Nothing New

I try to post at least once a day, I mostly get two in, but today there’s not really much to say, so I’ll just bore you with my gibberish.

Well, nothing really happened today. I’ve been keeping it easy since my muscles are still sore. I’ve been stretching every half hour to make sure my muscles don’t cramp up. Though, the stretching seems to hurt more then my muscles.

I’ve been watching a lot of Star Gate. I’ve already finished the first season. I usually watch them on TV on week ends, but I’ve missed a lot. There reruns but they seem to skip around, so my brother is having me watch his seasons of them. I think it’s mainly so he can talk to me about them. He already does, but I don’t understand most of what he says, but now I get most of it.

I didn’t realize Star Gate was funny, but here and there they’ll say something that just makes me burst out laughing.

I think my favorite character so far is McKay; he’s the funniest. I don’t really like Ford, I prefer the big guy that replaces him. But I don’t like the girl that replaces Weir.

And those Wraiths are soooo ugly. Anyone how hasn’t watched them, I recommend them. Unless you don’t like moves with aliens and space stuff.

Sledding-Day 2

Well, we went sledding again today, but this time we slid at grandma’s only a few times, then Conni and I walked back to Uncle Fredy’s house and used his hill instead. It‘s a lot steeper and longer then grandma’s, but it had weeds all over it, and they were frozen. It was actually pretty neat going down it. As soon as we ran over the weeds they shattered After going down once, C.J. came and he and I slid down. Then Conni went and got Butter and Chipmunk and brought them down.

Chipmunk didn’t want to slid down, so it was just us three. Conni brought her camcorder and recorded us going down the hill. The first time Butter and I went down, he ran into me. Then the second time Butter went down, he almost went over the hill into the creak.

After we slid for awhile, Conni decided she would, so I recorded while she went down. It was lucky C.J. was down at the bottom to stop her, because if he wasn’t, she would have gone into the creak.

We decided to call the hill ‘The Wipeout Hill’ because all we seemed to do was wipeout. None of us made it to the bottom without falling off the sled or flipping it over. I wiped out more then the boys did.

We stayed out for about and two an half hours before we started to get cold, so we went back to grandma’s and warmed up before I went home. I was so sore from all the falling I did yesterday and today. My knees looked like bruised peaches and my rib, arms, and legs were sore too. It seemed like I was the only one. Butter, C.J., and Chipmunk were still horsing around when I left, so they weren’t sore.

I had Conni take pictures today, but she didn’t get as many pictures today.

Sledding-Day 1

Today, once we had gotten done with all our outside work and cleaning out the snow around the houses and getting the cars unstuck, we went to grandma’s for sledding.

I was very unwilling to give my camera up, but in order for me to sled, and at the same time get pictures, I had to let mom take pictures. But she missed a lot of good ones because she was to busy playing with the baby.

The snow was hard to slide on, but once we had gone over the snow enough times that it became easier.

Conni and I went down together several times, then I went down with C.J., then Butter, then I went down with Chipmunk.

Butter tried pushing Conni down the hill just so he could go down after her and run her over. So I grabbed the back of her sled and pulled while Butter pulled on the front. I told Conni to kick his hand, but she doesn’t know how to fight dirty. So when Conni got up, Butter and I continued to pull on the sled. I finally was tried of pulling, so I kicked his hand, making him let go. I told him that Conni didn’t know how to fight dirty, but I did.

Then I pushed Conni down the hill, then I chased after her so she wouldn’t fall over. But when I ran after her, I ran around a tree and tripped, falling against the tree. I got my knee stuck in the ice against the tree. Only something I could do, I was actually stuck in the ice around the tree. C.J. asked if I really was, it apparently something unbelievable, because everyone kept asking me that. Chipmunk had to come over and get me unstuck.

After sliding down the hill a few more times, C.J., Chipmunk, Me, and Butter all went into the woods where there were bigger hills. We found the one we slid down last year and slid down it again. Butter fell over several times and even ran into C.J. several times.

