Ford, I prefer the big guy that replaces him. But I don’t like the girl that replaces Weir.

And those Wraiths are soooo ugly. Anyone how hasn’t watched them, I recommend them. Unless you don’t like moves with aliens and space stuff.