
A few weeks ago Banana and I were walking through the woods, heading back from our walk with Opal and Jake, when we saw Lizzy eating the bark off Banana’s favorite tree.


Banana and I called for her to stop. Lizzy turned and walked over to the next tree and stared at us.


Banana told me to hide the camera before the culprit could destroy the evidence. As soon as Banana told me that, Lizzy bleated and walked closer. Proving Banana right; she was trying to destroy the evidence.

Yet, she looks so innocent.

Today, Banana and I ran into the same thing on our way back from walking Jake and Opal. But this time, it wasn’t just Lizzy; Libby had joined her. They, however, didn’t stop this time when we called them. I think it was mostly because I didn’t have my camera out this time.(darn dead batteries) So, no evidence to destroy.

Feeding Time

I decided to get some group photos of the kits. And what better time to get them together then when their eating.

So here’s food time group time pictures!

Food time is literally a mess. As soon as the back door is opened, they all come running. Sometimes Black Spot just won’t wait. He reaches out and grabs the cups from my hands. That makes an even bigger mess.

Most of the cats get fed back at my papa’s shop, or my uncle Fredy’s house, but some of them make their way up to grandma’s. But my cats are the ones that usually eat at grandma’s.