Winter Housing

This winter, instead of piling blankets on the back porch for the cats, we’ve decided to use one of my grandma’s garden barrels. She uses them to water her garden in the summer, but since she’s not using them in the winter, we stuffed them full of hay my papa got. It was suppose to be for the dogs, but we some for the cats. If we didn’t, the cats would have snuck in and slept with the dogs. Max wouldn’t mind, he likes the cats, but Pig isn’t as friendly with them.

This winter, my grandma and grandpa got a wood burning stove and they like to sit under it and around it. They don’t sit around it for long, because Max’s house is right beside it and his chain reaches that far. And when he gets into a playful mood, they run. He’s nice to them, but when you have a large dog trying to play roughhouse with a small cat, it just doesn’t work out.

This winter I’ve had to change their water more then last year. (or at least it seems I have) In the mornings it’s frozen over, and when I get back from school it’s frozen over again. And there’s no telling how many times grandma changes it between morning and the end of school.

I’m a little surprised their bowl hasn’t broken. I made sure to get them a strong one, but this is ridicules! I beat it against the cement under the back porch to break the ice and it hasn’t even dinted. Not that’s it bad, I such thought by now I would have to replace it. Their other dish didn’t last long, but it was made out of plastic. I don’t know what this one is.

I’m defiantly going to have to clean it soon. I know cats can drink dirty water, (and they do it all the time) but I don’t like my cats drinking out of their dish when it’s coated with that green mold like stuff. EW! If I wouldn’t do it, I don’t want them doing it.

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