After Chipmunk slid down a few times, I had to help him take his gloves off and get the snow out of his sleeves, then put his gloves back on.

I slid down a few times, but every time I did, C.J. had to stop me when I reached the bottom. There was a small drop that went strait into the creak. I couldn’t stop myself, so C.J. did. Butter slid down a few times and almost went into the creak.

We were in the woods for about and hour or so before I started to get tiered, so I went back. After putting up two of the sleds, Butter, Chipmunk, and C.J. came up. We got changed, dried off, and our jackets hung up, then we stayed at grandma’s for a bit, then we all went home.

We were all exhausted. Tomorrow we plan on doing it again.

Winter Wonderland or Winter Woeful Land

I was lucky to have gotten most of my books and assignments from Teach before today, so I was able to do some school at home. After I got done with my school, I went back out and took more pictures. But this time, I left the pouch and took some of the backyard, shed, trashcans, and the wheelbarrow at the side of the house. I don’t like snow, but I’ve got to admit: everything looks so cool covered in snow!

Mom had swept the porch off before leaving for work, but when I woke up, it was all covered up again. And mom only leaves half an hour before I wake up.


When I was done getting pictures of the front yard, I walked to the back and took a picture of what the back yard looked like. For Banana, this really is a Winter Wonderland. Though, I said I thought everything looked cool covered in snow, I still think its more like a Winter Woeful. (you can thank Banana for that name. It was the only one she could think of that started with a w.)


When I was walking back from taking pictures of our back yard, I saw snow piled up on the sides of the pool, so I decided to go and get a picture of what the pool looked like. When I looked in, I saw nothing but snow; the pool was completely frozen over and covered by at least three inches of snow.


Well, that’s my Winter Woeful land!

Morning Snow Shots

Today there’s so much snow, I didn’t even go to school. Banana likes the snow, but I despise snow.

One of the first things I did when I woke up was take pictures of what it looked like.

These were taken at 7:15; or around about that time.

Sorry if there a little blurry. I forgot to switch it to the night portrait.

I’ll have more later!


A few weeks ago Banana and I were walking through the woods, heading back from our walk with Opal and Jake, when we saw Lizzy eating the bark off Banana’s favorite tree.


Banana and I called for her to stop. Lizzy turned and walked over to the next tree and stared at us.


Banana told me to hide the camera before the culprit could destroy the evidence. As soon as Banana told me that, Lizzy bleated and walked closer. Proving Banana right; she was trying to destroy the evidence.

Yet, she looks so innocent.

Today, Banana and I ran into the same thing on our way back from walking Jake and Opal. But this time, it wasn’t just Lizzy; Libby had joined her. They, however, didn’t stop this time when we called them. I think it was mostly because I didn’t have my camera out this time.(darn dead batteries) So, no evidence to destroy.

Feeding Time

I decided to get some group photos of the kits. And what better time to get them together then when their eating.

So here’s food time group time pictures!

Food time is literally a mess. As soon as the back door is opened, they all come running. Sometimes Black Spot just won’t wait. He reaches out and grabs the cups from my hands. That makes an even bigger mess.

Most of the cats get fed back at my papa’s shop, or my uncle Fredy’s house, but some of them make their way up to grandma’s. But my cats are the ones that usually eat at grandma’s.


Close up of Eddie.

I didn’t like Eddie, but this post is just for him. Kind of like one of those ‘In Memory Of’ things.

Todays and Yesterdays ‘To Do’s’

I warn you ahead of time, I’m hipper, so some things in this post may seem odd. It’s Teach’s (KMH) fault.

Yesterday I helped my papa, cousin C.J., and my uncle Jo, help cut wood for papa’s wood burning stove. We back far into the woods where a tree had fallen over the path my papa had made into the woods, and cut it up. We got at least seven Backhoe bucket full’s. C.J. had gotten his arms all scratched up from picking the logs up. Jo cut the logs, and I swear, when he started the chainsaw, he looked like Jason from Friday the 13th.

