Winter Wonderland or Winter Woeful Land

I was lucky to have gotten most of my books and assignments from Teach before today, so I was able to do some school at home. After I got done with my school, I went back out and took more pictures. But this time, I left the pouch and took some of the backyard, shed, trashcans, and the wheelbarrow at the side of the house. I don’t like snow, but I’ve got to admit: everything looks so cool covered in snow!

Mom had swept the porch off before leaving for work, but when I woke up, it was all covered up again. And mom only leaves half an hour before I wake up.


When I was done getting pictures of the front yard, I walked to the back and took a picture of what the back yard looked like. For Banana, this really is a Winter Wonderland. Though, I said I thought everything looked cool covered in snow, I still think its more like a Winter Woeful. (you can thank Banana for that name. It was the only one she could think of that started with a w.)


When I was walking back from taking pictures of our back yard, I saw snow piled up on the sides of the pool, so I decided to go and get a picture of what the pool looked like. When I looked in, I saw nothing but snow; the pool was completely frozen over and covered by at least three inches of snow.


Well, that’s my Winter Woeful land!

Morning Snow Shots

Today there’s so much snow, I didn’t even go to school. Banana likes the snow, but I despise snow.

One of the first things I did when I woke up was take pictures of what it looked like.

These were taken at 7:15; or around about that time.

Sorry if there a little blurry. I forgot to switch it to the night portrait.

I’ll have more later!