After getting the first tree cut up, we moved to another. This one was rounder then the first, so when we got to the bottom, where the logs were bigger, C.J. and I had to pick one up at a time together, instead of by ourselves. The logs kept getting bigger and bigger. After awhile, C.J. and Jo had to get them. I couldn’t help anymore.

We had ridden back in the bucket of the Backhoe, but we had to walk back because the bucket was full. We started at 4:00 and weren’t done ‘till 6:00. I don’t usually go to bed to early, but I was so tiered, that after getting home and staying up for another hour, I went strait to bed. I was exhausted.

The whole time I was out, I tripped fifteen different times, falling down about seven of those. I know I’m clumsy, but C.J. didn’t even trip, or come close to it, even once! It’s ridicules! I have absolutely no sense of balance.

The next day, I was scheduled to help my beast friend Banana (HMH), cut up their ram, Eddie.

Butch, (another friend) had slathered him, with the help from Banana’s dad, CP. It took them at least two hours to get Eddie cut up, then another two an half hours to get the meat cut into small pieces and put into the freezer.

I was ready for everything. Though, I was ready for everything to go right. They called me and had me come at eleven, instead of one. Eddie had gotten loose and Butch and CP were having trouble shooting him. Teach was worried that her lambs were going to get shot, and Banana was worried her goats were going to get shot. But they all came out OK.

I didn’t like Eddie, but I felt really sorry for him when Butch and CP started to cut him up. I cut the fat off of three legs and some odd pieces. Banana cut up the meat from two of the legs and the ribs. CP cut the meat off of one of the legs.

While we were doing that, Butch and Brains, (Banana‘s brother) were telling jokes and talking about games. Butch told blonde jokes, which I had to try hard not to laugh my head off at.

After cutting up the body, Banana and I started on the organs. We had the kidneys, heart, lungs, and liver. Banana did the live, kidneys, and heart. She tried to do the lungs, but she was to grossed out, so I did it. So I did the lungs.

Banana and I cleaned the kitchen up after we were done. We had to get all the blood off the floor, table, and the tools and knifes that were use, before we could let the dogs back into the kitchen. Once we were done cleaning, we ate. Teach got me a full pint of vanilla cookie dough ice cream. That’s why I’m soooo hipper. Sugar!

I didn’t get any pictures taken of the logging because C.J. and I were busy putting them into the bucket and I didn’t take my camera with me when I went to Teach’s house. Though, I don’t think anyone want’s to see the insides of a sheep.

I actually found it all very interesting. I always liked guts and stuff like that. I wished I had gotten a picture of the corpus.

Later I’ll load some pictures of the log pile.

Winter Housing

This winter, instead of piling blankets on the back porch for the cats, we’ve decided to use one of my grandma’s garden barrels. She uses them to water her garden in the summer, but since she’s not using them in the winter, we stuffed them full of hay my papa got. It was suppose to be for the dogs, but we some for the cats. If we didn’t, the cats would have snuck in and slept with the dogs. Max wouldn’t mind, he likes the cats, but Pig isn’t as friendly with them.

This winter, my grandma and grandpa got a wood burning stove and they like to sit under it and around it. They don’t sit around it for long, because Max’s house is right beside it and his chain reaches that far. And when he gets into a playful mood, they run. He’s nice to them, but when you have a large dog trying to play roughhouse with a small cat, it just doesn’t work out.

This winter I’ve had to change their water more then last year. (or at least it seems I have) In the mornings it’s frozen over, and when I get back from school it’s frozen over again. And there’s no telling how many times grandma changes it between morning and the end of school.

I’m a little surprised their bowl hasn’t broken. I made sure to get them a strong one, but this is ridicules! I beat it against the cement under the back porch to break the ice and it hasn’t even dinted. Not that’s it bad, I such thought by now I would have to replace it. Their other dish didn’t last long, but it was made out of plastic. I don’t know what this one is.

I’m defiantly going to have to clean it soon. I know cats can drink dirty water, (and they do it all the time) but I don’t like my cats drinking out of their dish when it’s coated with that green mold like stuff. EW! If I wouldn’t do it, I don’t want them doing it.